express the sudden emotions of the
speaker; as, Tahwah! pemahdezewin nelojegootoge! Alas! I fear for life!
O neboowin! Ahneshekewesahgandahmoowin? O death! Where is thy
List of Interjections:
Earnestness or Grief; O! ah! tahwah, alas! Joy; Yahhahne! yahhahne!
&c. Wonder; Mahmahkahdahkahmig, strange! hahe, hah! Aversion;
Saih! ahwas, away! Attention; Nah, hark! Nahbin, behold! Surprise or
Fear; Ingee! Tauneyohne! yohe! Laughter; Ha! ha! ha! Requesting
silence; Easta, hist! pezahnahbin, silence! Calling; ahneene, halloo!
Salutation; Mequaich, welcome!
A FABLE--[Translated from the English.]
Kegahweendahmoonin kache dahkooahyod ahdesookaun,
kecheoneshesheh dushweengooh.
Wahgoosh ingooding keezhahgoobun haberdashero
dahdahwawegahmig. Emah metahskahkahmig ahyahtanegoobun kache
gwahnahjewong mask, keoonje ozhechegahdagoobun ahwegah
cheahyood mamahjenood ahpe herongh azhe obahkahmegezhejin. Ewh
mask egewh mawezhah, meowh ahpe owh ahdesookaun
tebaindahgowk, ahgwahnahung kahkenah ewh ostegwan dahgooh
helmiting, kiya kahwekah mamahjenood ezheoobahkahmegezhese
ayahsenenegoon. Mahmahdah wechegawenebun, owhdush
ezhechegang kahweendush kedahwahbahdah zhenon ewh odangowh
owh wabahkahmegezid, kiya koonemah anahnookewenegwain
nahchebahpid or mahwid, ewh mask ahpun ewh nahsob azhenahgowk.
Owh wahgoosh kahgezheyaindum, wahjapezeh. Oge quakenon ewh
mask menahwah kiya menahwah. Oge gahnahwahbahdaun emah
ahgwahjeeye-ee, kiya gahnahwahbahdaun emah peenjahye-ee.
Ewh ahgwahjeeye-ee keche shooshoo ahyahgoobun kiya
kegezhechegahdagoobun! Ewh peenjahye-ee webahgoobun. Kagate
onesheshin oostegwan ayaug omah, ekedoo owh wahgoosh; kagate
mejenahwa yahdahkahmig kahwenaindib ahyahsenoog!
Nahnind quahnoj quewesansug ahyahwug kiya equasansug kemahzheh
ekoogenedwah oowh enaindahmoowod kahween kagoo ohbahbah
mahndahsenahwah, ewh atah oobeshegadahgoosewenewah,
ahgoonwatahtesuwod kagoo chekekadahmoowod medush azhe
quakeskahwod enahkahkayah wahwazheowening. Koonemah eneneh
odah ahtood ewh onindj emah ostegwahning onowh pazhik kiya
tahekedooh kahekedood owh wahgoosh kagate sahquahnoj owh
oostegwan omah ayog kagate sah mejenah wayahdahkahmig ahyah
senoog ewh wenaindib.
Eneneh tahezhah ishpeming, ahyahnzig menoo bemahdezewin,
ahyahnzig kechetwahwezewin, ahyahnzig ogemahwewin, ahyahnzig
kekenooahmahdewin, ahyahwahsig wejekewayun; kah dushween
tahezhahsee ewhety ishpeming ahyahwahsig Christ.
A man may go to heaven without health, without wealth, without honor,
without learning, without friends; but he can never go to heaven
without Christ.
It is difficult with us to speak the words themselves.--The words odoon,
onik, okod, ozid, okun, do not mean respectively, mouth, arm, leg, foot,
bone; but his mouth, his arm, his leg, his foot, his bone. By leaving out
the letter o we have the words mouth, arm, &c. themselves: thus, doon,
nik, kod, zid, kun. The former is the usual way of speaking, the latter is
By the following illustration it will be better understood how words are
my thy or your his Nindj, a hand, nenindj, kenindj, onindj, Nik, an arm,
nenik, kenik, onik, Doon, a mouth, nedoon kedoon, odoon, Bid, a tooth,
nebid, kebid, owebid, Daih, a heart, nedaih, kedaih, odaih, Kown, a
liver, nekown, kekown, okown, Kun, a bone, nekun, kekun, okun,
Skunze, a nail, neskunze, keskunze, oskunze, Kod, a leg, nekod, kekod,
okod, Bowm, a thigh, nebowm, kebowm, obowm, Dis,
a navel, nedis,
kedis, odis, Pun, a light, nepun, kepun, opun, Zid, a foot, nezid, kezid,
ozid, Yos, flesh, neyos, keyos, oweyos, Yowh, a body, neyowh,
keyowh, oweyowh, Oose, father, noose, koose, osun, Gah, mother,
negah, kegah, ogeen, Siyahn, brother, nesiyahn, kesiyahn, osiyayun,
Shema, sister, neshema, keshema, oshemayun, Tahwug, an ear,
netahwug, ketahwug, otahwug.
[Transcriber's Note: The order of entries is as in the original.]
A. Aahe, adv. yes Ahbenoojhee, n. a child Ahbewin, n. a room Ahnind,
adj. some Ahpe, adv. then, when Ahkeh, n. the earth Ahkeeng, in the
earth Ahzheh, adv. after Ahneendeh, adv. where? Ahyahyun, v. art thou
Ahweyah, n. a certain one Ahnung, sing. } n. a star Ahnungoog, plu. }
Ahyah, v. he is, was Ahneen, adv. how? Ahwon, n. fog, dew, mist
Ahsin, n. a stone Ahnewh, n. a bullet Ahnahquod, n. a cloud
Ahnookewin, n. a work Ahnemeke, n. thunder Ahkoozewin, n. sickness
Ahpahbewin, n. a saddle, or a thing to sit on Ahpwahgun, n. a pipe
Ahnahpe, adv. when Ahgwahnahung, pt. covered Ahgwahjeeng,
outdoors Ahpequashemoon, n. pillow Ahkookoobenahgun, } n. a
basket, the latter signifies a vessel to carry Ahwahjewahnahgun, } or
gather with Ahnahmeahwin, n. religion Aindahnahbid, v. sitteth
Aindahyaun, n. my house or home Aiskum, adv. more Anwahchegaid,
n. a prophet Amequahn, n. a spoon Atah, conj. but Ahsamah, n.
tobacco Ahnahmahkahmig, } under the earth or ground
Ahnahmahkeeng, } Ahgahming, n. other side Ahyahmook, v. receive it,
or take it Ahshum, v. feed him, or give him something to eat
Ahgahwahta, n. a shadow Ahwashema, prep. beyond Ahgwewin, n. a
garment Ahgookayowh, n. a bait, or something to allure animals to a
snare Ahgahjewin, n. bashfulness Ahquahnebesohn, n. rainbow
Azhenekahdaig, } n. name of a thing or place. In asking a question
Adahming, } we say what is the name of that thing or place?
Ahgwahjeeye-ee, n. outside Anahnookewenegwain, business, or it was
his business Anaindahmon, n. thy will Azheahyog, v. as it is Azhegooh,
v. as we Azhemahmahjenoojin, part. played or acted
Ahgoonwatahdezoowod, v. they refuse Ahyahsenenegoon, when there
is none or no Ainind, pt. called Ahwas, adv.
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