The Boy Allies at Liege | Page 3

Clair W. Hayes
war news.
"We won't be gone long, mother," said Hal.
"Very well, son," Mrs. Paine replied; "but, whatever you do, don't get
into any trouble. However, I do not suppose there is any danger to be
For more than an hour the lads wandered about the streets, reading the
war bulletins in front of the various newspaper offices, and listening to
crowds of men discussing the latest reports, which became more grave
every minute.
As the boys started on their return to their hotel, they heard a shout
down a side street, followed immediately by more yells and cries; and
then a voice rang out in English:
"Help! Police!"
Breaking into a quick run, Hal and Chester soon were upon the scene of
With their backs to a wall, two young men were attempting to beat
back with their fists a crowd of a dozen assailants, who beset them
from three directions.
As the two boys rounded the corner, the cry for help again went up.
"Come on, Chester!" shouted Hal. "We can't let that gang of hoodlums
beat up anyone who speaks the English language."
"Lead on!" cried Chester. "I am right with you!"
They were upon the crowd as he spoke, and Hal's right fist shot out

with stinging force, and the nearest assailant, struck on the side of the
neck, fell to the ground with a groan.
"Good work, Hal!" shouted Chester, at the same time wading into the
crowd of young ruffians, for such the attackers proved to be, and
striking out right and left.
Howls of anger and imprecations greeted the attack from this
unexpected source, and for a moment the ruffians fell back. In the time
that it took the crowd to return to the struggle, the boys forced their
way to the side of the victims of the attack, and the four, with their
backs to the wall, took a breathing spell.
"You didn't arrive a moment too soon," said one of the young men,
with a smile. "I had begun to think we were due for a trimming."
"There are four of us here," returned Hal, "and we ought to be good for
that crowd; but, instead of standing here, when they attack again, let's
make a break and fight our way through. There will be more of them
along in a minute, and it will be that much harder for us."
"Good!" returned the second stranger in French. "Here they come!"
"Are you ready?" asked Hal.
"All ready," came the reply from the other three.
"All right, then. Now!"
At the word the four rushed desperately into the throng, which was
pressing in on them from three sides. Taken by surprise, the enemy
gave way for a moment; then closed in again.
Blows fell thick and fast for the space of a couple of minutes. Then,
suddenly, Chester fell to the ground.
Turning, Hal fought his way to the other side of Chester's prostrate
body. Then, bending down, he lifted his chum to his feet.

"Hurt much?" he asked.
"No," replied Chester, shaking his head like an enraged bull. "Let me
get at them again!"
He rushed in among his assailants with even greater desperation than
before, and two young hoodlums fell before his blows.
In the meantime the strangers were giving a good account of
themselves, and the enemy were falling before their smashing fists.
Hal ducked a blow from the closest of his assailants, and, stepping in
close, struck him with all his power under the chin. The youth fell to
the ground.
As he did so the ruffian nearest him, with a hiss of rage, drew a knife,
with which he made a wicked slash at Hal. Hal did not see the
movement, being closely pressed elsewhere, but Chester, with a sudden
cry, leaped forward and seized the hand holding the knife, just as the
weapon would have been buried in Hal's back.
"You would, would you, you coward!" he cried, and struck the young
German in the face with all the strength of his right arm. The latter
toppled over like a log.
All this time the crowd of assailants continued to grow. Attracted by
the sounds of the scuffle, reinforcements arrived from all directions,
and it is hard to tell what would have happened had not the sudden
blast of a whistle interrupted the proceedings.
"The police!" yelled someone in the crowd. "Run!"
In less time than it takes to tell it, Hal, Chester, and the two other young
men were alone, while racing toward them, down the street, were
several figures in uniform.
"Run!" cried the young Frenchman. "If they catch us we will all go to
jail, and there is no telling when we'll get out. Run!"

The four took to their heels, and, dodging
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