The Boy Allies at Liege | Page 4

Clair W. Hayes
around corner after corner,
were soon safe from pursuit.
"Well, I guess we are safe now," said the Englishman, when they
stopped at last. Then, turning to Hal:
"I don't know how to thank you and your friend. If you had not arrived
when you did, I fear it would have fared badly with us."
"No thanks are due," replied Hal. "It's a poor American who would
refuse to help anyone in trouble. Shake hands and call it square!"
The Englishman smiled.
"As modest as you are bold, eh? Well, all right," and he extended his
hand, which Hal and Chester grasped in turn.
But the Frenchman was not to be put off so easily. He insisted on
embracing both of the boys, much to their embarrassment.
"I'm Lieutenant Harry Anderson, of the Tenth Dragoons, His Majesty's
service," explained the Englishman, and then, turning to his friend:
"This is Captain Raoul Derevaux, Tenth Regiment, French Rifle Corps.
We were strolling along the street when attacked by the gang from
which you saved us. In the morning we shall try to get out of Germany
by way of the Belgian frontier. If now, or at any other time, we may be
of service to you, command us."
"Yes, indeed," put in the Frenchman, "I consider myself your debtor for
Hal and Chester thanked their newly-made friends for their good will,
and, after a little further conversation, left them to continue their way,
while they returned to the hotel, much to the relief of Mrs. Paine, who
had become very uneasy at their long absence.


"Come on, Hal. Let's stroll about a few minutes. We've lots of time
before the train pulls out."
It was Chester who spoke. Mrs. Paine and the two boys were sitting in
their compartment of the Brussels express, in the station at Berlin. It
still lacked ten minutes of the time set for departure.
"You don't mind, do you, mother?" said Hal.
"No; if you do not go too far," was the answer.
The boys descended from the car, and wandered toward the entrance of
the station. Just as they were about to step on to the street, a German
military officer swung into the doorway. Hal, who was directly in his
path, stepped aside, but not quickly enough to entirely avoid him.
With one outstretched arm the officer shoved him violently to one side,
and then stopped.
"What do you mean by blocking my way?" he demanded. "Do you
know who I am?"
Hal's temper was aroused.
"No, I don't; and I don't care," was his reply.
"Well, I'll give you something to care about," and, raising his hand, the
officer made as though to strike Hal across the face.
"Don't you strike me," said Hal quietly. "I'm an American citizen, and I
give you warning."
"Warning!" sneered the officer. "You young American upstart! I'll have
you whipped!" and he turned as though to call someone.
At that moment there was a sudden cry of "All aboard!" and the officer,
after taking a threatening step toward Hal, made a dash for the train.

"I guess that is our train, Hal," said Chester. "We had better hurry."
The lads retraced their steps toward their train. Reaching the shed, they
saw the German officer disappearing into a compartment on the train.
"That looks like our compartment to me," said Hal. "I hope we don't
have to ride with him."
"I hope not," agreed Chester, and then broke into a run, as he shouted:
"Hurry! The train is moving!"
It was true. The boys had wasted too much time.
The door to one compartment was all that stood open, and that was the
one in which Mrs. Paine could be seen gesticulating to them.
"We just made it," panted Hal, as they reached the open door, and
started to climb aboard.
At that instant a uniformed arm appeared through the door and pushed
Hal away.
"Go away, you American puppy," came a voice.
Hal slipped, and but for the prompt action of Chester, who caught him
by the arm, would have fallen beneath the train.
The train gathered momentum, as the boys raced along beside it, in
vain seeking an open door by which they might climb aboard. There
was none but their own compartment, and that had passed them. It was
impossible for them to overtake it, and there was not a train guard in
The boys stopped running and stood still as the remainder of the train
slipped past.
On ahead they could see Mrs. Paine and the big German officer, both
gazing back toward them, the former gesticulating violently.

Hal stamped his foot with rage.
"I'd like to get my hands on that big lout!" he shouted. "I'd--"
"Come, come, old
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