of the Annals of Cuauhtitlan.
The reduplicated form of the name, Mimixcoatl, is not found elsewhere,
and appears to be a poetic license.
VIII. Xochipilli icuic.
0. Ye cuicaya tocniuaya ouaya yeo, ye cuicaya ye quetzalcoxcuxa
yoaltica tlao çinteutla, oay.
0. Çan quicaquiz nocuic ocoyoalle teumechaue, oquicaquiz nocuica in
cipactonalla atilili, ouayya.
0. Ayao, ayao, ayao, ayao, nitlanauati ay tlalocan tlamacazque, ayao,
ayao, ayao.
0. Ayao, ayao, ayao, tlalocan tlamacazque nitlanauati, aya, ayao, ayyao.
0. Ao çani uallaçic, otli nepaniuia, cani çinteutla campa ye noyaz,
campa otli nicyatoca ça oay.
0. Ayao, aya, ayao, tlalocan tlamacazque, quiauiteteu, ayyao, aya, ayao.
0. Q.n., ca otonac, ca otlatuic ca ye cuico ca ye cuica centeotl in
0. Q.n., macaco in tocuic ynican maquicaquican yn nican tlaca.
0. Q.n., in tlaloque tlamacazque niquinnauatia ye niauh in nochan.
0. Q.n., yn tlaloque tlamacazque niquinnauatia ye niauh in nochan.
0. Q.n., ca onitlanauati ni tlaloca catli ye nictocaz utli.
0. Q.n., yn antlaloque yn antlamacazque catli nictocaz yn anteteuh.
Hymn to Xochipilli.
0. O friends, the quetzal bird sings, it sings its song at midnight to
0. The god will surely hear my song by night, he will hear my song as
the day begins to break.
0. I send forth the priests to the house of Tlaloc.
0. The priests to the house of Tlaloc do I send forth.
0. I shall go forth, I shall join myself unto them, I shall go where is
Cinteotl, I shall follow the path to him.
0. The priests go forth to the house of Tlaloc, to the home of the gods of
the plain.
Xochipilli_, "lord of flowers," otherwise named _Macuilxochitl, "five
flowers" (the name of a small odorous plant), was the deity who gave
and protected all flowering plants. As one of the gods of fertility and
production, he was associated with Tlaloc, god of rains, and Cinteotl,
god of maize. His festival is described in Sahagun (Historia, Lib. I.,
cap. 14).
2. Cipactonalla_, from _cipactli_, and _tonalli, may refer to
Cipactonal, the reputed discoverer of the Aztec calendar. See Sahagun_,
_Historia, Lib. IV., cap. I.
IX. Xochiquetzal icuic.
0. Atlayauican ni xochiquetzalli tlacya niuitza ya motencaliuan
tamoanchan oay.
0. Ye quitichocaya tlamacazecatla piltzintecutlo quiyatemoaya ye
xochinquetzalla xoyauia ay topa niaz, oay.
Var. 2. Icotochiquetzalla.
0. Q.n., ompa niuitz ynixochiquetzal tamoanchan.
0. Q.n., choca piltzintecutli quitemoa in xochiquetzal xoyauia no umpa
Hymn to Xochiquetzal.
0. I, Xochiquetzal, go forth willingly to the dancing place by the water,
going forth to the houses in Tamoanchan.
0. Ye noble youths, ye priests who wept, seeking Xochiquetzal, go forth
there where I am going.
Xochiquetzal, "plumage of flowers," was the deity of the artists, the
painters, weavers, engravers on metal, silver and goldsmiths, and of all
who dealt in fine colors. Her figure was that of a young woman with
gay garments and jewelry (Duran, Historia, cap. 94). In the _Codex
Telleriano-Remensis_ she is assigned as synonyms Ichpochtli, the
Virgin, and Itzpapalotl, literally "the obsidian butterfly," but which was
probably applied to a peculiar ornament of her idol.
On Tamoanchan see notes to Hymn IV.
The term atlayauican, which I have translated "the dancing place by the
water," appears to refer to the "jar dance," baile de las jicaras, which
took place at the festival of the goddess, in the month of October.
Duran informs us this was executed at a spot by the shore of the lake.
Ceremonial bathing was carried on at the same festival, and these baths
were considered to cleanse from sin, as well as from physical pollution.
X. Amimitl icuic.
0. Cotiuana, cotiuana, cali totoch maca huiya yyalimanico,
oquixanimanico, tlacochcalico, oua, yya yya, matonicaya,
matonicalico, oua yya yo, çana, çana, ayoueca niuia, çana canoya,
ueca niuia, yya, yya, yyeuaya, çana, çana, yeucua niuia.
0. Ye necuiliyaya, niuaya, niuaya, niuaya, ay ca nauh niuahuaya, niuaya,
niuaya, ay ca nauh.
0. Tlaixtotoca ye ca nauhtzini, tlaixtotoca ye ca nauhtzini, ayoaya,
yoaya, ye ca nauhtzini.
0. Aueya itzipana nomauilia, aueya itzipana nomauilia, aueya itzipana
Var. 1. Manca. Matinicaya.
In amimitl icuic yuh mitoa in ueli chichimeca cuic amo uel caquizti in
quein quitoa in tonauatlatol ypa.
Hymn to Amimitl.
0. Join together your hands in the house, take hands in the sequent
course, let them spread forth, spread forth in the hall of arrows.
Join hands, join hands in the house, for this, for this have I come,
have I come.
0. Yes, I have come, bringing four with me, yes I have come, four being
with me.
0. Four noble ones, carefully selected, four noble ones, carefully
selected, yes, four noble ones.
0. They personally appear before his face, they personally appear before
his face, they personally appear before his face.
The brief Gloss to this Hymn states
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