The House on the Borderland | Page 6

William Hope Hodgson
I replied.
"Perhaps," he continued, "we shall learn something from it when we
get back to the tent. We had better hurry, too; we're a long way off still,
and I don't fancy, now, being caught out here in the dark."
It was two hours later when we reached the tent; and, without delay, we
set to work to prepare a meal; for we had eaten nothing since our lunch
at midday.
Supper over we cleared the things out of the way, and lit our pipes.
Then Tonnison asked me to get the manuscript out of my satchel. This I
did, and then, as we could not both read from it at the same time, he
suggested that I should read the thing out loud. "And mind," he
cautioned, knowing my propensities, "don't go skipping half the book."
Yet, had he but known what it contained, he would have realised how
needless such advice was, for once at least. And there seated in the
opening of our little tent, I began the strange tale of "The House on the
Borderland" (for such was the title of the MS.) ; this is told in the
following pages. II THE PLAIN OF SILENCE
"I AM an old man. I live here in this ancient house, surrounded by huge,

unkempt gardens.
"The peasantry, who inhabit the wilderness beyond, say that I am mad.
That is because I will have nothing to do with them. I live here alone
with my old sister, who is also my housekeeper. We keep no servants--I
hate them. I have one friend, a dog; yes, I would sooner have old
Pepper than the rest of Creation together. He, at least, understands
me--and has sense enough to leave me alone when I am in my dark
"I have decided to start a kind of diary; it may enable me to record
some of the thoughts and feelings that I cannot express to any one; but,
beyond this, I am anxious to make some record of the strange things
that I have heard and seen, during many years of loneliness, in this
weird old building.
"For a couple of centuries, this house has had a reputation, a bad one,
and, until I bought it, for more than eighty years no one had lived here;
consequently, I got the old place at a ridiculously low figure.
"I am not superstitious; but I have ceased to deny that things happen in
this old house--things that I cannot explain; and, therefore, I must needs
ease my mind, by writing down an account of them, to the best of my
ability; though, should this, my diary, ever be read when I am gone, the
readers will but shake their heads, and be the more convinced that I was
"This house, how ancient it is! though its age strikes one less, perhaps,
than the quaintness of its structure, which is curious and fantastic to the
last degree. Little curved towers and pinnacles, with outlines suggestive
of leaping flames, predominate; while the body of the building is in the
form of a circle.
"I have heard that there is an old story, told amongst the country people,
to the effect that the devil built the place. However, that is as may be.
True or not, I neither know nor care, save as it may have helped to
cheapen it, ere I came.

"I must have been here some ten years, before I saw sufficient to
warrant any belief in the stories, current in the neighbourhood, about
this house. It is true that I had, on at least a dozen occasions, seen,
vaguely, things that puzzled me, and, perhaps, had felt more than I had
seen. Then, as the years passed, bringing age upon me, I became often
aware of something unseen, yet unmistakably present, in the empty
rooms and corridors. Still, it was, as I have said, many years before I
saw any real manifestations of the, so called, supernatural.
"It was not Hallowe'en. If I were telling a story for amusement's sake, I
should probably place it on that night of nights; but this is a true record
of my own experiences, and I would not put pen to paper to amuse any
one. No. It was after midnight on the morning of the twenty-first day of
January. I was sitting reading, as is often my custom, in my study.
Pepper lay, sleeping, near my chair.
"Without warning, the flames of the two candles went low, and then
shone with a ghastly, green effulgence. I looked up, quickly, and, as I
did so, I saw the lights sink into a dull, ruddy tint; so that the room
glowed with a strange, heavy, crimson twilight that gave the shadows,
behind the chairs and tables, a double
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