The House on the Borderland | Page 5

William Hope Hodgson
save in one portion, where many of the pages were almost
destroyed, being muddied and crumpled, as though the book had been
doubled back at that part. This, I found out from Tonnison, was
actually as he had discovered it, and the damage was due, probably, to
the fall of masonry upon the opened part. Curiously enough, the book
was fairly dry, which I attributed to its having been so securely buried
among the ruins.
Having put the volume away safely, I turned-to and gave Tonnison a
hand with his self-imposed task of excavating; yet, though we put in
over an hour's hard work, turning over the whole of the upheaped
stones and rubbish, we came upon nothing more than some fragments
of broken wood, that might have been parts of a desk or table; and so
we gave up searching, and went back along the rock, once more to the
safety of the land.
The next thing we did was to make a complete tour of the tremendous
chasm, which we were able to observe was in the form of an almost
perfect circle, save for where the ruin-crowned spur of rock jutted out,
spoiling its symmetry.
The abyss was, as Tonnison put it, like nothing so much as a gigantic
well or pit going sheer down into the bowels of the earth.
For some time longer, we continued to stare about us, and then,
noticing that there was a clear space away to the north of the chasm, we
bent our steps in that direction.
Here, distant from the mouth of the mighty pit by some hundreds of
yards, we came upon a great lake of silent water--silent, that is, save in
one place where there was a continuous bubbling and gurgling.
Now, being away from the noise of the spouting cataract, we were able
to hear one another speak, without having to shout at the tops of our
voices, and I asked Tonnison what he thought of the place--I told him

that I didn't like it, and that the sooner we were out of it the better I
should be pleased.
He nodded in reply, and glanced at the woods behind, furtively. I asked
him if he had seen or heard anything. He made no answer; but stood
silent, as though listening, and I kept quiet also.
Suddenly, he spoke.
"Hark!" he said, sharply. I looked at him, and then away among the
trees and bushes, holding my breath involuntarily. A minute came and
went in strained silence; yet I could hear nothing, and I turned to
Tonnison to say as much; and then, even as I opened my lips to speak,
there came a strange wailing noise out of the wood on our left.... It
appeared to float through the trees, and there was a rustle of stirring
leaves, and then silence.
All at once, Tonnison spoke, and put his hand on my shoulder. "Let us
get out of here," he said, and began to move slowly towards where the
surrounding trees and bushes seemed thinnest. As I followed him, it
came to me suddenly that the sun was low, and that there was a raw
sense of chilliness in the air.
Tonnison said nothing further, but kept on steadily. We were among
the trees now, and I glanced around, nervously; but saw nothing, save
the quiet branches and trunks and the tangled bushes. Onwards we went,
and no sound broke the silence, except the occasional snapping of a
twig under our feet, as we moved forward. Yet, in spite of the quietness,
I had a horrible feeling that we were not alone; and I kept so close to
Tonnison that twice I kicked his heels clumsily, though he said nothing.
A minute, and then another, and we reached the confines of the wood
coming out at last upon the bare rockiness of the countryside. Only
then was I able to shake off the haunting dread that had followed me
among the trees.
Once, as we moved away, there seemed to come again a distant sound
of walling, and I said to myself that it was the wind--yet the evening
was breathless.

Presently, Tonnison began to talk.
"Look you," he said with decision, "I would not spend the night in that
place for all the wealth that the world holds. There is something
unholy--diabolical about it. It came to me all in a moment, just after
you spoke. It seemed to me that the woods were full of vile things--you
"Yes," I answered, and looked back towards the place; but it was
hidden from us by a rise in the ground.
"There's the book," I said, and I put my hand into the satchel.
"You've got it safely?" he questioned, with a sudden access of anxiety.
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