The Earth as Modified by Human Action | Page 4

G.P. Marsh
1835. 8vo.
Fraas, C. Klima und Pflanzenwelt in der Zeit. Landshut, 1847. 8vo.
Frisi, Paolo. Del Modo di regolare i Fiumi e i Torrenti. Lucca, 1762.
Fuller, Thomas. The History of the Worthies of England. London, 1662.
Gilliss, J. M., Capt. United States Naval Astronomical Expedition to
the Southern Hemisphere. Washington, 1855. 2 vols. 4to.
Giorgini. Paper by; in Salvagnoli-Marchetti, Rapporto sul
Bouificamento delle Maremme, App. v.
Girard et Parent-Duchatelet. Rapport sur les Puits fores dits Artesiens;
Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, 1833, 2me semestre, 818-844.
Graham, J. D., Lieut.-Col. A Lunar Tidal Wave in the North American
Lakes demonstrated. Cambridge, 1861. 8vo. pamphlet. Also in vol. xiv,
Proc. Am. Ass. for Adv. of Science for 1860.
Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, &c., of the
English Nation. London, 1598-'9. 8 vols. folio.
Harrison, W. An Historicall Description of the Iland of Britaine; in

Holinshed's Chronicles. Reprint of 1807, vol, i.
Hartwig, G. Dus Leben des Meeres. Frankfurt,1857. 8vo.
Haxthausen, August von. Transkaukasia. Leipzig, 1856. 2 vols. 8vo.
Henry, Prof. Joseph. Paper on Meteorology in its connection with
Agriculture; in United States Patent Office Report for 1857, pp.
Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Physical Geography. Edinburgh, 1861. 12mo.
Heyer, Gustav. Das Verhalten der Waldbuume gegen Licht und
Schatten. Erlangen, 1852. 8vo.
Hohenstein, Adolph. Der Wald sammt dessen wichtigem Einfluss auf
das Klima, &c. Wien, 1860. 8vo.
Humbolt, Alexander von. Ansichten der Natur. Dritte Ausgabe,
Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1849. 2 vols. 12mo.
Hummel, Karl. Physische Geographie. Grax, 1835. 8vo.
Hunter, A. Notes to Evelyn, Silva, and Terra. York, 1786. See Evelyn.
Jacini, Stefano. La Proprieta Fondiaria e le Popolazioni agrioole in
Lombardia. Milano e Verona, 1857. 8vo.
Joinville. Histoire de Saint-Louis. Nouvelle Collection des Memoires
pour servir a l'Histoire de France, par Michaud et Poujoulat. Tome i.
Paris, 1836. 8vo.
Josselyn, John. New England Rarities. London, 1672. 12mo.
Knorr, E. A. Studien uber die Buchen-Wirthschaft. Nordhausen, 1863.
Kohl, J. G. Alpenreisen. Dresden und Leipzig, 1849. 8 vols. 8vo.

----Die Marschen und Inseln der Herzogthumer Schleswig und Holstein.
Dresden und Leipzig, 1846. 3 vols. 8vo.
Kramer, Gustav. Der Fuciner-See. Berlin, 1839. 4to.
Krause, G. C. A. Der Dunenbau auf den Ostsee-Kusten West-Preussens.
1850. 8vo.
Kremer, Alfred von. AEgypten, Forschungen uber Land und Volk.
Leipzig, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo.
Kriegk, G. L. Schriften zur allgemeinen Erdkunde. Leipzig, 1840. 8vo.
Ladoucette, J. C. F. Histoire, Topographie, Antiquites, Usages,
Dialectes des Hautes Alpes. Seconde edition, 1834. 1 vol. 8vo. and
Laestadius, Lars Levi. Om Mojligheten och Fordelen af allmanna
Uppodlingar i Lappmarken. Stockholm, 1824. 12mo.
Laestadius, Petrus. Journal for forsta aret af hans Tjenstgoring sasom
Missionaire i Lappmarken. Stockholm, 1831. 8vo.
----Fortsattning af Journalen ofver Missions-Resor i Lappmarken.
Stockholm, 1833. 8vo.
Lampridius. Vita Elagabali in Script. Hist., August.
Landgrebe, Georg. Naturgeschichte der Vulcane. Gotha, 1855. 2vols.
Laurent, Ch. Memoires sur le Sahara Oriental au point de vue des Puits
Artesiens. Paris, 1859. 8vo. pamphlet. Also, in Mein de la Soc. des
Ingenieurs Civils, and the Bulletin de la Soc. Geologique de France.
Laval. Memoire sur les Dunes da Golfe de Gascogno; in Annales des
Ponts et Ohaussees, 1847, 2mo semestre, pp. 218-268.
Lavergne, M. L. de. Economie Rurale de la France, depuis 1789. 2me

edition, Paris, 1861. 12mo.
Le Alpi che cingono l'Italia. Parte 1er, vol. 1er. Torino, 1845. 8vo.
Lefort. Notice sur les travaux de Fixation des Dunes; in Annales des
Ponts et Ohaussecs, 1831, 2me semestre, pp. 320-382
Lenormant. Note relative a l'Execution d'un Puits Artesien en Egypte
sous la XVIIIeme Dynastie; Academie des Inscriptions et
Belles-Lettres, 12 Novembre, 1852.
Liber Albus: The White Book of the City of London. London, 1861.
Loftus, W. K. Travels and Researches in Chaldaea and Susiana. New
York, 1867. 8vo.
Lombardini. Cenni Idrografi sulla Lombardia; Intorno al Sistema
Idraulico del Po; epitomized by Baumgarten in Annales des Ponts et
Chaussees, 1847, 1er semestre, pp. 129, 199; and in Dumont, Des
Travaux Publics, pp. 268, 335.
----Sui progetti intesi ad estendere l'irrigazione della Pianura del Po.
Politecnico. Gennajo, 1863, pp. 5-50.
Lorentz. Cours Elementaire de Culture des Bois, complete et publie par
A. Parade, 4me edition. Paris et Nancy, 1860. 8vo.
Lyell, Sir Charles. The Geological Evidence of the Antiquity of Man.
London, 1863. 8vo. Principles of Geology. New York, 1862. 8vo.
Mardigny, M de. Memoire sur les Inondations des Rivieres de
l'Ardeche. Paris, 1860. 8vo.
Marschand, A. Ueber die Entwaldung der Gebirge. Bern, 1840. 12mo.
Martineau. Endeavors after the Christian Life. Boston, 1858.

Martins. Revue des Deux Mondes, Avril, 1863.
Maury, M. F. The Physical Geography of the Sea. Tenth edition.
London, 1861. 8vo.
Medlicott, Dr. Observations of, quoted from London Athenaeum, 1868.
Meguscher, Francesco. Memorie sulla migliore maniera per rimettere i
Boschi della Lombardia, etc. Milano, 1859. 8vo.
Mejdell, Th. Om Foranstaltninger til Behandling af Norges Skove.
Christiania, 1868. 8vo.
Mella. Delle
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