The Ideal Bartender | Page 4

Tom Bullock
Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill a Cocktail glass 2/3 full of Carbonated Water.
1 pony Brandy floated on top.
(Use spoon to float the Brandy).
Into a small Bar glass pour 3/4 Wineglass of Water and stir in 1 heaping teaspoonful of Bar Sugar. Bruise 3 or 4 sprigs of Mint in the Sugar and Water with a Muddler until the flavor of the Mint has been extracted. Then withdraw the Mint and pour the flavored Water into a tall Shell glass or large Goblet, which has been filled with fine Ice, and add:
1 jigger of Brandy.
2 dashes Jamaica Rum.
Stir well; decorate with few sprigs of Mint by planting the sprigs stems downward in the Ice around the rim of glass; dress with Fruit and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar dissolved in little Water.
1/2 Juice of 1 Lemon.
1/4 jigger Santa Cruz Rum.
1-1/2 jiggers Brandy.
1 slice Orange.
1 piece of Pineapple.
Shake; dress with Fruit and serve with Straw.
Into a small Wineglass pour:
Green Chartreuse.
Old Brandy.
In equal proportion to fill the glass, using care as in preparing Crustas, not to allow the colors to blend.
Fill small Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
Juice of 2 Limes.
1 jigger Brandy.
Shake; strain into small fancy glass and serve.
BRANDY SHRUB (2-gallon mixture for 40 people)
Into a Punch bowl put the Peeled Rinds of 5 Lemons and the Juice of 12 Lemons and add 5 quarts of Brandy. Make the bowl airtight and set it aside. At the expiration of 6 days add 3 quarts of Sherry wine and 6 pounds of Loaf Sugar, which has been dissolved in 1 quart of plain Soda. Strain through a bag and bottle.
Fill a Whiskey glass 1/2 full Hot Water and pour in:
1 jigger Brandy.
Twist a piece of Lemon Skin on top and serve.
(It may occur that a customer will ask for a little Sugar. In that case add 1/2 small teaspoonful, and stir).
In a Whiskey glass:
1 lump Ice.
1 teaspoonful Sugar dissolved in little Water.
1 jigger Brandy.
Stir; twist in a piece of Lemon Peel; grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice.
1 heaping teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
3 sprigs of Mint.
1 jigger Brandy.
Stir; strain into fancy Stem glass and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Bar Sugar.
3 dashes Lemon or Lime Juice.
3 dashes Seltzer or Apollinaris Water.
1 jigger Brandy.
Stir; strain into Sour glass; dress with Fruit and serve.
Into a Whiskey glass drop 1 lump Cracked Ice.
1 teaspoonful of Bar Sugar dissolved in little Water.
Stir; place the bottle before the customer and allow him to pour his own drink.
Fill large Bar glass 3/4 full Shaved Ice.
1/3 jigger Dry Gin.
1/3 jigger French Vermouth.
1/3 jigger Italian Vermouth.
1 Slice Orange.
Shake well; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
Place two lumps of Cut Loaf Sugar in a small, shallow dish or saucer and pour over the Sugar 1-1/2 jiggers of Cognac Brandy. Ignite the Sugar and Brandy and let them burn for about two minutes. Then cover the dish or saucer with a plate, and when the fire is extinguished pour the liquid into a small Bar glass and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 2/3 full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Gum Syrup.
2 dashes Lemon Juice.
2 dashes Orange Bitters.
1 jigger Whiskey.
Stir; strain into Cocktail glass and serve.
In a Tumbler drop 1 lump of Sugar and dissolve it in a little hot Water, and add:
1-1/4 Jiggers Rum.
1 piece of Butter about the size of a Walnut.
Grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
1 pony of Pineapple Syrup in large Bar glass.
2 jiggers California Sherry.
Fill glass with Shaved Ice; stir well; decorate with Fruit; dash a little Port Wine on top and serve with Straws.
Fill tall, thin glass nearly full Shaved Ice.
1 heaping teaspoonful Bar Sugar.
Juice of 1 Orange.
2-1/2 jiggers California Wine.
Stir; ornament with Fruit and serve with Straws.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with lump Ice.
Juice 1 Lime.
Drop squeezed Lime in glass.
1 jigger Old Bourbon Whiskey.
Fill with Sweet Soda.
Stir well and serve.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full of Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar dissolved in a little Water.
1-1/2 jiggers Catawba Wine.
1/4 slice of Orange.
Fill with Shaved Ice; stir well; decorate with Berries and serve with Straws.
Fill large Bar glass full Shaved Ice.
1 teaspoonful Lemon Juice.
1 teaspoonful Pineapple Syrup.
1 teaspoonful Celery Bitters.
Stir; strain into Fancy Wineglass with Fruit and serve.
CENTURY CLUB PUNCH (for a party of 5)
Fill glass Pitcher 1/4 full Cracked Ice.
1/2 pint Jamaica Rum.
1/2 pint Santa Cruz Rum.
2-1/2 pints aerated Water.
2-1/2 tablespoonfuls Bar Sugar.
Stir well and serve in Punch glasses.
Serve off the Ice very cold. Ice should never be put in the Wine.
1 teaspoonful Bar Sugar in large Bar glass.
1 slice Lemon Peel.
1 slice Orange Peel
Fill glass 1/2 full Shaved Ice and fill up with Champagne. Decorate
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