The Annual Catalogue (1737) | Page 8

W. Warner
to his Friend in the Country, against the late Act for Retailing Spirituous Liquors, H. Haines, 6d.
Letter (A) to the President, &c. of Sion College; upon Occasion of the Addresses lately presented to the Bp. of London, J. Roberts, 6d.
Letters to a Friend in the Country, published in the Old Whig, J. Roberts, 1s.
Letters from a Moor at London, to his Friend at Tunis. Containing an Account of his Journey through England, observing of their Laws, Customs, &c. J. Batley, &c. 2s. 6d.
Letters written by Mr Pope and Lord Bolingbroke to D. Swift, in 1725, with his Lordship's Effigies and Character, E. Curl, 1s. 6d.
Lewis's (J.) Philosopher's Stone; discovering the right Way to be happy, J. Lewis, 1s.
Lewis's History and Antiquities of the Isle of Tenet, in Kent, J. Osborne, 18s.
Leybourn's Traders sure Guide: Tables ready cast up, for the Use of Merchants, Mercers, Bankers, &c. 6th Edit. G. Conyers, &c. 1s. 6d.
Life of Mr John Gay, Author of the Beggar's Opera, E. Curl, 1s. 6d.
Life of Mother Gin, her Conduct and Politicks, W. Webb, 6d.
Life of William Rydock, alias Wreathocke, who was condemned for Robbing Dr Lancaster, June 11, 1735, J. Wilford, 1s.
Life of Osman, the Great Emperor of the Turks, 2 vols. C. Ward, 4s.
Literary (The) Magazines published Monthly, J. Wilford, each 6d.
Littleton's (Edw.) Sermons on several Practical Subjects, 2 vols. 2d Edit. E. Littleton, 9s.
Locke's Miscellany of the Mathematicks, in 2 Parts, J. Roberts, 2s.
Lockman's (J.) Ode to the Memory of the late Duke of Buckinghamshire, R. Dodsley, 6d.
London and Country Brewer, Part 2d, 1s. 6d.
London Magazine, published Monthly, for 1736, T. Astley, each 6d.
London's Wonder: Or, The chaste Old Batchelor: Being the Life of Mr Samuel Wright, late of Stoke Newington, E. Curl, 1s.
Lord's Prayer in above 1000 Languages, B. Motte, [Transcriber's Note: price missing in original.]
Lord's Protest. To which is added, the State of the National Debts &c. 6d.
Love Letters between a Nobleman and his Sister, 3 Parts, 2 vols. J. Tonson, &c. 5s. 6d.
Luck's Miscellany Poems, E. Cave, [Transcriber's Note: price missing in original.]
Luxury, Pride and Vanity, the Bane of the British Nation, J. Roberts, 1s.
Luxury, with Respect to Apparel, 2 Discourses on Timothy, 2. 9. By a Country Clergyman, T. Green, 1s. 6d.
Lynch's (Dr) Sermon before the Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at St Mary Le Bow, J. Pemberton, 6d.
Macky's Journey thro' England and Scotland, in Familiar Letters, from a Gentleman here to his Friend abroad, 3 vols. R. Gosling, 15s.
Mackewen's (Rob.) Funeral Sermon on the Death of the late Ld Visc. Barrington, J. Gray, 6d.
Macsturdy's (Herc.) Trip to Vaux-hall, a Satire on the Times, 1s.
Maddox's (Dr) Vindication of the Government, and Worship of the Church of England, in the Reign of Q. Eliz. A. Bettesworth, 4s. 6d.
Maddox's (Tho.) Baronia Anglica: An History of Land Honours and Baronies, and of Tenure and Capite Verified by Records &c. R. Gosling, 1l. 5s.
Maffei (Scip.) Il Primo Canto dell' Iliade d'Omero aradatta in versi Italiani, J. Brindley, 1s.
Mallory's (John) Quare Impedit; in two Parts, with Tables, T. Astley, J. Shugburgh, 18s.
Maurice's (Matt.) Sermon at the Opening the new Meeting at Rowel, 9 Nov. 1735, J. Oswald, A. Cruden, 6d.
Mariveaux's Life of Marianne: Or, The Adventures of the Cfs. * * * translated into English, C. Davis, 2s. 6d.
Markham's Introduction to Spelling, 4th Edit. J. Hodges, 1s.
Markland's Art of Shooting flying, a Poem, 2d Ed. T. Astley, 6d.
Marsh's (Cha.) Poem on Christmas Day, J. Roberts, 6d.
Martin's (Benj.) Young Trigonometer's Guide, 3 vols. J. Noon, 10s. 6d.
Mason's (John) Select Remains of the Rev. Mr John Mason, M.A. R. Ford, 1s. 6d.
Massey's (Edm.) Sermon before the Lord Mayor, 29 May, 1736, B. Motte, 6d.
Mauriceau's (Fran.) Diseases of Women with Child; translated by H. Chamberlane, 7th Edition, J. Clark, 5s.
Maynard's (Edw.) Sermons preached at Oxford, and at Lincoln's Inn, 2 vols. 2d Edit. A. Bettesworth, 10s.
Memoirs of the Ancestors of her Royal Highness Augusta, Princess of Wales, &c. J. Oswald, 1s.
Memoirs of the Life, Travels, &c. of the Rev. Mr George Kelly, E. Curl, 1s.
Memoirs of Prince Titi, Part 1, 2, A. Dodd, each, 2s.
Memoirs of the Life of Barton Booth. Esq; that Excellent Comedian, J. Osborne, 1s.
Merlin, a Poem, T. Cooper, 6d.
Merlin, a Poem, also the Hermitage, with a curious Frontispiece, A. Cruden, 6d.
Mesnager's (Mons.) Negotiations at the Court of England, done from the French, J. Roberts, 4s.
Military History of Prince Eugene of Savoy, the Duke of Marlborough, each No. 1s.
Miller's (Phil.) Gardener's Dictionary, 3d Edit. C. Rivington, 1l. 10s.
Minute Mathematician; Or, The Free Thinker no just Thinker, &c. T. Cooper, 1s. 6d.
Miserable (The) State of Religion in England, upon the Downfal of Church Establish. J. Stagg, 1s. 6d.
Mitchell's Gratulatory Verses upon the Happy Marriage of the Prince of Wales with the Princess of Saxe Gotha, T. Cooper, 6d.
Modern Cook, Vid. Chapelle.
Modern Matrimony, a Satire,
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