The Choise of Valentines | Page 8

Thomas Nash
through; _meanders and by crankled, meander and through crooked.
46 Shee leades_, Shee leads; _Aucthor saies, author sayes.
47 we came within_, I came vnto; _shadie, shady.
48 bounsing vestalls_, bouncing vestures; _skirmish, skyrmish; oft, omitted.
49 shee_, she; _leather chaire, Lether chayre.
50 prettie Trulls, wenches straight.
51 To chuse of them_, And bad me choose; _myne, my.
52 hir_, she; _no where espie, noe waye espye.
53 them_, her; _them her.
54 Yet, But.
55 Bawde_, baud; _as daintie_, soe dainty; _bee, be.
56 forth to, vnto.
57 Halliedame_, Holy Dame; _she_, shee; _Gods oune, gods one.
58 wylie, wyly.
59 more, better.
60 You'l smell_, youle find; _nare so, now soe.
61 hir, her.
62 think_, look; _purse-strings_, purse-stringes; _abye it deare, abide yt deere.
63 that will eate quailes_, whoole feed on quayles; _crounes, crownes.
64 Mistris Francis_, Mistres Fraunces; _veluett gounes, velvett gownes.
65 And ruffs_, Her ruffe; _perwigs_, perriwigge; _as_, soe; _Maye, May.
66 with half a croune, for half a crowne.
67 hostess_, hostes; _we, wee.
68 Though, although.
69 bonnie, bonny.
70 tenne_, tenn; _gobbs I will unto thee tell, goblets vnto thee Ile tell. "Gob, a portion" (H).
71 lyke thee, like you.
72 doe I hir companie, I doe her company.
73 Awaie_, Awaye; _thing, worde.
74 _That (mauger) will inuade_, it makes invasion in.
75 Hey-ho_, Loe! here; _hearte_, harte; _keepe, keeping.
76 Lullabie_, lullaby; _and falle a sleepe, fall a sleeping.
77 coms_, comes; _ground, ground.
78 Hir_, her; _silkes_, silcke; _confound, Confound.
79 Oh_, Awaye; _rauisht_, ravisht; _voide_, voyd; _chamber, Chamber; streight, straight.
80 For I must neede's be on hir, I must be straight vppon her.
81 smilde, smiled.
82 beguilde, beguiled.
83 With smiles, with flatt'ring wordes, and fained cheere, With sighes and flattering woordes and teares.
84 their_, your; _their_, much; _doeth appeare, still apeares.
85 how_, How; _lambkin_, Tomalyn; _replide, replied.
86 dancing, dauncing.
87 it be_, be it; _this, thy.
88 camp, campe.
89 onelie_, only; _sweete heart_, sweete harte; _came, cam.
90 auoide_, avoyd; _troblous and stormie, troublesome, stormye.
91 But now_, And since; _coaste_, coast; _we wil, I will.
92 Since_, for; _louer, louers.
93 sprung_, sprunge; _lips, lippes.
94 And fast about the neck me colle's and clips, and about my neck she hugges, she calles, she clippes. "Coll" or "cull," to kiss, to embrace; so also "clip."
95 faints_, faynes; _vpon hir, vppon the.
96 tosseth_, tosses; _and fro hir, and froe her.
97 shutts hir eyes, shakes her feete.
98 who_, whoe; _abstaine_, forbeare; _long, longe.
99 I com, I com_, I come, I come; _lyning_, Ladye; _be, by.
100 Softlie my fingers up this curtaine heaue, softly my curtaines lett my fingers heaue.
101 make_, send; _happie_, happye; _stealing_, sailing; _degreese, degrees.
102 First bare hir leggs, then creepe up to hir kneese, First vnto the feete, and then vnto the kneese.
103 From thence_, And soe; _unto_, vnto; _mannely, manly.
104 lingring_, lingering; _am so, come soe.
105 Smock_, Smocke; _climbe, clime.
106 Oh heaven and paradise are all, all earthly pleasures seeme to this.
107 Compar'd with this sight I now, Compard be these delightes which I.
109 prettie rysing_, prettye rising; _weame, wenne. "Wem," spot or blemish.
110 shone, shine(s); anie siluer streame, any christall gemme.
111 bare_, beares; _bending_, riseing; _an, a.
112 a fountaine dwelleth still, the(r) runnes a fountayne still.
113 his_, her; _uglie bryers, rugged briers.
114 duskie_, duskye; _wyres, wires.
115 loftie_, lusty; _veines, vaines.
116 comelie_, comely; _distreines, restraines. "Distreines," to seize, to touch.
117 wanton_, harmles; _harmlesse stype, wanton gripe.
118 fruites of loue oftsoone, fruite thereof too soone
119 And_, A; _too tymelie_, to tymely; _the stemme, his springe.
120 To dye ere it hath seene Jerusalem, it is, dyes ere it can enioye the vsed thinge.
121 Gods_, Godes; _euer anie_, ever any; _so, soe.
122 So suddenlie_, soe suddenly; _awaie, awaye.
123 Hir_, Her; _are spread and I am all unarm'd, and legges and all were spredd, But I was all vnarmed.
124 Lyke_, like; _with_, that; _charm'd, charmd.
125 Omitted in Rawl. MS.
126 spend their_, spent there; _hir, your.
128 It_, Yt; _beawtie cann, beauty can.
129 clap_, clipp; _I feele, I view, I wincke, I feele.
130 dead he lyes_, lyes he dead; _thinking, feeling.
131 Unhappie me_, By Holly dame; _stand, staund.
132 Com_, now; _rubb_, roule; _chafe_, rub; _with, in.
133 Perhaps_, perhapps; _sillie_, seely; _is labour'd, hath laboured.
134 wearied that it can, worked soe that it cann.
135 If it be so_, Which if it be; _am greate a-dread, doe greately dread.
136 tenne_, ten; _were, weare.
137 How ere it is_, What ere it be; _no_, noe; _want, lacke.
138 maie auaile to_, maye avayle for; _recouerie, recoverye.
139 saide_, said; _and rould_, & rowld; _hir thigh, her thighe.
140 And when she look't on't she would weepe and sighe, and looking downe on it, did groane and sighe.
141 dandled_, haundled; _dancet_, daunced; _up_, vpp; _doune, downe.
142 she rais'd_, shee raisd; _his swoune, her sound.
143 he flue_, it flewe; _hir_, her; _he, it.
144 hir breeche did hack and fayne, her breech laboured & foam'd.
145 prickt, and pierst her, peirct her euer.
146 farre_, deepe; _might, could digg; "eath," easy.
147 stryking_, stricking; _and, &.
148 Now dyuing deepe he toucht hir,
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