The Fortunate Foundlings | Page 2

Eliza Fowler Haywood

The Reasons that induced Horatio to leave France: with the Chevalier
St. George's Behaviour on knowing his Resolution. He receives an
unexpected Favour from the Baron de Palfoy.
Horatio arrives at Rheines, finds Means to see Mademoiselle Charlotta,
and afterwards pursues his Journey to Poland.
Continuation of the Adventures of Louisa: Her quitting Vienna with
Melanthe, and going to Venice, with some Accidents that there befel
Louisa finds herself very much embarrassed by Melanthe's imprudent
Behaviour. Monsieur du Plessis declares an honourable Passion for her:
Her Sentiments and Way of acting on this Occasion.
The base Designs of the Count de Bellfleur occasion a melancholy
Change in Louisa's Way of Life: The generous Behaviour of Monsieur
du Plessis on that Occasion.
Louisa is in Danger of being ravished by the Count de Bellfleur; is
providentially rescued by Monsieur du Plessis, with several other

The Innkeeper's Scruples oblige Louisa to write to Melanthe: Her
Behaviour on the Discovery of the Count's Falshood. Louisa changes
her Resolution, and goes to Bolognia.
Horatio arrives at Warsaw; sees the Coronation of Stanislaus and his
Queen: His Reception from the King of Sweden: His Promotion:
Follows that Prince in all his Conquests thro' Poland, Lithuania and
Saxony. The Story of Count Patkull and Madame de Eusilden.
King Stanislaus quits Alranstadt to appease the Troubles In Poland:
Charles XII. gives Laws to the Empire: A Courier arrives from Paris:
Horatio receives Letters, which give him great Surprize.
The King of Sweden leaves Saxony, marches into Lithuania, meets
with an Instance of Russian Brutality, drives the Czar out of Grodno,
and pursues him to the Borysthenes. Horatio, with others, is taken
Prisoner by the Russians, and carried to Petersburg, where he suffers
the extremest Miseries.
The Treachery of a Russian Lady to her Friend: Her Passion for
Horatio: The Method he took to avoid making any Return, and some
other entertaining Occurrences.
The Prisoners Expectations raised: A terrible Disappointment: Some of
the chief carried to Prince Menzikoff's Palace: Their Usage there:
Horatio set at Liberty, and the Occasion.

What befel Louisa in the Monastery: The Stratagem she put in Practice
to get out of it: Her Travels cross Italy, and Arrival at Paris.
Shews by what Means Louisa came to the Knowledge of her Parents,
with other Occurrences.
The History of Dorilaus and Matilda, with other Circumstances very
important to Louisa.
Monsieur du Plessis arrives at Paris: His Reception from Dorilaus and
Louisa: The Marriage agreed upon.
The Catastrophe of the Whole.


Contains the manner in which a gentleman found children: his
benevolence towards them, and what kind of affection he bore to them
as they grew up. With the departure of one of them to the army.
It was in the ever memorable year 1688, that a gentleman, whose real
name we think proper to conceal under that of Dorilaus, returned from
visiting most of the polite courts of Europe, in which he had passed
some time divided between pleasure and improvement. The important

question if the throne were vacated or not, by the sudden departure of
the unfortunate king James, was then upon the tapis; on which, to avoid
interesting himself on either side, he forbore coming to London, and
crossed the country to a fine feat he had about some forty miles distant,
where he resolved to stay as privately as he could, till the great
decision should be made, and the public affairs settled in such a
manner as not to lay him under a necessity of declaring his sentiments
upon them.
He was young and gay, loved magnificence and the pomp of courts,
and was far from being insensible of those joys which the conversation
of the fair sex affords; but had never so much enslaved his reason to
any one pleasure, as not to be able to refrain it. Hunting and reading
were very favourite amusements with him, so that the solitude he now
was in was not at all disagreeable or tedious to him, tho' he continued
in it some months.
A little time before his departure an accident happened, which gave
him an opportunity of exercising the benevolence of his disposition;
and, tho' it then seemed trivial to him, proved of the utmost
consequence to his future life, as well as furnished matter for the
following pages.
As he was walking pretty early one morning in his garden, very intent
on a book he had in his hand, his meditations were interrupted by an
unusual cry, which seemed at some distance; but as he approached a
little arbour, where
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