Fruits--Pottery and Utensils--Natural Features
of Obbo--Katchiba, Chief of Obbo-- Entertained with a Dance--Women
of Obbo--Languages of Tribes-- Katchiba's Diplomacy--Katchiba
"always at Home"--Family Government-- The great
Magician--Reconnaissance to the South--Mrs. Baker's Dwelling --An
Upset--Loss of Filfil--My Bivouac--Ceremony of Welcome at
Farajoke--Elevated Country at Farajoke--Stopped by the Asua--Return
to Obbo--Gallantry of Katchiba--Katchiba determines to ride--First
Attempts at Horsemanship--Recover the lost Horse--Ceremony at
parting with Katchiba--Return to Latooka--Discovery of supposed
Yams--Beware of Botanists--Baboons--The Maharif Antelope--The
Giraffe--Hunting Giraffes--Unsuccessful Hunt--Benighted--Regain the
Party-- Bread-baking on the March--Sickness; Small-pox--Wani, the
Interpreter --First Clue to the Lake--Brown Men are called White
The "Pleasant Robber" killed--Division of the Spoil--Discord among
the Natives--The Life of Women spared in War--Scarcity of Salt,
among the Latookas--Another Cause of Alarm--The Turks murder a
Native--Country disturbed--Good Sport--Two Thieves--Ibrahimawa's
Reminiscences of England--Party recalled to Obbo--White
Ants--Destructiveness of Birds --Cattle Stealers at Night--A Thief
shot--My Wife ill with Fever-- March to Obbo--Great Puff
Adder--Poison-fangs of Snakes--Violent Storm--Arrive again at
Obbo--Hostility caused by the Turks--The M.D. attends us--Death of
"Mouse"--Marauding Expedition--Saat becomes scientific--Saat and
Gaddum Her--Will England suppress the Slave Trade?--Filthy Customs
of the Natives--The Egyptian Scarabaeus-- Bacheeta, the Unyoro
Slave--Intelligence of the Lake--Its probable Commercial
Advantages--Commerce with the Interior--Obbo the Clothing
Frontier--Death of my last Camel--Excellent Species of Gourd--A
Morning Call in Obbo--Katchiba's Musical Accomplishments--Loss of
remaining Donkey--Deceived by the Turks--Fever--Symptoms--Dismal
Prospect, "Coming Events," &c.
Physician in General--Influence gained over the People--Katchiba is
applied to for Rain--"Are you a Rainmaker?"--Katchiba takes Counsel's
Opinion--Successful Case--Night-watch for Elephants--Elephant killed
--Dimensions of the Elephant--Wild Boars--Start for the South--Mrs.
Baker thrown from her Ox--The Asua River--Stalking Mehedehet
Antelope --A Prairie Fire--Tracking an Antelope--Turks'
Standard-bearer killed --Arrival at Shooa--The Neighbourhood of
Shooa--Fruitfulness of Shooa --Cultivation and Granaries--Absconding
of Obbo Porters--"Wheels within Wheels"--Difficulty in starting
South--Departure from Shooa-- Fatiko Levee--Boundless Prairies--Fire
the Prairies--Deceit of the Guide--Arrive at the Victoria Nile--Arrive at
Rionga's Country--Start for Karuma--The Karuma Falls--Welcome by
Kamrasi's People--Passage of the River forbidden--To await Reply of
Kamrasi--The Natives' Dread of Kamrasi--They hold a
Conference--Resolve to cross the River alone-- The Ferry of
Atada--Reception by Keedja--I lull the Suspicions of the
Natives--Appellations of Speke and Grant--Freemasonry of Unyoro--
Native Curiosity--The Bark Cloth of Unyoro--Comparative Civilization
of Unyoros--Native Pottery--The Bottle Gourds used as
Models--"Great Men never in a Hurry to pay Visits"--Pronounced to be
Speke's Brother-- The Escort cross the River--Neatness of the Natives
in packing--Native Manufactures--March parallel with the Victoria
Nile--Severe Illness of Mrs. Baker--March to the Capital--Kamrasi
suspects Treachery--Arrive at last at the Capital--Imprisoned on the
Marsh--Expectation of an Attack--Kamrasi makes a State
Visit--Conversation with the King--His Reception of my
Presents--Another Interview with Kamrasi--Exchange Blood and
become Friends--Avarice of the King--Permitted to leave our
Fever-bed--Ibrahim and Party return North--Sulkiness of Bacheeta--
Attempt to barter for Speke's Rifle--Rapacity of the Chiefs.
Despicable Conduct of the King--Pertinacity of Kamrasi--Kamrasi's
Infamous Proposal--Resentment of the King's Insolence--The King's
Apology--Expectation of a Fight--Kamrasi's Satanic Escort--The Rout
at a Gun-shot--A disagreeable Escort--Passage of the Kafoor--Mrs.
Baker receives a Sun-stroke--Dismissal of the brutal Escort--Misery
and Distress--Return to Consciousness, but afflicted with Brain-fever
The Sugarcane indigenous--Unyoro People clean Feeders--Close to the
Lake--Discovery of the Albert N'yanza--Gratitude to Providence--
Denominate it "The Albert N'yanza"--Fishing Tackle--The Lake
declared to be the Sea--Feast in honour of the Discovery--Survey of the
Lake-- Geography of the Lake--Countries bordering the Lake--The
Great Basin of the Nile--Sources of the Nile--Affluents of the Albert
Lake--Our whole party Fever-stricken--Yearning for Home--Arrange
Canoes for Lake Voyage--Start from Vacovia--Voyage upon the
Lake--Shore Encampment-- Deserted by the Boatmen--No
Pilot--Endeavour to civilize the Canoes-- Adapt a Scotch Plaid for a
Sail--Natives volunteer as Boatmen--Storm on the Lake--Nearly
swamped--Land safely on Shore--Falls of the Kaiigiri River--Shoot a
Crocodile--Taste of Crocodile Flesh-- Discomforts of Lake
Voyage--Elephants in the Lake--Inhospitable Natives--Procure
Supplies--The Lake changes its character--Arrival at
Magungo--Embouchure of the Somerset River--Fish and Fishing--The
Baggera and Lepidosiren Annecteus--Native Fishing
Arrangements--Exit of the Nile from the Lake--Nile navigable from
Lake to Madi--The Victoria Nile at Magungo--Determination to settle
Nile Question--Nobly seconded by Mrs. Baker--Leave
Magungo--Voyage up the Victoria Nile-- Stricken again with
Fever--Guided by Waterplants--Numerous Crocodiles --The Murchison
Falls--Hippopotamus charges the Canoe--Narrow Escape from
Crocodiles--Arrival of Oxen, but not the Guide--Loss of Oxen from
Fly-bite--Sickness on the March--The Island of Patooan--Information
about Ibrahim--Difference in the Level--Difference in Observations--
Confined in the Country--Determine to proceed--Deserted by the
Natives --Discovery of a "Tullaboon" Granary--Misery at Shooa
Moru--Hard Fare --Preparation for Death--Kamrasi's Tactics--The Bait
takes--We are carried to the King's Camp--Rejoin the Turks'
Detachment--Their Welcome--Kamrasi seeks my Alliance--Deception
of Kamrasi--M'Gambi has impersonated the King--The real
Kamrasi--Prefer seeing Meat to a King --The begging Envoy--Carried
to the Camp of Kamrasi--Introduction to the real King--Description of
Kamrasi--The Native Court
System of Fattening--Native Preparations of
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