The Letters of Horace Walpole - Volume IV | Page 6

Horace Walpole
his providential escape. Count-bishops. Old painting found in Westminster-abbey. Tomb of Ann of Cleve. Reburial of the crown, robes, and sceptre of Edward the First. Sale of the Houghton pictures--237
184. To Robert Jephson, Esq., Jan. 25.-His opinion of Mr. Jephson's "Count of Narbonne;" and advice on casting the parts- -[N.] 238
185. To the same, Jan. 27.-Tragedy of the "Count of Narbonne." Warburton's panegyric on the "Castle of Otranto." Miss Aikin's "Fragment." "Old English Baron"--[N.] 240
186. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 5.-New volume of the "Biographia Britannica." Characters of Dr. Birch, Dr. Blackwell, and Dr. John Brown. Dr. Kippis's threat. Cardinal Beaton. Dr. Bentley. Mr. Hollis. Barry the painter--242
187. To the same, Feb. 27.-Rodney's victory. Home prospects. Party divisions. History of Leicester. Cit`e des dames. Christiana of Pisa--242
188. To the same, March 6.-Thanks for his portrait in glass. History of Leicester. Dean Mills and Mr. Masters. Pine-apples. Charles the Second's gardener--245
189. To the same, March 13.-Atkyns's Gloucestershire. Hutchinson's Northumberland. Romantic Correspondence of Hackman and Miss Ray. Sir Herbert Croft's,,Love and Madness." Chatterton. "The Young Villain." Lord Chatham. Lady Craven's "Miniature Picture"--246
190. To the same, March 30.-Projected reform of the House of Commons. Annual parliaments--248
191. To the same, May 11.-Death of Mr. Tyson, and of his old friend George Montagu. His character--248
192. To the same, May 19.-Character of Joseph Spence--249
193. To the same, May 30.-Altar-doors from St. Edmundsbury. Annibal Caracci and Shakspeare--250
194. To Mrs. Abington, June 11.-Invitation to Strawberry Hill-- [N.] 251
195. To the Earl of Strafford, June 12.-Lord George Gordon and the Riots of London. Persecutions under the cloak of religion. Highway robberies. Ambition the most detestable of passions-- 251
196. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 15.-London riots. Black Wednesday. Lord George Gordon in the Tower. Electioneering rioting in Cambridgeshire. Mr. Banks and the Otaheitans--253
197. To the same, July 4.-Wishes his having written the Life of Baker to be kept a secret--254
198. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 9.-Folly of election contests. Dissatisfaction in the fleet--255
199. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Sept. 27.-Electioneering agitations. Death of Madame du Deffand--256
200. To the same, Oct. 3.-"Life of Mr. Baker." Dr. James Brown- -256
201. To the same, Nov. 11.-Mr. Gough's "Topography." Introduction of ananas. Rose, the gardener of Charles the Second. Folly of antiquaries--257
202. To the same, Nov. 24.-Mr. Gough's "Topography." Character of Mr. Pennant. Dean Milles. Judge Barrington. Dulness and folly of Grose's Dissertations. Rejoices in having done with the professions of author and printer, and determines to be comfortably lazy--259
203. To the same, Nov. 30.-In answer to a request for a copy of his Anecdotes for the University Library at Cambridge. Character of Mr. Gough--260
204. To Sir David Dalrymple, Dec. 11.-Thanks for communications for his Anecdotes of Painters. Hogarth. Colonel Charteris. Archbishop Blackbourne and Mrs. Conwys. Poetry of Richardson and Hogarth. Lord Chesterfield's story of Jervas. Origin of Oil Painting--261
205. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 19.-Friendship between Gray and Mason. Views of Strawberry Hill--263

206. To Sir David Dalrymple, Jan. 1.-Thanks for his favourable opinion of his father. His reasons for not writing his Life. Dr. Kippis and his "Biographia Britannica." Lord Barrington and the Hamburgh lottery. Character of King William. Folly of reburying the crown and robes of' Edward the First. "Dr. Johnson's notions of sacrilege--[N.) 264
207. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Jan. 3.-On the General's speech for quieting the troubles in America. Melancholy state of the country--266
208. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 7.-Death of Lady Orford at Pisa--268
209. To the same, Feb. 9.-Wolsey's negotiations. Value of Mr. Cole's manuscripts. Character of Mr. Pennant--269
210. To the Earl of Buchan, Feb. 10.-Thanks for being elected member of the Scotch Society of Antiquaries--[N.] 269
211. To Sir David Dalrymple, Feb. 10.-Sir William Windham and Sir Robert Walpole, Archibald Duke of Argyll. Scotch Society of Antiquaries. Portrait of Lady Mary Douglas--[N.] 270
212. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, March 2.-Reasons for becoming a member of the Scotch Antiquarian Society--272
213. To the same, March 5.-Inquiries after Lord Hardwicke's "Walpoliana"--273
214. To the same, March 29.-Contradicting a report of Mr. Pennant's indisposition of mind--273
215. To the same, April 3.-Lord Hardwicke's "Walpolianae"--274
216. To the same, May 4.-Character of Dr. Farmer. On his own rank as an author. Pennant's "Welsh Tour." Madame du Deffand's dog Tonton--274
217. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, May 6.-Relief of Gibraltar. Lord Cholmondeley at Brookes's. Winnings of Charles Fox and Fitzpatrick. India affairs. Arrival of Tonton--275
218. To the same, May 28.-Scotch thistles. French politics. Resignation of Necker. Proposals for a pacification with America. Charles Fox and the Marriage-bill. Folly of retiring from the world--277
219. To the same, June 3. 'Projected French attack on Jersey. Siege of Gibraltar. "The Young William Pitt's" first display. Mr. Bankes. Theatricals. Consequences of lord Cornwallis's victories--279
220. To the Earl of Strafford, June 13.-Visit from Mr. Storer-- 281
221. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 16.-Sir Richard Worsley's History of
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