The Pedler of Dust Sticks | Page 2

Eliza Lee Follen
them all and brought home the
money to his poor father, who found it so hard to support a large
All the evenings when Henry was not so happy as to go to school, he
worked as long as he could keep his eyes open.
He was very skilful, and made his canes so pretty, and he was such a
good boy, that he made many friends, and almost always found a good
market for his sticks.
The poor fellow was very anxious to get money. Often his father's
customers gave him a few pence. Once he came near risking his life to
obtain a small sum. He was very strong and active, and excelled in all
the common exercises of boys; such as running, jumping, &c. One day
he got up on the top of a very high baggage wagon, and called to the
boys below, and asked them how many pence they would give him if
he would jump off of it to the ground. Some one offered two.

"Two are too few to risk my life for," he replied.
They then promised to double the number; and he was upon the point
of jumping, when he felt a smart slap on his back.
"That's what you shall have for risking your life for a few pence," said
his father, who, unobserved by Henry, had heard what had passed, and
climbed up the wagon just in time to save Henry from perhaps breaking
his neck, or at least some of his limbs.
Henry was very fond of skating, but he had no skates. One day, when
the weather and ice were fine, he went to see the skaters. He had only a
few pence in his pocket, and he offered them for the use of a pair of
skates for a little while; but the person who had skates to let could get
more for them, and so he refused poor Henry. There was near by, at the
time, a man whose profession was gambling; and he said to Henry, "I
will show you a way by which you can double and triple your money,
if you will come with me."
Henry followed him to a little booth, in which was a table and some
chairs; and there the man taught him a gambling game, by which, in a
few minutes, he won a dollar.
Henry was going away with his money, thinking with delight of the
pleasure he should have in skating, and also of the money that would be
left to carry home to his poor father, when the gambler said to him,
"You foolish boy, why won't you play longer, and double your dollar?
You may as well have two or three dollars as one."
Henry played again, and lost not only what he had won, but the few
pence he had when he came upon the ice.
Henry was fortunate enough that day, after this occurrence, to sell a
few pretty canes, and so had some money to carry to his father; but still
he went home with a heavy heart, for he knew that he had done a very
foolish thing.
He had learned, by this most fortunate ill luck, what gambling was; and

he made a resolution then, which he faithfully kept through his whole
after life, never to allow any poverty, any temptation whatever, to
induce him to gamble.
Henry continually improved in his manufacture of canes, and he often
succeeded in getting money enough to pay for his writing lessons.
There were Jews in the city, who sold canes as he did, and he would
often make an exchange with them; even if they insisted upon having
two or three of his for one of theirs; he would consent to the bargain,
when he could get from them a pretty cane; and then he would carry it
home, and imitate it, so that his canes were much admired; and the little
fellow gained customers and friends too every day.
The bad boys in the city he would have nothing to do with; he treated
them civilly, but he did not play with them, nor have them for his
friends. He could not take pleasure in their society.
Henry was a great lover of nature. He spent much of his life out in the
open air, under the blue skies; and he did not fail to notice what a grand
and beautiful roof there was over his head. The clouds by day, the stars
by night, were a continued delight to him. The warm sunshine in winter,
and the cool shade of the trees in summer, he enjoyed more than many
a rich boy does the splendid furniture and pictures in his father's house.
One beautiful summer afternoon he was going, with
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