Surfing the Internet | Page 8

Jean Armour Polly
and send
and receive electronic mail, as if they had a standard, dedicated connection.
The cost of this toll-free connection is $20 a month with a $10 per hour
usage fee and free installation. There is an installation charge of $50.

California Education and Research Federation
c/o San Diego Supercomputer Center
P.O. Box 85608
San Diego, CA 92186-9784
800/876-CERF or 619/534-5087
[email protected]

Performance Systems International

PSI offers several permutations of network connectivity, including low-end
email-only accounts, dial-up host connectivity on demand, and dedicated
connections. Costs are competitive and performance is reliable. PSI has
POPs (points of presence) in over forty U.S. cities.

PSILink, email and delayed ftp, is $19 a month for 2400 baud service or
below, $29 per month for 9600 baud service.

GDS (Global Dialup Service) includes telnet, rlogins at $39 a month,
2400 baud, 24 hour access.

Host DCS (Dialup Connection Service), at about $2000 per year,
includes a full suite of internet activities (mail, news, ftp, telnet).

Performance Systems International, Inc.
11800 Sunrise Valley Dr. Suite 1100
Reston, VA 22091
800/82PSI82 or 703/620-6651 FAX: 703/620-4586
[email protected]. [email protected] generates an automatic reply response
containing summaries of various PSI products.

Software Tool & Die

Software Tool & Die offers The World, a public access Unix system:
The basic rates are $2 per hour and a $5 monthly account fee.
Services offered by The World include internet electronic mail,
USENET news, ClariNet -UPI, AP, and satellite news services,
real-time chat, Unix Software, Archie, the Online Book Initiative
(a publicly accessible repository for freely redistributable
collections of textual information, a net-worker's library.)
AlterNet Access - Users have access to AlterNet via ftp/telnet.
The World can also be accessed over the Compuserve Packet Network.
You do not have to be a Compuserve subscriber to use this network,
but you will be billed for its use.

Software Tool & Die
1330 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA 02146

Daniel Dern also provides the following definitive information file on
how to get connected:
Daniel Dern's Short Answer to "How do I get a list of Internet
Service/Access Providers for Individual Accounts":

For a list of Internet Service Providers contact:

NSF Network Service Center (NNSC)
BBN Laboratories Inc.
10 Moulton St.
Cambridge, MA 02238
[email protected]

The NNSC info-server utility can also automatically e-mail you a copy of
this list and other documents. Simply send an e-mail message to:
[email protected]

with the following text in the body:

request: nsfnet
request: end

You don't need to put anything in the subject line.

"referral-list" gets you the NNSC's referral list of Internet Service
Providers based in the U.S. (possibly providing international service).
This is generally agreed to be the most comprehensive and least-biased list.
"limited-referral" gets you the NNSC's referral list of Internet providers
for "limited service," which includes Dial-Up IP, Internet E-mail.

"help" (recommended) gets you the Help document for the info-server facility.

For a list of dial-up-accessible Public-Access Internet Hosts (Unix BBSs
that can do telnet, ftp, etc., that can you can access by calling from
your PC and modem), see the PDIAL list, maintained by Peter Kaminski.
Kaminski periodically posts an updated version to the usenet groups
alt.bbs.lists and alt.bbs.internet; also, the most recent edition may
be obtained by sending e-mail to:
[email protected]
with the
`Send PDIAL'

in the subject. To

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