The Mind of the Child, Part II | Page 4

W. Preyer

Direction of Look.--Fifth week, toward the Christmas-tree (45).
Thirty-ninth day, toward tassels swinging (46). Seventh week, moving
lamp or bright object followed (45).
HEARING.--Fifth week, child does not sleep if persons walk or speak.
Starting at noises. Sixth week, starting at slight noises even in sleep;
quieted by mother's singing. Seventh week, fright at noise is greater
(83). Sensibility to musical tones, ditto. Eighth week, tones of piano
give pleasure (84).
TOUCH.--Thirty-eighth day, movements caused by touch of water
(107). Forty-first day, reflex movement of arms caused by a general
slight agitation (105, 106). Fiftieth and fifty-fifth days, closing of
eyelid at touch of eyelash (103). Seventh week, upper lip sensitive
sounds (141); in sight of human face (142). Reflexive laughing (145).
Sixth week, fretfulness and hunger (155). Eighth week, fatigue after
hearing piano-playing (160). Sleep of three, sometimes of five or six
hours (162).
Impulsive Movements.--Of eyes before waking, also twistings and
raisings of trunk (206). Seventh week, number of respirations
twenty-eight to the minute (217).
Reflex Movements.--Of right arm at touch of left temple (220).

Forty-third day, sneezing caused by witch-meal (215). Fifth week,
vomiting (219). Eighth week, laughing caused by tickling (225).
Instinctive Movements.--Seventh week, clasping not yet with thumb.
Eighth week, the four fingers of the child embrace the father's finger
Speech.--Forty-third day, first consonant; child says am-ma; also
vowel-sound ao. Forty-fourth day, syllables ta-hu; forty-sixth day, gö,
örö; fifty-first day, ara; eighth and ninth weeks, örrö, arra, frequent
SIGHT.--Movements of the Eyelids.--Eyelid not completely raised
when child looked up (23). Irregular movements of eyes appear (though
rare) up to tenth week; at three months are no more observed (37).
Direction of Look.--Sixty-first day, child looked at his mother and gave
a cry of joy; the father's face made the child gay. Sixty-second day,
look directed at a swinging lamp (46).
Seeing Near and Distant Objects.--Ninth week, accommodation
apparent (54).
HEARING.--Ninth week, sound of watch arouses attention; other
noises (84). Eleventh week, head moved in direction of sound (85).
Eighty-first day ditto. (47). Twelfth week, sudden turning of head
toward sounding body (85).
sight of the mother's face (145).
Unpleasant Feeling.--From some internal cause (151).

Fatigue.--Sucking tiresome (159). Sleep of four or five hours without
waking (162).
Hunger.--Tenth week, child hungry three times or more in a night
Reflex Movements.--Respirations, thirteenth week, twenty-seven to the
minute (217). Hiccough frequent; stopped by use of sweetened water
Instinctive Movements.--Eleventh week, pencil held, but mechanically;
thumb not used in clasping (245). Twelfth week, eighty-fourth day,
contra-position of thumb reflexive (245, 246). Thirteenth week, thumb
follows fingers more readily (246). Eleventh week, head balanced
occasionally. Twelfth week, some gain in holding head. Thirteenth
week, head tolerably well balanced (264). Seizing merely apparent
(246). No voluntary movement (266).
Eighty-first day, seeking direction of sound (I, 47).
Speech.--Consonant m frequent (67). Sixty-fourth day, ma (102).
Sixty-fifth day, nei nei nei and once a-omb. Sixty-sixth day, la, grei,
aho, ma. Sixty-ninth day, mömm and ngö. Seventy-first day, ra-a-ao.
Seventy-sixth day, nä and n[=a]i-n. Seventy-eighth day, habu. Twelfth
week, a-i and u[=a]o, ä-o-a, ä-a-a and o-ä-ö (103).
Feeling of Self.--Eleventh week, child does not see himself in mirror
SIGHT.--Movements of Eyelids.--Ninety-eighth day, brow wrinkled
when look is upward (24). Fifty-seventh day, winking (26). Fifteenth

and sixteenth weeks, ditto (27). Seventeenth week, objects seized are
moved toward eyes; grasping at objects too distant (55).
Movements of Eyes.--No more non-coördinated (37).
Direction of Look.--Fourteenth week, following person moving. One
hundred and first day, following pendulum. Sixteenth week, gazing at
sides and ceiling of carriage and at objects (48).
HEARING.--Sixteenth week, head turned toward sound with certainty
of reflex (85).
FEELING.--Seventeenth week, eyes are closed when a drop of water
touches lashes (103). Fourteenth week, sleeping child throws up arms
at sudden touch (106).
objects (142). Fifteenth week, intervals between meals three or four
hours (155). Sleep lasts five or six hours (162). Twenty-second week,
astonishment at seeing father after separation (173). Fourteenth week,
smile of satiety. Seventeenth week, joy in seeing image in mirror (297).
Reflex Movements.--Fourteenth week, right hand to right eye (220).
Instinctive Movements.--Fourteenth week, hands hold objects longer
and with contra-position of thumb. Fifteenth and sixteenth weeks, no
intentional seizing. One hundred and fourteenth day, ditto (246).
Seventeenth week, efforts to take hold of ball; ball moved to mouth and
eyes. One hundred and eighteenth day, frequent attempts at seizing;
following day, grasping gives pleasure (247). Fourteenth week, head
seldom falls forward. Sixteenth week, head held up permanently (264),
this the first distinct manifestation of will (265). Fourteenth week, child
sits, his back supported (267). Seventeenth week, biting (261).
Imitative Movements.--Fifteenth
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