The Fortunate Foundlings | Page 3

Eliza Fowler Haywood
he was sometimes accustomed to sit, he heard more
plain and distinct, and on his entrance was soon convinced whence it
Just at the foot of a large tree, the extensive boughs of which greatly
contributed to form the arbour, was placed a basket closely covered on
the one side, and partly open on the other to let in the air. Tho' the
sounds which still continued to issue from it left Dorilaus no room to
doubt what it contained; he stooped down to look, and saw two
beautiful babes neatly dressed in swadling cloaths: between them and
the pillow they were laid upon was pinned a paper, which he hastily
taking off, found in it these words.

To the generous DORISLAUS:
'Irresistible destiny abandons these helpless infants to your care.--They
are twins, begot by the same father, and born of the same mother, and
of a blood not unworthy the protection they stand in need of; which if
you vouchsafe to afford, they will have no cause to regret the
misfortune of their birth, or accuse the authors of their being.--Why
they seek it of you in particular, you may possibly be hereafter made
sensible.--In the mean time content yourself with knowing they are
already baptized by the names of Horatio and Louisa.'
The astonishment he was in at so unexpected a present being made him,
may more easily be imagined than expressed; but he had then no time
to form any conjectures by whom or by what means it was left there:
the children wanted immediate succour, and he hesitated not a moment
whether it would become him to bestow it: he took the basket up
himself, and running as fast as he could with it into the house, called
his maid-servants about him, and commanded them to give these little
strangers what assistance was in their power, while a man was sent
among the tenants in search of nurses proper to attend them. To what
person soever, said he, I am indebted for this confidence, it must not be
abused.--Besides, whatever stands in need of protection, merits
protection from those who have the power to give it.
This was his way of thinking, and in pursuance of these generous
sentiments he always acted. The report of what happened in his house
being soon spread thro' the country, there were not wanting several
who came to offer their service to the children, out of which he selected
two of whom he heard the best character, and were most likely to be
faithful to the trust reposed in them, giving as great a charge, and as
handsome an allowance with them, as could have been expected from a
father. Indeed he doubtless had passed for being so in the opinion of
every body, had he arrived sooner in the kingdom; but the shortness of
the time not permitting any such suggestion, he was looked upon as a
prodigy of charity and goodness.
Having in this handsome manner disposed of his new guests, he began
to examine all his servants, thinking it impossible they should be

brought there without the privity of some one of them; but all his
endeavours could get him no satisfaction in this point. He read the
letter over and over, yet still his curiosity was as far to seek as
ever.--The hand he was entirely unacquainted with, but thought there
was something in the style that showed it wrote by no mean person: the
hint contained in it, that there was some latent reason for addressing
him in particular on this account, was very puzzling to him: he could
not conceive why he, any more than any other gentleman of the county,
should have an interest in the welfare of these children: he had no near
relations, and those distant ones who claimed an almost forgotten
kindred were not in a condition to abandon their progeny.--The thing
appeared strange to him; but all his endeavours to give him any farther
light into it being unsuccessful; he began to imagine the parents of the
children had been compelled by necessity to expose them, and had had
only wrote in this mysterious manner to engage a better reception: he
also accounted in his mind for their being left with him, as, he being a
batchelor, and having a large estate, it might naturally be supposed
there would be fewer impediments to their being taken care of, than
either where a wife was in the case, or a narrow fortune obliged the
owner to preserve a greater oeconomy in expences.
Being at last convinced within himself that he had now explained this
seeming riddle, he took no farther trouble about whose, or what these
children were, but resolved to take care of them during their infancy,
and afterwards to
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