The Mind of the Child, Part II | Page 3

W. Preyer
bright object (3).
Discrimination of Colors.--Twenty-third day, pleasure in sight of
rose-colored curtain (6).
Movements of Eyelids.--First to eleventh day, shutting and opening of
eyes (22). Irregular movements (23). Lid closed at touch of lashes from
sixth day on (26). Twenty-fifth day, eyes opened and shut when child is
spoken to or nodded to (30).
Pleasure shown by opening eyes wide, displeasure by shutting them

tightly; third, sixteenth, and twenty-first days (31).
Movements of Eyes.--First day, to right and left (35). Tenth day,
non-coördinated movements (36). Third week, irregularity prevails
Direction of Look.--Eleventh day, to father's face and to the light (43).
Upward look (43). Twenty-third day, active looking begins (44).
Twenty-third and thirtieth days, a moving light followed (44).
Seeing Near and Distant Objects.--Twelfth day, hypermetropia (60).
HEARING.--First days, all children deaf (72). Fourth day, child hears
noises like clapping of hands (81). Eleventh and twelfth days, child
quieted by father's voice: hears whistling. Twenty-fifth day, pulsation
of lids at sound of low voice. Twenty-sixth day, starting at noise of dish.
Thirtieth day, fright at loud voice (82).
FEELING.--Sensitiveness to Contact.--At birth (97-105). Second and
third days, starting at gentle touches. Seventh day, waked by touch on
face (105). Eleventh day, lid closed at touch of conjunctiva more
slowly than in adults (103).
Perception of Touch.--First gained in nursing (110).
Sensibility to Temperature.--At birth, cooling unpleasant. Warm bath
agreeable. Seventh day, eyes opened wide with pleasure from bath
(112). First two or three years, cold water disagreeable (114). Mucous
membrane of mouth, tongue, lips, very sensitive to cold and warmth
TASTE.--Sensibility.--At birth (116-118). First day, sugar licked (118).
Second day, milk licked (119). Differences among newly-born (120).
Sensation not merely general (122).
Comparison of Impressions.--During nursing period child prefers sweet
taste (123). Second day, child accepts food that on the fourth he refuses

SMELL.--Faculty at Birth.--Strong-smelling substances produce
mimetic movements (130).
Discrimination.--Eighth day, groping about for nipple (134).
in nursing; in the bath; in the sight of objects; in the light (141).
Discomfort.--First days, from cold, wet, hunger, tight clothing, etc.
Hunger.--First days, manifested in sucking movements, crying,
restlessness (152). Cry differs from that of pain or of satisfaction. Other
signs of hunger (153).
Satiety.--Third to fifth week, the nipple pushed away with the lips:
mouth-piece of bottle ditto. Tenth day, smile after eating. Fourth week,
signs of satisfaction; laughing, opening and half shutting eyes;
inarticulate sounds (157).
Fatigue.--From crying and nursing (159). Second and third weeks,
from use of senses (160). First month, sleep lasts two hours; sixteen of
the twenty-four hours spent in sleep (162).
Impulsive Movements.--Outstretching and bending of arms and legs just
after birth; contractions, spreading and bending of fingers (205).
Grimaces (207). Wrinkling of forehead (309). First day, arms and legs
take same position as before birth (206). Second week, stretching of
limbs after waking (205).
Reflex Movements.--In case of light-impressions (34-42). First cry
(213). Sneezing of newly-born (214). Coughing, ditto. (216). Seventh
day, yawning (215). First day, spreading of toes when sole of foot is
touched (224). First day, hiccough (219). First five days, choking (218).
Wheezing, yawning (215). Seventh day, respiration irregular (217).
Ninth day, clasping (243). Tenth day, lips protruded (283). Fourteenth

day, movement of left hand toward left temple (220). Twenty-fourth
day, snoring (215).
Instinctive Movements.--First to third day, hands to face. Fifth day,
fingers clasp firmly; toes do not. Sixth day, hands go into eye (244).
Seventh day, pencil held with toes, but no seizing. Ninth day, no
clasping by sleeping child (245). Sucking (257-261). At end of first
week, lateral movements of head (264). Third week, clasping with
fingers, not with thumb (245).
Expressive Movements.--Twenty-sixth day, smile of contentment (296).
Twenty-third day, tears flow (307). Crying, with tears, and whimpering,
become signs of mental states (308).
Memory first active in the departments of taste and of smell; then in
touch, sight, hearing (5). Comparison of tastes (I, 123). Vowel-sounds
in first month (67). Sounds in first six months (74). Sounds made in
crying and screaming, u-ä (101). Twenty-second day, association of the
breast with nursing (I, 260).
[A] Under "Senses" and "Will" the numbers in parentheses indicate
pages in Vol. I.
[B] Under "Intellect" the numbers in parentheses indicate pages from
Vol. II, unless otherwise stated.
SIGHT.--Light.--Bright or highly-colored objects give pleasure (4).
Discrimination of Colors.--Forty-second day, pleasure in sight of
colored tassels (7).

Movements of Eyelids.--Fifth week, irregular movements of lids. Eighth
week, lid covering iris (23). Twenty-fifth day, opening and shutting
eyes in surprise (30). Fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth days, winking.
Sixtieth day, quick opening and shutting in fright (26).
Movements of Eyes.--Thirty-first day, strabismus rare. Forty-sixth to
fiftieth day, very rare. Fifty-fifth day, irregular movements rare, but
appearing in sleep till the sixtieth day (37).
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