be placed on a list to receive future editions
automatically, send e-mail to:
[email protected] with `Subscribe PDIAL' in the subject.
The `nixpub' list is a frequently updated list of Public-Access unix
Systems -Unix-based BBSs usually carrying usenet news, supporting e-mail
connectivity to the Internet, and with some mix of local archives, multi-
user games, etc. The full list is long (over 1,000 lines). To get a
current copy of `nixpub' as an automatic e-mail reply, Send a message to
[email protected]' (no subject or message text needed), or to
[email protected]' with message body of one of these:
send nixpub long
send nixpub short
send nixpub long short
index nixpub
The nixpub and nixpub.short lists are regularly reposted to the USENET
comp.misc and alt.bbs groups
Info from: Daniel P. Dern Free-lance technology writer
P.O. Box 309
Newton Centre, MA 02159
617/969-7947 FAX: 617/969-7949
[email protected]
Resources for Learning More
CERFnet Network Information Center (NIC)
This is a repository for many eclectic internet guides and RFC (Requests
For Comments) from many sources, including the famous, if technical
"Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet." These may be obtained via anonymous
ftp to (
Call the CERFnet Hotline at 800-876-CERF for assistance.
California Education and Research Federation
c/o San Diego Supercomputer Center
P. O. Box 85608
San Diego, CA 92186- 9784
800/876-CERF or 619/534-5087
[email protected]
CICNet Resource Guide
Over 200 pages of Internet resources, published June, 1992. Copies are
$27.00 from CICNet, Inc.
Attn Kim Schaffer
2901 Hubbard Pod A
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
313/998-6103 FAX 313/998-6105
[email protected]
"The December Lists"
"Information Sources: the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication"
Compiled by John December (
[email protected])
Here is part of his information file on this excellent resource:
"This document or updates are available via anonymous ftp.
file: /pub/communications/internet-cmc
PURPOSE: to list pointers to information describing the Internet,
computer networks, and issues related to computer- mediated
communication (CMC). Topics of interest include the technical, social,
cognitive, and psychological aspects of CMC.
AUDIENCE: this file is useful for those getting started in understanding
the Internet and CMC; it compactly summarizes sources of information for
those who are already exploring these issues.
ASSUMPTIONS: to access many information sources listed here you must
have access to and know how to use anonymous ftp, email, or USENET
newsgroups. Some files are in TeX or PostScript format.
Section -4- NEWSGROUPS
"Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette"
Brad Templeton's (
[email protected]) satirical and hilarious piece on
how NOT to behave on the net. Emily Postnews, foremost authority on
proper net behaviour, gives her advice. There are many places to ftp this
file, and it is appearing on many gophers. One place to get the file is by
ftp to (
Location: /pub/docs/words- l/Funnies
The file is called emily.postnews. Here is a sample:
"Dear Miss Postnews:
How long should my signature be?
-- verbose@noisy
A: Dear Verbose:
Please try and make your signature as long as you can. It's much more
important than your article, of course, so try to have more lines of
signature than actual text. Try