ayac iuhqui,
in iuhqui. Anenicuic, id est, amo ca nen nonicuic, in quetzali, in
chalchihuitl in ixquich ynotlatqui, toçiquemitl. Queyanoca oya
tonaqui, id est, onocatonat, onocatlatuit.
0. Q.n._, tetzauiztli, _id est, oquintetzauito, in mixteca inic
oquiyaochiuhqui: oquimanilito in imicxi in pichauazteca, ioan in
0. Ay tlaxotla tenamitl, q.n., quitepeua inin tena in aquique yauchiuallo.
Iuitli macoc, q.n., oncan quitema in tiçatl in ihuitl. Mopopuxotiuh
yauhtlatuaya, q.n., inic mopopuxoticalaqui yauc, ioan, q.n., yeuatl
quitemaca y yauyutl quitemaceualtia, tepanquizqui, mitoayaqui
yehuatl quichioa yauyutl.
0. Oya yeua huel mamauia, q.n., çan oc momamauhtiaya in aya
momochiua yauyutl. Teuhtla milacatzoaya q.n., in noteuh in
opeuh yauyutl, aocac momauhtica iniquac ynoteuhtli moquetza
ynoteuhtica tlayoa(lli).
0. Amanteca toyauan, q.n., yn iyaoan yn aquique in cani omocentlalique
ca in calipan in yautioa ca tlatlaz ynin cal.
0. Pipiteca, toyaoan, xinechoncentlalizque, q.n., in pipiteca y yaoan
mochiuhque. Yn calla in mochiua yauyutl in i calipan.
The Hymn of Huitzilopochtli.
0. Huitzilopochtli is first in rank, no one, no one is like unto him: not
vainly do I sing (his praises) coming forth in the garb of our
ancestors; I shine; I glitter.
0. He is a terror to the Mixteca; he alone destroyed the Picha-Huasteca,
he conquered them.
0. The Dart-Hurler is an example to the city, as he sets to work. He who
commands in battle is called the representative of my God.
0. When he shouts aloud he inspires great terror, the divine hurler, the
god turning himself in the combat, the divine hurler, the god
turning himself in the combat.
0. Amanteca, gather yourselves together with me in the house of war
against your enemies, gather yourselves together with me.
0. Pipiteca, gather yourselves together with me in the house of war
against your enemies, gather yourselves together with me.
Huitzilopochtli was the well-known war-god of the Azteca, whose
functions are described by Sahagun (Historia, Lib. I., cap. 1) and many
other writers. The hymn here given is probably the tlaxotecuyotl, which
was chanted at the celebration of his feast in the fifteenth month of the
Mexican calendar (see Sahagun, Historia, Lib. II., cap. 34). The word
means "his glory be established." It was commenced at sunset and
repeated till sunrise.
0. "In the garb of our ancestors" (to-citli-quemitl). The high priest
appeared in the insignia of Quetzalcoatl, which, says Sahagun,
"were very gorgeous." (Hist., Lib. II., Appendix.)
0. Mixteca, plural of Mixtecatl, an inhabitant of Mixtecapan, near the
Pacific. The Huasteca, a nation of Maya lineage, lived on the
Gulf coast.
0. The god was called the Hurler, as he was believed to hurl the
lightning serpent (the xiuhcoatl).
0. Sahagun recites the legends about the Amanteca (Historia, Lib. IX.,
cap. 18). Here the name refers to the inhabitants of the quarter
called Amantlan.
0. Pipiteca_, a _nomen gentile, referring doubtless to a certain class of
the hearers.
This hymn may be compared to another, descriptive of the same
divinity, preserved in Sahagun's MS. in Madrid. It is as follows, with
my translation by its side.
Vitzilopuchtli Huitzilopochtli,
Can maceualli Only a subject,
Can tlacatl catca. Only a mortal was.
Naualli A magician,
Tetzauitl A terror,
Atlacacemelle A stirrer of strife,
Teixcuepani A deceiver,
Quiyocoyani in yaoyotl A maker of war,
Yautecani An arranger of battles,
Yautlatoani; A lord of battles;
Ca itechpa mitoaya And of him it was said
Tepan quitlaza That he hurled
In xiuhcoatl His flaming serpent,
Immamalhuaztli His fire stick;
Quitoznequi yaoyotl Which means war,
Teoatl tlachinolli. Blood and burning;
Auh iniquac ilhuiq'xtililoya And when his festival was celebrated,
Malmicouaya Captives were slain,
Tlaaltilmicoaya Washed slaves were slain,
Tealtilaya impochteca. The merchants washed them.
Auh inic mochichiuaya: And thus he was arrayed:
Xiuhtotonacoche catca With head-dress of green feathers,
Xiuhcoanauale Holding his serpent torch,
Xiuhtlalpile Girded with a belt,
Matacaxe Bracelets upon his arms,
Tzitzile Wearing turquoises,
Oyuvale. As a master of messengers.
When in Florence, in 1889, I had an accurate copy made of the Nahuatl
text and all the figures of the first book of Sahagun's History. The
colored figure of Huitzilopochtli is in accordance with the above
II. Uitznaoac yautl icuic.
0. Ahuia tlacochcalco notequioa ayayui nocaquia tlacatl, ya
nechyapinauia, ayaca nomati, nitetzauiztli, auia, ayaca nomati
niya, yautla, aquitoloc tlacochcalco notequioa, iuexcatlatoa ay
0. Ihiya quetl tocuilechcatl quauiquemitl nepapan oc uitzetla.
0. Huia oholopa telipuchtla, yuiyoc yn nomalli, ye nimauia, ye nimauia,
yuiyoc yn nomalli.
0. Huia uitznauac telepochtla yuiyoc, yn nomalli, ye nimauia, ye
nimauia yuiyoc, ynomalli.
0. Huia ytzicotla telipochtla, yuiyoc, yn nomalli, ye nimauia, ye nimauia,
yuiyoc yn nomalli.
0. Uitznauac teuaqui, machiyotla tetemoya, ahuia oyatonac, yahuia
oyatonac, machiyotla tetemoya.
0. Tocuilitla teuaqui, machiyotla tetemoya, ahuia oyatonac, yahuia
oyatonac uia, machiyotla tetemoya.
Var._ 6. Vitzanaoac teuhoaqui machiotla. _MS. Med.
The War Song of the Huitznahuac.
0. What ho! my work is in the
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