The Annual Catalogue (1737) | Page 7

W. Warner
and many References, J. Worrall, 16s.
Jephson's (Alex.) Discourse concerning the Lord's Day, in two Parts, C. Jephson, 6s.
Jephson's Reality of our Blessed Saviour's Miracles defended, C. Jephson, 1s. 6d.
Jewish Superstition inconsistent with Christian Liberty, &c. T. Cooper, 6d.
Ignorami Lamentatio super Legis Communis Translationem ex Latino in Anglicum, &c. 1s.
Vendit hunc Librum Gilliverus Cujus Insigne est Homerus.
Impartial (An) Enquiry into the Motives of the Opposition to the Ministry, J. Roberts, 1s.
Impartial (An) Enquiry into the British Distillery, demonstrating the evil Consequences of imposing any additional Duties, in Answer to a Pamphlet intituled, Distilled Liquors the Bane of the British Nation, J. Roberts, 1s.
Impartial (An) Review of the present State of Affairs in Europe, T. Cooper, 6d.
Infant's Church Membership and Baptism, proved to be God's Ordinance, T. Cooper, 6d.
Information (The) for his Majesty's Advocate against Capt. Porteous's. Also Capt. Porteous's Answer, &c. T. Cooper, 1s.
Instructions for planting and managing Hops, D. Brown, 1s.
Interest of Scotland considered, with Regard to employing the Poor, &c. T. Woodward, 3s. 6d.
Introduction (An) to the Doctrine of Fluxions and Defence of the Mathematicians &c. J. Noon, 1s.
Johnson's (Capt.) Lives of the Higwayman, Pyrates, &c. 26 large Copper Plates. O. Payne, 15s.
Joseph, a Poem, by the Author of Friendship in Death, T. Worrall, 1s. 6d.
Josephus's (Flav.) Works with Cuts and Maps. To which is added, explanatory Notes by H. Jackson, Gent, J. Worrall, 1l. 4s.
Journey from Aleppo to Damascus, with the surprizing and tragical End of Mustafa, a Turk; done from the French, by J. Green, J. Stone, &c. 3s. 6d.
Irish (The) Miscellany by D---- Sw----t, A. Dodd, 1s.
Iscariot (Dr) to Dr Codex, on the great Care of Tithes, &c. 1s.
Isidora to Casimir, an Epistle, J. Roberts, 6d.
Ismenia and the Prince: Or, The Royal Marriage, a Novel, E. Curl, 1s.
Juxon's (Jos.) Sermon upon Witchcraft, July 11, 1736. Occasioned by a late illegal Attempt to discover Witches by Swimming, J. Roberts, 6d.
Kelly's (George) Speech at the Bar of the House of Lords, 2 May 1723, in his Defence, T. Cooper, 6d.
Kelly's (John) French Idioms, with the English adapted; designed for the Use of those, who would speak or translate that Language with Propriety, J. Batley, 3s. 6d.
Kennet's Lives of the Gr?cian Poets; with their Heads on Copper Plates, 2d. Edit. S. Austen, [Transcriber's Note: price missing in original.]
Kenwrick's (G.) Religious Man's Companion, J. Brindley, and R. Ryal, 6d.
Key to Pasquin, a Dramatic Satire, 6d.
King's (Jam.) Sacramental Devotions, 5th. Edit. J. Hazard, 1s. 6d.
Knight's (Dr) Discourse on the Conflragation [Transcriber's Note: so in original] and Renovation of the World, &c. T. Cox, 1s.
La Belle Assembl��e: A curious Collection of remarkable Incidents, which happened to the Quality in France, 4 vols. 4th. Edit. T. Astley, 10s. 6d.
Langford's (William) Sermon at little St Helen's, 2 Aug. R. Ford, 6d.
Lansdown (Ld.) Works in Prose and Verse, 3 vols. Mess. Tonson, Gilliver, and J. Clarke, 7s. 6d.
Latham's (J.) View of the Difficulties attending those who enter into Holy Orders, W. Parker, 1s.
Law Quibbles: Or, a Treatise of the Tricks, Turns, and Evasions in the Law, to the Prejudice of the Client, 4th Edit. with the Addition of a Second Part; containing Precedents of Conveyances in extraordinary Cases, A. Bettesworth, J. Worrall, C. Corbett, R. Wellington, 4s. 6d.
Law Visions, or, Pills for Posterity, J. Crichley, 3s.
Le Brun's (Mr) Travels into Muscovy, Persia, &c. translated from the French, 2 vols. A. Bettesworth, S. Birt, 2l. 12s. 6d.
Lee (Mat.) Oratio Anniversaria in Theatrio Collegii, Regalis Medicorum Londinentium, ex Harv?i Instituto, &c. J. Innys, 1s.
Lediard's (Tho.) Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, &c. with Cuts, 3 vols. J. Wilcox, 18s.
Les Amusemens de Spa: Or, The Gallantries of the Spaw in Germany, 2 vols. Ward and Chandler, 5s.
Letter (A) to the People of England: Occasioned by the falling away of the Clergy from the Doctrines of the Reformation, A. Cruden, 6d.
Letter (A) to a Member of the H. Commons, occasioned by a Petition from the Quakers, 2d. Edit. T. Cooper, 6d.
Letter (A) on the Nature and State of Curiosity, &c. J. Roberts, 1s.
Letter (A) to the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn: Containing a Defense of the Doxology to be used at the Reading the Holy Gospels, F. Gyles, 4d.
Letter (A) to Sir Wm. W----m, upon the intended Application to Parliament for repealing the Corporation and Test Acts, A. Dodd, 6d.
Letter (A) on the Origin of the Degrees of Doctor More; particularly in Physic, conferred in the Universities, J. Roberts, 6d.
Letter (A) from Mr Forman to a Member of Parliament, J. Torbuck, 1s.
Letter (A) from a Quaker to Tho. Bradbury, a Dealer of many Words, J. Wildbore, 6d.
Letter (A) to Tho. Burnet, Esq; shewing that he hath used the same Fidelity in printing a Letter of Dr Beach's, as the Editors of Bp. Burnett's History of his own Times have exemplified, R. Reily, 1s.
Letter (A) from a Member of Parl.
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