The Letters of Horace Walpole - Volume IV | Page 7

Horace Walpole
the Isle of wight. Nichols's Life of Hogarth. "AEdes Strawberrianae." Miseries of having a house worth being seen-- 282
222. To the Earl of Charlemont, July 1.-On Mr. Preston's poems- -[N.] 284
223. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 7.-Orthodoxy and heterodoxy-- 284
224. To the same, July 26--286
225. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 31.-Difficulty of sending an entertaining letter. Mason's English Garden. Marriage of Lord Althorp--286
226. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 16.-Their long and uninterrupted friend- ship. Madame du Deffand's papers. Henley bridge--287
227. To John Nichols, Esq. Oct. 31.-Criticisms on his Life of Hogarth--288
228. To Robert Jephson, Esq. Nov. 7.-On his tragedy of "The Count of Narbonne"--[N.] 290
229. To the same, Nov. 10.--[N.] 292
230. To the same, Nov. 13.--[N.] 293
231. To the same, Nov. 18.--[N.] 293
232. To the Hon. H. S. Conway,- Nov. 18.-On Mr. Jephson's tragedy of "The Count of Narbonne"--294
233. To Robert Jephson, Esq. Nov. 18.-Favourable reception of "The Count of Narbonne"--[N.] 295
234. To the Earl of Strafford, Nov. 27.-Surrender of the British forces at York Town. Gloomy forebodings of the consequences. General spirit of dissipation--296
235. To the Earl of Buchan, Dec. 1.-British disgraces in America. Ancient portraits--[N.) 297
236. To Robert Jephson, Esq. Dec. 3.-On his expression of dissatisfaction at some alterations in the scenes of his play-- [N.] 299
237. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 30.-The gout described. Etching of Browne Willis. Character of Mr. Gough. Mr. George Steevens. Rowley and Chatterton controversy--299

238. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 27.-Interview with, and characters of Mr. Gough and Mr. Steevens--302
239. To the same,. Feb. 14.-Thanks for the loan of some manuscripts. Society of Antiquaries. Description of his regimen. His great nostrum--303
240. To the same, Feb. 15.-Specimen of Mr. Gough's "Sepulchral Monuments." Antiquarian solemnities ridiculed. Count-bishop Hervey. Martin Sherlock the English traveller--304
241. To the Rev. William Mason.-New French translation of the Elder Pliny. Common jargon of Poetry--307
242. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 22.-Rowley and Chatterton controversy--308
243. To the Hon. George Hardinge, March 8.-On the success of General Conway's motion for putting an end to the American war- -309
244. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, March 9.-Character of Dr. Farmer. Declaration of war by the Emperor against the Crescent. Ambition and interest under the mask of religion--310
245. To the same, April 11.-His preference of English to Latin inscriptions. Mason's Archaeological Epistle to Dean Milles. Melancholy death of Mr. Chamberlayne. Dr. Glynn--310
246. To the same, May 24.-On his own illness. The Chatterton controversy--312
247. To the same, June 1.-Bishop Newton's Life. Pratt's "Fair Circassian." Cumberland's "Anecdotes of Painters in Spain"--313
248. To John Nichols, Esq., June 19.-Dr. Henry Bland the translator of Cato's speech into Latin--315
249. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 21.-Old age and solitude. Marivaux and Cr`ebillon. Multiplicity of writers. Errors in Nichols's "Select Poems"--315
250. To the same, July 23.-Merits of Nichols's "Life of Bowyer." Dr. Mead. Carteret Webb. Great men. Dr. Birch's Catalogue of Manuscripts in the British Museum--316
251. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 16.-Inclemency of the season. Robberies. Comte de Grasse. Mrs. Clive's declining health. Philosophy of deceiving one's self--317
252. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 20.--[N.] 318
253. To the Earl of Buchan, Sept. 15.-Dr. Birch's Catalogue. Mr. Tyrwhitt's book on the Rowleian controversy--[N.] 319
254. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 17.-On the General's being appointed Commander-in-chief. His new coke ovens--319
255. To the Earl of Strafford, Oct. 3.-General Elliot's success at Gibraltar. Necessity of peace. Increase of highway robberies. Mr. Mason--320
256. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Nov. 5.--On Mr. Cole's illness. His death--321

257. To George Colman, Esq. May 10.-Thanks for his translation of Horace's Art of Poetry--322
258. To the Earl of Buchan, May 12.-Congratulations on the success of the Scotch Antiquarian Society. Roman remains. Biography of illustrious men. Account of John Law. Papers in the Scotch college at Paris, and paintings in the Castle of Aubigny--N.) 324
259. To the Hon. George Hardinge, May 17.-Sir Thomas Rumbold's Bill of pains and penalties--325
260. To the Earl of Strafford, June 24.-Visits of the French to England. Their Anglomanie. George Ellis. Beau Dillon. "Antoinette." Mr. Mason. Fashionable life--326
261. To the same, Aug. 1.-Complains of his own inactivity and indifference. Speculations on the peace. Lord Northesk. Shock of an earthquake--328
262. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 15.-Addresses of the Irish Volunteers. Political speculations. Mr. Fox--330
263. To the same, Aug. 27.--[N.) 331
264. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 12.-Visit to Astley's theatre. Sir William Hamilton. Mr. Mason's new discoveries in painting. Pursuit of health--332
265. To the same, Oct. 11.-Disturbed state of Ireland. Parliamentary reform. Yorkshire Associations Leaders of friction. Lord Carlisle's tragedy. Lord and lady Fitzwilliam-- 334
266. To Lady Browne, Oct. 19.-State of his health--[N.)336
267. To Governor Pownall, Oct. 27.-Observations on a defence of Sir Robert Walpole by the Governor. Character of Home. Sylla. Liberality of George the First and Second to his father--336
268. To the same, Nov. 7.-The same
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