Basic Fellatio Techniques
There's no proper or best way to do fellatio. There's only two people,
each unique, wanting to share some interest. And each has their own
wants and needs to satisfy. These can't be fit into the "correct" say,
a certain pattern good for all, at all times. You must find your own
way, what's good and comfortable for you.
Sucking, like rubbing and fucking, is another way for two
people to share pleasure, touch, and care. Specific skills,
techniques, and positions are not as important as your
consciousness about fellatio and the other person and
yourself, at that moment in time. You'll do fine, if your
frame of mind is in harmony with yourself and your
surroundings. In Harmony: easy, relaxed, feeling safe,
OK. You are a changing, alive being, and your mood will suit different
activities at different times.
Sex is fun-that's why I do it. It gives me satisfaction for
my friend to suck my cock, and for me to suck his. Let
this be your inner guide, and you will do good by yourself
and your friend. Notice, I'm not saying "you should have
fun doing fellatio." I'm saying fellatio is joyful: sunny,
agreeable, charming, cozy, giving, luxurious, passionate,
inviting-if you're not having any of these, you're not
doing fellatio, you're doing something else. When it stops being fun,
it's time to stop, and find out what happened.
Fellatio is easy to do-all it is, is a penis and a mouth touching; a kiss in
passing is fellatio. How they touch can involve anything you want to
do, for as long as you want to do it. The most common form of
fellatio has one person lying relaxed, on his back, and his friend
fellates him.
It might seem like one person is getting all the pleasure
as the other gives it-this is not true; each gives to the
other and to himself: one gives his penis, the other his
mouth; one gives his trust, the other his care; one feels
the warm, caressing mouth, the other feels the strong,
warm penis-and all are pleasing. It's true that the fellator
doesn't always know what to do at first; he might be
confused by old habits, cultural fears, or just inexperience-prolonged
fellatio, like all human sex acts, must be learned, and learning
anything takes time and patience.
Let's say you're with your friend, and you're kissing his body. Then
you kiss his erect penis. This is a good chance to explore
his penis with your mouth. How does it feel to your lips?
Your tongue? Explore all around-feel it's shape, its
thickness, its soft skin' the textured crown on top, with
its meatus or opening; the fraenum or string-like portion
coming down from the head to the ring of skin called the
corona; the foreskin if he has one; the scrotum (his
balls) at the base-explore all these with your lips and tongue tip.
Then, if you both want, explore the penis inside your
mouth-let your lips slide over the head and down the
shaft a little (watch the teeth!). how does it feel to your
lips and tongue now? Move them around some. If you
like, slide your mouth down farther. Notice the feeling of
stretch in your jaws, and if the penis gets close to your
throat, the beginning of you gagging reflex. Now slide
the penis out of your mouth slowly, and see how that feels. Pause for
a moment, to let is sink in. You might ask your friend what he
If I'm doing this, sucking someone, I usually begin to experience a
warn closeness. In fact, I usually only like to suck someone when I
really care a lot for him, and want to give myself as closely as I can.
It's so intimate a mingling of two people: my mouth, gentle,
expressive, strong, wet, warm. my speech part, the entrance for my
breath, my lips; his crotch, his most sensitive, guarded physical
center, his inner thighs, lower belly, testicles, and his thick pulsating
penis rooted in and up through him. How delightful to share these.
And his trust, his giving me his body, or mixing security and being.
There are lots of things to do with your mouth on his
penis, like licking it all over, sucking on it, flicking your
tongue tip rapidly across the top. One of the simplest
and nicest actions is to move your mouth up and down
on his penis. This is called sliding. Make a ring with your
lips around the shaft. You'll need a thick padding of
saliva to avoid irritation and give the richest, warmest
sensations-don't be afraid of it, it's in the spirit of

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