Ride The Punani!! - TranceBoys Guide To Getting Laid | Page 9

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well and would like to get your h\
ands on them, here are the terms (the following is in
Selleks, et saada endale m6ningaid juba minu poolt t6lgitud monolooge/di\
alooge, pead natuke vaeva n2gema. T2psemalt siis -
t6lkima 2ra m6ne senimaani veel t6lkimata monoloogi/dialoogi, saatma sel\
le mulle ja lisama, millist t6lgitud monoloogi/dialoogi
sa vastu tahad. Ning kui t6lkimise kvaliteet on talutav, siis... oma tah\
tmise sa ka saad:) Lihtne:)
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How to Lay Girls Guide

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How to Lay Girls Guide

Proceeding instead of closing
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A very viable alternative to closing is simply proceeding. If both you a\
nd her seem to have some time to spare and things are
going well, why would you literally want to "close" a wonderful thing? T\
o leave her wanting for more? To work some more
magic over the phone and build up anticipation, incredible connection an\
d attraction? Sure, but none of this compares to being
able to make things happen right now. And if there seem to be no unsurmo\
untable obstacles, then that is exactly what you should
be doing.
The following example adapted from "Sweep women off their feet..." uses \
big-time supplication, but being fairly off-the-wall and
presented as "anything to make you smile", it does the trick:) The main\
value of this example however is the application of
proceeding instead of closing.
"There is no better time to go out than right there and then. If you alr\
eady spent some time talking to a girl you just met and she is
responsive, asking her out can mean nothing more than taking the convers\
ation somewhere else.
[Talking with female colleagues on the street]. Just as I turn around I \
see this amazingly beautiful girl walking down the street
towards us.
I looked straight into her eyes and said:
"You know what I think? I think it should be illegal for someone to be a\
s beautiful as you."
As she made her way past the three of us, she turned her head and said: \
"Who me?" as though she was trying to figure out if I was talking to her\
. She began to blush.
"Yeah, you! You are going to cause an accident. At least if I was one of\
those guys driving down the street, I couldn't take my
eyes off you and bump the car in front of me."
"Nah, you're just saying that." And then she walked into the building.
"Wait, just wait a second. Do you think that you're just going to walk i\
nto my life like that, completely blow me away with your
beauty, style and magnetic personality and then walk away never to be se\
en again?"
"Well, as sweet as you make it sound, I do have some things to take care\
of in this building and I have to go."
"That's fine with me. Just tell me how long you'll be and I'll wait here\
for you. I won't even take another breath until you return if
that is your wish."
Without saying another word she went into the elevator and off she went.\
Five minutes later I was still out there talking to my two
friends when she came back out of the building. I walked up to her again\
and said:
"Wow, I knew that you were going to come back to me. You didn't tell me \
how long I should wait but I was ready to go home and
get my tent and camp out here for as long as needed just to see you agai\
http://tranceboy.fws1.com/proceeding.htm (1 of 3) [8/3/2002 9:30:42 PM\

How to Lay Girls Guide
She starts giggling and says:
"What kind of girl do you think will fall for this kind of lines?"
"Actually, if these lines can put a smile on your face, then I can die a\
happy man. I suppose I'm ready to die now. My dream has
come true. I made you smile. I wonder if I can do it again. But you know\
this is not even funny. Usually I am a self-centered
bastard just like any other guy, keeping my feelings to myself, then thi\
s girl walks into my life and changes everything. I start
pouring out my inner most feelings and you think they are just some chee\
sy pick-up lines." (Acting hurt)
"Somehow I just don't see you as a self-centered bastard. You're just be\
ing too hard on yourself."
"I can prove it, but you have to spend some time with me, perhaps have a\
drink with me around the corner at the E&C (nice
restaurant and sports bar)."
"But I don't drink. Besides why would
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