art like to
be a true son of Ulysses and Penelope. Therefore, I have good hopes
that this journey of which thou speakest will not be in vain. But as for
the suitors, think not of them, for they talk folly, and know not of the
doom that is even now close upon them. Go, therefore, and talk with
the suitors as before, and get ready food for a journey, wine and meal.
And I will gather men who will offer themselves freely for the journey,
and I will find a ship also, the best in Ithaca."
Then Telemachus returned to the house, and the suitors were flaying
goats and singeing swine in the court. And Antinous caught him by the
hand and said, "Eat and drink, Telemachus, and we will find a ship and
rowers for thee, that thou mayest go where thou wilt, to inquire for thy
But Telemachus answered: "Think ye that I will eat and drink with you,
who so shamefully waste my substance? Be sure of this, that I will seek
vengeance against you, and if ye deny me a ship, I will even go in
another man's."
So he spake, and dragged his hand from the hand of Antinous.
And another of the suitors said, "Now will Telemachus go and seek
help against us from Pylos or from Sparta, or may be he will put poison
in our cups, and so destroy us."
And another said: "Perchance he also will perish, as his father has
perished. Then we should divide all his substance, but the house we
should give to his mother and to her husband."
So they spake, mocking him. But he went to the chamber of his father,
in which were ranged many casks of old wine, and gold and bronze,
and clothing and olive oil; and of these things the prudent Eurycleia,
who was the keeper of the house, had care. To her he spake: "Mother,
make ready for me twelve jars of wine, not of the best, but of that
which is next to it, and twenty measures of barley-meal. At even will I
take them, when my mother sleeps, for I go to Pylos and Sparta;
perchance I may hear news of my father."
But the old woman said, weeping: "What meanest thou, being an only
son, thus to travel abroad? Wilt thou perish, as thy father has perished?
For this evil brood of suitors will plot to slay thee and divide thy goods.
Thou hadst better sit peaceably at home."
Then Telemachus said: "'Tis at the bidding of the gods I go. Only swear
that thou wilt say naught to my mother till eleven or twelve days be
past, unless, perchance, she should ask concerning me."
And the old woman sware that it should be so. And Telemachus went
again among the suitors. But Athene, meanwhile, taking his shape, had
gathered together a crew, and also had borrowed a ship for the voyage.
And, lest the suitors should hinder the thing, she caused a deep sleep to
fall upon them, so that they slept where they sat. Then she came in the
shape of Mentor to the palace, and called Telemachus forth, saying:
"The rowers are ready; let us go."
Then Athene led the way, and they found the ship's crew upon the
shore. To them spake Telemachus, saying, "Come now, my friends, let
us carry the food on board, for it is all in the chamber, and no one
knoweth of the matter; neither my mother, nor any of the maidens, but
one woman only."
So they went to the house with him, and carried all the provision, and
stowed it in the ship. Then Telemachus climbed the ship and sat down
on the stern, and Athene sat by him.
And when he called to the crew, they made ready to depart. They raised
the pine tree mast, and set it in the hole that was made for it, and they
made it fast with stays. Then they hauled up the white sails with ropes
of ox-hide. And the wind filled out the sail, and the water seethed about
the stem of the ship, as she hasted through the water. And when all was
made fast in the ship, then they mixed wine in the bowl, and poured out
drink offerings to the gods, especially to Zeus.
So all the night, and till the dawn, the ship sped through the sea.
At sunrise the ship came to Pylos, where Nestor dwelt. Now it so
chanced that the people were offering a great sacrifice upon the shore
to Poseidon. Nine companies there were, and in each company five
hundred men, and for the five hundred there were nine bulls. And they
had tasted of the

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