The Albert NYanza, Great Basin of the Nile | Page 5

Samuel White Baker
and brutal,
hard and unfeeling, devoid of that holy instinct instilled by nature into
the heart of man--the belief in a Supreme Being. In that remote
wilderness in Central Equatorial Africa are the Sources of the Nile.


Programme--Start from Cairo--Arrive at Berber--Plan of Exploration--
The River Atbara--Abyssinian Affluents--Character of Rivers--Causes
of Nile Inundations--Violence of the Rains--Arrival at Khartoum--
Description of Khartoum--Egyptian Authorities--Taxes--The Soudan--
Slave-Trade of the Soudan--Slave-Trade of the White Nile--System of
Operations--Inhuman Proceedings--Negro Allies--Revelations of
Slave-Trade--Distant Slave Markets--Prospects of the Expedition--
Difficulties at the Outset--Opposition of the Egyptian Authorities--
Preparations for Sailing--Johann Schmidt--Demand for Poll-Tax--
Collision before starting--Amiable Boy!--The Departure--The Boy
Osman --Banks of White Nile--Change in Disposition of
Men--Character of the River--Misery of Scene--River
Vegetation--Ambatch Wood--Johann's Sickness--Uses of
Fish-skin--Johann Dying--Johann's Death--New Year --Shillook
Villages--The Sobat River--Its Character--Bahr Giraffe-- Bahr el
Gazal--Observations--Corporal Richarn--Character of Bahr el
Gazal--Peculiarity of River Sobat--Tediousness of Voyage--Bull
Buffalo--Sali Achmet killed--His Burial--Ferocity of the Buffalo-- "The
Clumsy" on the Styx--Current of White Nile--First View of Natives
--Joctian and his Wife--Charming Husband--Natron--Catch a
Hippopotamus--"Perhaps it was his Uncle"--Real Turtle is Mock
Hippopotamus--Richarn reduced to the Ranks--Arrival at the Zareeba--
Fish Spearing--The Kytch Tribe--White Ant Towers--Starvation in the
Kytch Country--Destitution of the Natives--The Bull of the Herd--Men
and Beasts in a bad Temper--Aboukooka--Austrian Mission
Station--Sale of the Mission-House--Melancholy Fate of Baron
Harnier--The Aliab Tribes--Tulmuli of Ashes--The Shir Tribe--The
Lotus Harvest--Arrival at Gondokoro--Discharge Cargo

Reports of Speke and Grant--The Bari Tribe--Description of the
Natives --Effects of poisoned Arrows--Hostility of the Bari
Tribe--Atrocities of the Trading Parties--Lawlessness at Gondokoro-A
Boy shot--The first Mutiny--Decision of my Wife--The Khartoum
Escort--Arrival of Speke and Grant--Gladness at meeting them--Their
Appearance--Speke and Grant's Discoveries--Another Lake reported to
exist--Speke's Instructions--Arrange to explore the Luta
N'zige--Scarcity at Gondokoro--Speke and Grant depart to Khartoum

Gun Accident--Birds ruin the Donkeys--Arrangement with
Mahommed--His Duplicity--Plot to obstruct my Advance--The Boy
Saat--History of Saat --First Introduction to Saat--Turned out by
Mistake--Saat's Character --Something brewing--Mutiny of
Escort--Preparation for the worst-- Disarm the
Mutineers--Mahommed's Desertion--Arrangement with Koorshid
Aga--The last Hope gone--Expedition ruined--Resolution to advance--
Richarn faithful--Bari Chief's Report--Parley with Mutineers--
Conspiracy again--Night Visit of Fadeela--"Quid pro Quo"--"Adda,"
the Latooka--Arrange to start for Latooka--Threats of Koorshid's
People-- Determination to proceed--Start from Gondokoro--My own


