took the =Monroe Doctrine= in his pocket
and is liable to lose it over there,
Pres Wilson threatened he would start the war over again, Be terrible if
they found out this war was fixed and they had to fight it over again,
They cant let the Russians in this league or they would make a Bush
League out of it,
Best time to have formed this League of Nations was during the war
when all these Nations needed each other,
Everybody is for something to prevent war, but they are afraid it is like
Prohibition it dont prohibit,
League of Nations just as clear as the Income Tax blanks,
One thing we got to be thankful for our Soldiers can win wars faster
than our Diplomats can talk us into them,
Pres Wilson finally got discouraged at the stalling and told them that if
they dident hurry up and do something the Americans would pick up
their Wives and come home,
They then got busy and decided that Belgium could try the Kaiser,
Belgium said "how do we get him," Allies said "thats it if we could get
him we would try him ourselves,"
Some Nations got so tired waiting for Peace they went back to fighting
Been working on this League of Nations all winter, Finally one of the
deligates said "What about Peace with Germany" The others all said
"thats right we never thought of that,"
Went to call in Germany and they said "Why we had give you all up
thought you wasent coming, We got a better offer from the Bolsheveki"
=They offer us no indemnities and no Baths,=
If they ever have another war lets have it understood before they start
what each Nation wants at the finish,
All those Nations claim they were fighting for freedom, But of course a
little more land would make a little more Freedom,
One thing about this League, The last war there were only 10 or 15
nations in it now if they all sign this they can all be in the next one, It
wont be near so exclusive,
Course its hard to please everybody Taft tried that,
If Pres Wilson had any doubts about this League of Nations being put
through he should have taken some of these Prohibitionist. They would
have shown him how to get it through whether people wanted it or not,
France says they would have more confidence in this League if they
would slip a couple of Nations in between them and Germany,
Dont get impatient. It has been just this hard at the end of every war to
try and prevent another one,
Pres on his last voyage home said the Monroe Doctrine was fully
protected already And to show them that it was, He has now put it in,
This Monroe thing the Republicans talk so much of and know so little
about, Protects us against everything but VILLA.
And in the whole History of America he is the only Nation that ever
attacked us,
Italy says they will pick up their Marbles and go home
Pres Wilson says you may Fiume, But you will never get it,
Today is Japans day to threaten to pack their kimonas and leave,
Italy bases her claim on an old treaty, She cant afford to trace her
Treatys back too far, If I remember she originally was signed up with
Pres Wilson certainly used good judgement in visiting Italy when he
first went over,
Sectry BAKER has gone back over to France again think old Newt,
kinder likes PARIS,
They wanted Mcadoo to go but the salary wasent right,
Can you imagine a guy that couldent make a living out of all the jobs
he held, I would love to have just half what one Republican would have
made out of all that,
Lot of Reps dont want this League Gag to pass they are jealous cause
the Democrats ran the last war, And they want to have another one to
show how much better they could run one than the Democrats,
Even the Big 4 seem to be losing confidence, They have removed the
words High Contracting Parties, which appeared 418 times in the
original and now speak of it meekly as members of the League,
We know Pres Wilson had a lot to do with drafting it, Cause it has so
many WORDS
Now it will take longer to explain it than it did to write it,
If Mr Lodge and Mr Lowell debate on these new amendments Boston
has applied for a change of Venue,
Only debate ever held where both men agreed,
Pres is up to his old
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