The Norwegian account of Hacos expedition against Scotland, A.D. MCCLXIII | Page 3

Sturla Þórðarson
the negotiation, and
sent many proposals; but the Scots received no other explanation than
what is here related.
Alexander King of Scotland, wished much for possession of the
Hebrides. He had often sent to Norway to redeem them with money,
and he did so this summer. But when he could not purchase those
territories of King Haco, he took other measures in hand, which were
not princely. Collecting forces throughout all Scotland, he prepared for
a voyage to the Hebrides, and determined to subdue those islands under
his dominion. He made it manifest before his subjects, that he would
not desist till he had set his standard east on the cliffs of Thurso,[3] and
had reduced under himself all the provinces which the Norwegian
Monarch possessed to the westward of the German Ocean.[4]
King Alexander sent word to John King of the isles that he wished to
see him. But King John would not meet the Scottish King till four Earls
of Scotland had pledged their honour, that he should return in safety,
whether any agreement was made or not. When the Kings met, the
Scottish Monarch besought King John, that he would give up
Kiarnaburgh[5] into his power, and three other Castles which he held of
King Haco; as also the other lands which King Haco had conferred
upon him. The Scottish King added, that, if he would join him in good
earnest, he would reward him with many greater estates in Scotland,
together with his confidence and favour. All King John's Relations and
Friends pressed him to assent. But he behaved well, and uprightly; and
declared that he would not break his oath to King Haco. On this King
John went away, and stopped not at any place till he came quite north
to Lewes.[6]
King Alexander, then lying in Kiararey-sound,[7] dreamed a dream,
and thought three men came to him. He thought one of them was in
royal robes, but very stern, ruddy in countenance, somewhat thick, and
of middling size. Another seemed of a slender make, but active, and of
all men the most engaging, and majestic. The third again, was of very
great stature, but his features were distorted, and of all the rest he was

the most unsightly. They addressed their speech to the King, and
enquired whether he meant to invade the Hebrides. Alexander thought
he answered that he certainly proposed to subject the islands. The
Genius of the vision bade him go back; and told him no other measure
would turn out to his advantage. The King related his dream; and many
advised him to return. But the King would not; and a little after he was
seized with a disorder, and died. The Scottish army then broke up; and
they removed the King's body to Scotland. The Hebridians say that the
men whom the King saw in his sleep were St Olave King of Norway,
St Magnus Earl of Orkney, and St Columba.
The Scotch took for their King Alexander the son of King Alexander.
He afterwards married the daughter of Henry King of England, and
became a great prince.
In summer there came, from Scotland in the west, an Archdeacon, and
a knight called Missel,[8] as Envoys from Alexander King of Scotland.
They shewed more fair language than truth, as seemed to King Haco.
They set out so abruptly on their return, that none wist till they were
under sail. The King dispatched Briniolf Johnson in pursuit, and he
detained them with him. The King declared that they should remain
that winter in Norway, because they had gone away without taking
leave, contrary to what other Envoys did.
In summer there came letters from the Kings of the Hebrides in the
western seas. They complain'd much of the hostilities which the Earl of
Ross,[9] Kiarnach, the son of Mac-camal, and other Scots committed in
the Hebrides when they went out to Sky.[10] They burned villages, and
churches, and they killed great numbers both of men and women. They
affirmed, that the Scotch had even taken the small children and raising
them on the points of their spears shook them till they fell down to their
hands, when they threw them away lifeless on the ground.[11]
They said also, that the Scottish King purposed to subdue all the

Hebrides, if life was granted him.
When King Haco heard these tidings they gave him much uneasiness,
and he laid the case before his council. Whatever objections were made,
the resolution was then taken, that King Haco should in winter, about
Christmas,[12] issue an edict through all Norway, and order out both
what troops and provisions he thought his dominions could possibly
supply for an expedition. He commanded all his forces to meet him at
Bergen, about the beginning of spring.
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