the imperfections of the other. He has since
examined the originals themselves.
The Fr. MS. relates the following anecdote of Missel, at the coronation
of Prince Magnus A.D. 1261. During Mass Missel the Knight stood up
in the middle of the Choir, and wondered greatly at some ceremonies,
unusual at the coronation of Scottish Kings. And when King Magnus
was robed, and King Haco and the Archbishop touched him with the
sword of state, the Scottish knight said, "It was told me, that there were
no knights dubbed in this land; but I never beheld any knight created
with so much solemnity as him whom ten (f. two) noble lords have now
invested with the Sword."
The conjectures, in my note on page 42 are confirmed by the following
passage in the Fl. MS. Then came there from the western seas John the
son of Duncan, and Dugall the son of Rudra; and both of them solicited
that King Haco would give them the title of King over the northern part
of the Sudoreys. They were with the King all summer.
Antiquarians may be desirous of knowing something of the MSS. from
which this work hath been taken, therefore, it was judged not improper
to subjoin the following account of them. The Frisian MS. is a vellum
quarto of the largest size, in a beautiful hand, and the character
resembles that which prevailed in the end of the 13 century. The book
of Flatey is a very large vellum volume in folio, and appears to have
been compiled in the 14. age. It contains a collection of poems;
excerpts from Adam Bremensis; a dissertation on the first inhabitants
of Norway; the life of Eric the Traveller; of Olave Trygvason; of St
Olave; of the earls of Orkney; of Suerir; of Haco the Aged; of his son
Magnus; of Magnus the Good; of Harald the Imperious; of Einar
Sockason of Greenland; and of Ölver the Mischievous; it contains also
a general chronology down to A.D. 1394, the year in which the MS.
was completed. The work, from the life of Eric the Traveller to the end
of St Olave's history, inclusive, was written by John Thordrson the
priest; the rest by Magnus Thorvaldson also a clergyman.
The initial letters, in some places, are ornamented with historical
miniature paintings. In page 35, there is a representation of the birth of
Trygvason; and, at the bottom of the leaf, there is a unicorn and a lion.
217. An archer shooting. 272. Orme Storolfson carrying off a hay-cock.
295. Haldan the Black beheading the Norwegian princes; one of them
is represented on his knees, dressed in a red cap, a short doublet, and in
red trousers reaching down to the middle of his legs. 310. Three men
armed with swords, and battle axes, dispatching St Olave at Sticklestad;
at the bottom of the page a man killing a boar, and another fighting
with a mermaid. 650. Haco creating Sculi a Duke. Sculi is drawn with a
garland, or coronet, and receiving a sword, together with a book by
which he is to swear. Most of the figures, in these paintings, are
depicted in armour or mail; their helmets are sometimes conical,
sometimes like a broad-brimmed hat; their defensive armour is
generally a round target, and a two-handed sword. This venerable
volume, the noblest treasure of northern literature now existing, though
wrote in a very small character, and much abbreviated, consists of 960
columns, two to every page.
* * * * *
At the time that King Haco ruled over Norway, Alexander, the son of
William King of Scotland, was then King of Scotland. He was a great
Prince, and very ambitious of this world's praise. He sent, from
Scotland in the Western sea, two Bishops to King Haco. At first they
begged to know if King Haco would give up those territories in the
Hebrides,[1] which King Magnus Bare-foot had unjustly wrested from
Malcolm, Predecessor to the Scottish King. The King said that Magnus
had settled with Malcolm, what districts the Norwegians should have in
Scotland, or in the Islands which lay near it. He affirmed, however, that
the King of Scotland had no sovereignty in the Hebrides at the time
when King Magnus won them from King Godred,[2] and also that King
Magnus only asserted his Birthright. The commissioners then said, that
the King of Scotland was willing to purchase all the Hebrides from
King Haco, and entreated him to value them in fine silver. The King
replied, he knew no such urgent want of money as would oblige him to
sell his inheritance. With that answer the messengers departed. From
this cause some misunderstanding arose between the Kings. The
Scottish Monarch, however, frequently renewed

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