Bivouacking--Arrival at Belignan--Attempts at Conciliation--I shame
my Men--The March--Advantages of Donkeys--Advice for Travellers--
Want of Water--A forced March--Its Difficulties--Delays on the Road--
Cleverness of the Donkeys--Party dead-beat--Improvidence of
Monkey-- We obtain Water--Native Tit-Bits--Surrounded by Natives--
Cross-Examination--Recognition of the Chief--Interest of Natives--The
Monkey Wallady--We leave Tollogo--The Ellyria Pass--A Race for
Ellyria--Ellyrian Villages palisaded--Outmarched by the Turks--
Ibrahim and his Men--Attempt at Reconciliation--Diplomacy--Peace
established--Arrive at Ellyria--Legge, the Chief of Ellyria--Presents to
Ibrahim--Legge's Intemperance--Violent Storm--No Supplies--
Formation of Skulls.

We leave Ellyria--Brutality towards the Women--Order of March--
Bellaal--Drainage towards the Sobat--Game at Wakkala--Delightful
Scenery--Latooka Thieves--Stalking Antelopes--Chase after
Waterbuck-- Good Service of Rifle--The Turks' Salute--Treacherous
Welcome-- Mahommed Her--Quarrelling among the Traders--The
Latooka Mutiny-- Settle the Ringleader--Stop the Mutiny--I pursue a
Fugitive, and interpose on his behalf--Held in some
Estimation--Desertion of Men-- The Natives of Latooka--Their
probable Origin--Tribes hard to distinguish--Tarrangolle--Native
Architecture--Exhumation of the Dead --Coiffure of Natives--Hair
Helmets of Latooka--Fighting Bracelets-- The Latooka Women--The
Chief's Introduction--"Moy" and his Ladies-- Bokke proposes to
improve Mrs. Baker--Bokke and Daughter--Extraction of the front
Teeth--The Value of Wives--Cows of more value than Women
--Destruction of Mahommed Her's People--Death of my Deserters--My
Prophecy realized--Apprehensive of an Attack--The Turks insult the
Women--Ill Conduct of the Turks--Well done, Bokke!--Results of the
Turks' Misconduct--Interview with Commoro--Awkward Position--The

Latooka War Signal--Preparations for Defence--We await the Attack--
Parley--Too "wide awake"--Camp at Tarrangolle--Scarcity in view of
Plenty--Wild Duck Shooting--The Crested Crane, &c.--Adda's
Proposal-- Obtuseness of Natives--Degraded State of Natives.

A Funeral Dance--Bari Interpreters--Commoro, the Lion--Conversation
with Commoro--"Where will the Spirit live?"--"Good and bad all die"--
Failure of the religious Argument--Further Conversation--The Camel
poisoned--Habits of the Camel--Camel's peculiar Constitution--The
Hygeen, or riding Dromedary--Loss of Camel a Misfortune--Dirty

Herds of the Latookas and Game--Storm--Effects of Rain upon
Natives-- Native Blacksmiths--Their Tools--Elephants--Elephant
Hunt--Tetel, my old Hunter--Charged by a herd of
Elephants--Cowardly Followers--Track the wounded Elephant--Nearly
caught--Tetel distressed--Return to Camp --African and Indian
Elephants--Height of Elephants--Food of Elephants --African and
Ceylon Elephants--Difference in Formation of Brain-- Rifles and
Bullets for heavy Game--Character of Country and its Sports --The
"Baby"--Method of killing Elephants--Elephant Pitfalls-- Circling them
with Fire--Native Hunting--The Bagara Hunters--Danger of Elephant

The African Black--Comparison between Whites and Blacks--Varieties
in Creation--The Negro--Character of the Negro-Originated African
Slave System--Indisposition to Work--Negro Slave
Hunters--Ibrahimawa; or, Sinbad the Sailor--Makkarika Cannibals--My
daily Employments-- Quarrels with the Latookas--Parley with Latooka
Chiefs--The Latookas seize a Gun--Helplessness in an Advance--Hope
to the South--Journey to Obbo--Uncomfortable Night--Enter the
Mountains--Beautiful Scenery --Arrive at Obbo--Natives of
Obbo--Butter Nuts and
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