The Ideal Bartender | Page 5

Tom Bullock
with Fruit and serve with Straws.
1 lump Sugar in tall, thin glass.
1 small piece Ice.
2 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 piece twisted Lemon Peel.
Fill up with Champagne.
Stir and serve.
CHAMPAGNE CUP (2-gallon mixture)
For mixing use a large Punch bowl or other suitable vessel of glass or porcelain lined.
4 Oranges, sliced.
4 Lemons, sliced.
1/2 Pineapple, sliced.
1/2 pint Chartreuse.
1/2 pint Abricontine.
1 pint Curacoa.
1 pint Cognac Brandy.
1 pint Tokay Wine.
Stir well and allow mixture to stand three hours. Strain into another bowl and add:
3 quarts Champagne.
3 pints Apollinaris Water.
1 large piece of Ice.
Stir well; decorate with Fruit; float slices of Grape Fruit on top and serve in Champagne glasses.
Place a bottle in a Champagne cooler and around it a freezing mixture of fine Ice and Salt. Twirl the bottle until it is about to freeze, when it will be ready to serve.
Fill medium size Shell glass 1/3 full Cracked Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
2 sprigs bruised Mint.
Pour Champagne slowly into the glass, stirring gently at the same time.
Dress with fruit; dash with Brandy and serve with Straws.
CHAMPAGNE PUNCH (for a party of 6)
Into a glass Pitcher pour the Juice of 1 Lemon, and add:
1/4 lb. Bar Sugar.
1 jigger Strawberry Syrup.
1 quart bottle Champagne.
Stir with Ladle and drop in:
1 sliced Orange.
3 slices Pineapple.
Decorate with Fruit and serve in Champagne goblets.
Fill medium Bar glass 1/3 full Shaved Ice.
3 dashes Lemon Juice.
Fill up with Champagne.
Stir gently; dress with Fruit and Berries; dash with Brandy and serve with Straws.
Fill Goblet 1/2 full ice-cold Champagne. Fill up balance of Goblet with ice-cold Porter. Stir and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
1/4 jigger Curacoa.
1 jigger Port Wine.
1 Egg.
Fill up with Milk; shake well; strain into Punch glass; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Into a large Bar glass break a fresh Egg.
1 teaspoonful Sugar.
4 lumps Cracked Ice.
Fill up with Sweet Cider.
Shake; strain into tall, thin glass and serve with grated Nutmeg on top.
4 lumps Ice in medium size Mineral Water glass.
Fill up with Claret and serve.
Dissolve one teaspoonful of Sugar with little Water in large Bar glass.
1 quartered slice Orange.
2 jiggers Claret.
Fill up with Shaved Ice and serve with Straws.
CLARET CUP (2-gallon mixture)
For mixing use a large Punch bowl or other suitable vessel of glass or porcelain lined.
6 Oranges, sliced.
3 Lemons, sliced.
2 Pineapples.
2 jiggers Abricontine.
4 jiggers Curacoa.
4 quarts Claret.
3 pints Apollinaris.
Mix well with a Ladle and set aside for three hours before using. Then strain info another bowl, and when ready to use add 3 pints of some sparkling Wine, preferably Champagne. Stir gently once or twice, and then put in a block of clear Ice and decorate the top of it tastily with Fruits and let several slices of Grape Fruit float around in the bowl. Serve in Champagne glasses.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
2 heaping teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar dissolved in a little Water.
1 whole Egg broken in.
1-1/2 Jiggers Claret Wine.
Shake thoroughly; strain into Punch glass; sprinkle with Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
3 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
4 dashes Lemon Juice.
2 slices Orange.
2 jiggers Claret.
Shake; strain into thin glass; dress with Fruit and serve with Straws.
CLARET PUNCH (5-gallon mixture for a large reception or party of 100 people)
For mixing use a large agate or porcelain-lined vessel.
4 lbs. Cut Loaf Sugar.
Juice of 25 Lemons.
2 quarts Brandy.
10 quarts Claret.
7 jiggers Chartreuse (green).
8 quarts Carbonated Water.
Stir well.
Place a large block of Ice in a Punch bowl and fill nearly full of the mixture, adding:
18 Oranges, cut in slices.
1-1/2 cans sliced Pineapples.
Serve from the bowl into Punch glasses with a Ladle, and renew the contents of the bowl from the mixing vessel as needed.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Fine Ice.
1/2 pony Raspberry Syrup.
1/2 jigger Dry Gin.
1/2 jigger French Vermouth.
White of 1 Egg.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Fill Mixing glass with Lump Ice.
1/2 pony Cusenier Grenadine.
The white of one Egg.
1 jigger Sir Robert Burnette's Old Tom Gin.
Shake well and strain into a Cocktail glass.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
2 dashes Angostura Bitters.
2 dashes Pineapple Syrup.
1 jigger Brandy.
Stir; strain into Cocktail glass; dress with Berries; dash with Champagne; twist a piece of Lemon Skin over the drink and drop it on top. Serve.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
4 dashes Gum Syrup.
1 teaspoonful Lemon Juice.
1 teaspoonful Orange Juice.
2 jiggers Claret.
Shake; strain into tall, thin glass; fill up with Apollinaris or Seltzer; dress with Fruit and serve.
CLUB HOUSE PUNCH (for a party of 20)
For mixing use a large Punch bowl.
1/2 can Peaches.
1/2 can Pineapples.
3 Oranges, sliced.
3 Lemons, sliced.
3 quarts Sweet Catawba or Tokay.
1 pint Brandy.
1-1/2 jiggers Jamaica Rum.
1 jigger Green Chartreuse.
Set this mixture aside in ice box for 6 hours. Then place block of Ice in another bowl of sufficient capacity and strain
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