The Choise of Valentines | Page 9

Thomas Nash
And diving deeper, peircte her.
149 gird, girde.
150 Straite_, then; _statlie, stately.
151 him_, he; _so, soe.
152 pacient Grissill_, patient Grissell; _hir warde, his ward.
153 blythe_, blith; _free, fresh.
154 ere-more_, euer; _midle, middle of the.
155 him hir eyes continualy, her his eyes Continually.
156 hir eye-beames his_, his eye-browes her; _looke's, eyes.
157 twixt_, betwixt; _plaies, playes.
158 one_, the one; _th'other cast's rebounding, the other casting redounding.
159 He lyke_, She like; _reguild, requite.
160 Sucks-in_, suckes; _of Phebus, of sweete Phebus.
161 lynes_, beames: _descending, discending.
162 bright_, deepest; _hir dearest sight, the purest light.
163 Planet, plannet.
164 Hir puritie, her puritye.
165 verie chamber_, verye Chamber; _enclouds, includes.
166 Lookes lyke_, seemes as; _that God deuine, the gods devine.
167 Who_, Whoe; _daie_, daye; _Zodiake, Zodiacke.
168 euerie euen discends to th'oceane, in the even, settes of the ocean.
169 So fierce_, soe feirce; _is hir radiance, in her radiaunce.
170 fyrie stakes_, flyeing breath; _darts_, dartes; _euerie glance, every glaunce.
171 enflame_, inflame; _icie limmes, verry mappe.
172 make_, cause; _his seignedrie to aswage, him suddenly tasswage.
173 To_, and; _upon her_, vppon those; _lamps, lampes.
174 his chiefest ioyes encamps, his ioyes incampes.
175-6 Omitted in Rawl. MS.
177 Thus gazing, and thus striuing, we perseuer, Thus striking, thus gazeing, we perseuere.
178 what so firme_, nought soe sure; _maie_, will; _euer, ever.
179 Oh!_ Fleete; _rauisht Mistris cryes, ravisht senses cries.
180 Leaste_, sith; _content that on, Content vppon.
181 Be_, Which; _too_, soe; _seat, seates.
182 And me unwares of hoped bliss defeat, me vnawares of blissefull hope defeates. Here occur two lines in the Rawl. MS. which do not appear in the Petyt MS., as follows:
Togeather lett our equall motions stirr,?Togeather lett vs liue and dye, my deare;
183 Together lett us marche unto content, Togeather let vs march with one contente.
184 consumed with one blandishment, Consum(e)d without?languishmente.
185 prescrib'd, so kept we crochet, prescribed so keepe we clocke and.
186 lyke_, like; _chyme, chime.
187 Whilst she_, soe shee; _had preseru'd_, here preferd; _pittie, pittye.
188 Unto_, vnto; _musike_, musicke; _dittie, dittye.
190 Euen_, even; _blisse and sorrowe doeth, ioyes and sorrowes doe.
191 lapp_, lappe; _louelie, louely.
192 entretaine the_, entertaine this; _shoure so free, showry see.
193 trikling falles, drisling fall(es); treasurie, treasurye.
194 As Aprill-drops_, Sweete Aprill flowers; _half so, halfe soe.
195 _overflowe to ?gipt-plaines_, overfloweinge Egipt playne.
196 As this sweet-streames_, as is the balme; _hir ioints imbaynes, her woombe destreynes.
197 With Oh! and Oh! she itching moues hir hipps, Now! oh now! she trickling moues her lippes.
198 And_, and often; _full lightlie starts and skips, she lightly startes and skippes.
199 ierkes_, yerkes; _leggs_, legges; _sprauleth, fresketh.
200 No_, noe; _maie_, can; _solace, pleasures.
201 I faint! I yeald! Oh death, rock me, I come! I come! sweete death, rocke mee.
202 entombed, intombe me.
203 my deare, my dearest saint, my deare, and dearest she.
204 For, from us yett, thy spirit maie, from us two (yett) this pleasure must.
205 Untill_, Vntill; _channels, Chambers.
206 Without their source_, Withould themselues; _imprisoned, newe prisoned.
207 will we_, we will; _com too, come soe.
209 whilst_, whilest; _speake_, speke; _is fleeting, in stealing.
210 fleshie, earthly.
213 but an houre_, but one houre; _an houre is_, one houre is; _so, soe
214 But_, nay; _if that, and if.
217 Maie be alightned with a little pause, Maye now be lengthened by a litle pawse.
218 awaie_, awaye; _sudden, suddaine.
221 riuers nere returne, riuer nere returnes.
222 springe_, spring; _must helpe me or, must helpe, or elles.
223-34 Omitted in Rawl. MS.
235 Hence-forth no more will I implore thine, Hensforth I will noe more implore thine.
236 or man of cowardize upbrayde, for ever of Cowardise shall vpprayd.
237 dilldo_, dildoe; _suply their, supplye your.
238 knaue_, youth; _moues_, is; _by, in.
239 That_, He; _anie, any.
241-42 Omitted in Rawl. MS.
243 For, by saint Runnion, he'le, And when I will he doth.
244 make_, makes; _bellie, belly.
245 whose triumph now_, thy kingdome needes; _falle, fall.
246 Except_, eccept; _walle, wall.
247 usurps_, vsurpes; _boure, bower.
248 undermines_, vndermines; _euerie howre, euery hower.
249 sly he_, slyly; _betwixt, betwene.
250 sucks_, suckes; _whilst_, while; _detaineth, deteyneth.
251 page_, lake; _stound, sound. "Stound," a moment.
252 "tent," to search out.
253 Courtlie Nimphs_, courtly nimphs; _be so, are full.
254 blynd-alluring, blind-alluring.
255-6 Omitted in Rawl. MS.
257 fortifies disdaine_, fortifyes disdayne; _forraine, foraigne.
258 And wanton-chaste deludes, while wantons chast delude.
259 anie_, any; _Mistris serue's, Mistres serve.
260 Or_, and; (unhappie) pines and staru's_, full deeply pyne and sterue.
261-64 Omitted in Rawl. MS.
265 womans secretarie, woemans secretary.
266 Lett, let.
267 handfulls highe, handfulles high.
268 plumb_, plump; _yett hauing, and having.
269 rhewme so feruentlie doeth raigne, rheume soe fervently doth raine.
270 That_, the; _gulph maie_, gulfe can; _containe, conteyne. Here follow, in the Rawl. MS., lines 290-93 of the Petyt; lines 292-3 being also reversed in the Rawl. text.
271 Attired_, attird; _veluet, velvet.
272 nourisht_, norisht; _hott_, warme; _milk, milke. "Whott," hot.
273 Arm'd otherwhile, Running sometymes.
274 more glib_, more like; _to hell be lowe, downe into hell.
275 charriot_, chariot; _rydes, rides.
276 The which an arme strong driuer stedfast, An arme strong guider steadfastly him.
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