The Earth as Modified by Human Action | Page 5

G.P. Marsh
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Michelet, J. L'Insecte, 4me edition. Paris, 1860. 12mo.
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Morozzi, Ferdinando. Dello Stato Antico e Moderno del Fiume Arno.
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Muller, K. Das Buch der Pflanzenwelt. Leipzig, 1857. 2 vols 12mo.
Nangis, Guillaume de. Extracts from, in Nouvelle Collection des
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Nanquette, Henri. Cours d'Amenagement des Forets. Paris et Nancy,
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Niebelunge-Lied, Der. Abdruck der Handschrift von Joseph von
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Niel. L'Agriculture des Etats Sardes. Turin, 1857. 8vo.
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Palissy, Bernard, Oeuvres Completes, avec des Notes, etc., par Paul-
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Paramelle, Abbe. Quellenkunde, Lehre von der Bildung und
Auffindung der Quellen; mit einem Vorwort von B. Cotta. Leipzig,
1856. 12mo.
Parish, Dr. Life of Dr. Eleazer Wheelock. 8vo. Parry, C.C. Report in
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Parthey, G. Wanderungen durch Sicilien und die Levante. Berlin, 1834.
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Piper, R.U. The Trees of America. Boston, 1858, Nos. i-iv. 4to.
Plini, Historia Naturalis, ed. Hardouin. Paris, 1729. 8 vols. folio.
Ponz, Antonio, Viage de Espana. Madrid, 1788, etc. 18 vols. 12mo.
Quatrefages, A. de. Souvenirs d'un Naturaliste. Paris, 1834. 2 vols.
Reclus, Elisee. Le Littoral de la France; Revue des Deux Mondes, 15
Decembre, 1862.
Rentzsch, Hermann. Der Wald im Haushalt der Natur und der
Volkswirtschaft. Leipzig, 1862. 8vo.

Ribbe, Charles de. La Provence au point de vue des Bois, des Torrents
et des Inondations. Paris, 1857. 8vo.
Ridolfi, Cosimo. Lezioni Orali. Firenze, 1862. 2 vols. 8vo.
Ritter, Carl. Einleitung zur allgemeinen vergleichenden Geographie.
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----Die Erdkunde im Verhaltnisa zur Natur und zur Geschichte des
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Rosa, G. Le Condizioni de' boschi, de' fiumi e de' torronti nella
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Rossmassler, C. A. Der Wald. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1863. 8vo.
Roth, J. Der Vesuv and die Umgebung von Neapel. Berlin, 1857. 8vo.
Rozet, M. Moyens de forcer les Torrents des Montagnes de rendre une
partie du sol qu'ils ravagent. Paria, 1856. 8vo. pamphlet.
Salvagnoli-Marchetti, Antonio. Memorio Economico-Statistiche sulle
Maremme Toscane. Firenze, 1846. 8vo.
----Raccolta di Documenti sul Bonificamento delle Moremme Toscane.
Firenze, 1861. 8vo.
----Rapporto sul Bonficamento delle Maremme Toscane. Firenze, 1859.
----Rapporto sulle Operazioni Idrauliche ed Economiche eseguite nel
1859-'60 nelle Maremme Toscane. Firenze, 1860. 8vo.
Sandys, George. A Relation of a Journey begun An. Dom. 1610.
London, 1627. Folio.
Schacht, H. Les Arbres, Etudes sur leur Structure et leur Vegetation,

traduit par E. Morreu. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1862. 8vo.
Schleiden, M. J. Die Landenge von Sues. Leipzig, 1858. 8vo.
----Die Pflanze und ihr Leben. Leipzig, 1848. 8vo.
Schubert, W. von. Resa genom Sverige, Norrige, Lappland, etc.
Stockholm, 1828. 8 vols. 8vo.
Seneca, L. A. Opera Omnia quae supersont, ex rec. Ruhkopf. Aug.
Taurinorum, 1831. 6 vols. 8vo.
Simonde, J. E. L. Tableau de l'Agriculture Toscane. Geneve, 1801. 8vo.
Smith, Dr. William. A Dictionary of the Bible. London, 1860. 8 vols.
----A. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. London, 1854, 1857.
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Smith, John. Historie of Virginia. London, 1624. Folio.
Somerville, Mary. Physical Geography. Fifth edition. London, 1862.
Springer, John S. Forest-Life and Forest-Trees. New York, 1851.
Stanley, Dr. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. London,
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Staring, W. H. De Bodem van Nederland. Haarlem, 1856. 2 vols. 8vo.
----Voormaals en Thans. Haarlem, 1858. 8vo.
Stevens, Gov. Report in Pacific Railroad Report, vol. xii.
Strain, Lieut. I.C. Darien Exploring Expedition, by J.T. Headley, in
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Strom, Ier. Om Skogarnas Vard och Skotsel. Upsala, 1853. Pamphlet.
Surell, Alexandre. Etude sur les Torrents des Hautes Alpes. Paris, 1844.
Tartini, Ferdinando. Memorio sul Bonificamento delle Maremme
Toscane. Firenze, 1888. Folio. Thomas and Baldwin. Gazetteer.
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Thompson, Z. History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical.
Burlington, 1842. 8vo.
----Appendix to History of Vermont. Burlington, 1853. 8vo.
Titcomb, Timothy. Lessons in Life. New York, 1861. 12mo.
Treadwell, Dr. Observations of, quoted
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