sep estas tridek kvin. Por cxiu tago mi ricevas kvin frankojn, sed por la hodiauxa tago mi ricevis duoblan pagon, t.e. (= tio estas) dek frankojn.
Tiuj cxi du amikoj promenas cxiam duope. Kvinope ili sin jxetis sur min, sed mi venkis cxiujn kvin atakantojn.
VERBS (continued), -i, -u.
In the examples already given the verbs ending in "-as", "-is", "-os" express "action" or "being" ("state") going on in present, past, or future time, as "Mi skribas", I am writing; "Li legis", He read; "Ni iros", We shall go.
If we wish merely to express the idea of action or state indefinitely, without reference to any time or any subject, the verb must end in "-i," as "Vivi", To live; "Mi deziras lerni", I wish to learn; "Ni devas labori", We must work.
(This is called the INDEFINITE or INFINITIVE Mood (manner of expression), because not limited by reference to time or subject).
To give an "order" or "command", or to express "will, desire, purpose", etc., the verb must end in "u", as "Donu al mi panon", Give (to) me bread; "Iru for", Go away; "Estu felicxa", May you be happy! "Vivu la regxo!" (Long) live the king!
In such cases as Tell "him to come", I want "you to sing", Allow "her to speak", we have to use a second sentence with the verb ending in "u", and beginning with "ke", that, as "Diru al li, ke li venu", Tell (say to) him, that he come; "Mi deziras, ke vi kantu", I wish, that you sing; "Permesu al sxi, ke sxi parolu", Allow her, that she speak. Sentences like the last are often contracted, only the last subject and verb being used, as "Sxi parolu", Let her speak; "Gxi kusxu", Let it lie; "Ni iru", Let us go; "Ili dormu", Let them sleep. "Cxu vi volas ke mi tion faru?" Do you wish me to do that? "Cxu mi tion faru?" Shall I do that?
nomo : name. rajd- : ride. vesto : coat, clothing. las- : let, leave. kandelo : candle. kur- : run. dometo : cottage. parol- : speak. akvo : water. viv- : live, have life. spegulo : looking-glass. rest- : rest, remain. est- : be. honesta : honest. tusx- : touch. inda : worthy. auxskult- : listen. atenta : attentive. pardon- : pardon. kara : dear. uz- : use. gaja : gay, cheerful. ordon- : order. tia : such. babil- : chatter. longa : long. send- : send. sincera : sincere. trink- : drink. for : away, forth. vol- : will, wish. forte : strongly. bat- : beat. sole : alone. kuragx- : have courage
Donu al la birdoj akvon, cxar ili volas trinki. Aleksandro ne volas lerni, kaj tial mi batas Aleksandron. Kiu kuragxas rajdi sur leono? Mi volis lin bati, sed li forkuris de mi.
Al leono ne donu la manon. Rakontu al mia juna amiko belan historion. Diru al la patro, ke mi estas diligenta. Diru al mi vian nomon. Ne skribu al mi tiajn longajn leterojn. Montru al mi vian novan veston. Infano, ne tusxu la spegulon. Karaj infanoj, estu cxiam honestaj. Ne auxskultu lin.
Li diras, ke mi estas atenta. Li petas, ke mi estu atenta. Ordonu al li, ke li ne babilu. Petu lin, ke li sendu al mi kandelon. La dometo estas inda, ke vi gxin acxetu. Sxi forte deziris, ke li restu viva.
Li venu, kaj mi pardonos al li. Ni estu gajaj, ni uzu bone la vivon, cxar la vivo ne estas longa. Li ne venu sole, sed alvenu kun sia plej bona amiko. Mi jam havas mian cxapelon; nun sercxu vi vian.
VERBS (continued), -us.
Sometimes we want to express a "supposition", to say that something "would" take place, supposing that something else, which is not likely to occur, were to do so, or that something "would have" taken place if something else which did not occur had done so. In this case the verb must end with "-us", as, If I were well (which I am not) I should be happy (which also I am not), "Se mi estus sana, mi estus felicxa". If he knew (supposition) that I am here (a fact) he would immediately come to me (supposition), "Se li scius, ke mi estas tie cxi, li tuj venus al mi". Compare the two following sentences:-- (i.). "Kvankam vi estas ricxa, mi dubas, cxu vi estas felicxa", Though you are (in fact) rich, I doubt whether you are (in fact) happy, (ii.). "Kvankam vi estus ricxa, mi dubas, cxu, vi estus felicxa", Though (supposing that) you were rich, I doubt whether you would be happy.
lernanto : pupil. pen- : endeavour. leciono : lesson. imit- : imitate, instruanto : teacher, kvazaux : as if. sci- : know. io : something. pun- : punish. efektive : really. estim- : esteem. supren : upwards. lev- : lift,

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