Randy Gages Lessons in Network Marketing | Page 3

Randy Gage
you can see, the business of Network Marketing is quite
different from the corporate world. It takes a certain
entrepreneurial zeal, and a self-motivated mindset. You must
have strong self-esteem, and conduct your business with
absolute integrity. And finally, you should be willing to
submerge your ego where necessary and utilize the systems that
have been developed by the sponsorship line above you.

If the previous paragraph describes you...or how you'd like to
be...then you are a great candidate for the business. You have
what it takes to be successful in the business.

Lesson 2
The Foundation for Rapid Duplication

Go to any McDonald's at 7 o'clock in the evening and you're likely
to find it being run by a 19- or 20-year old who just recently
graduated from teenage acne. It's possible this 19-year old has a
mother who won't let him borrow her Volvo because she doesn't trust
him with it. Yet, this same 19-year old is successfully running an
operation that does in excess of $3 million a year in sales.
What's the secret?

A system.

One of the most complete, specific and tested systems ever
developed. A system that can turn any 15-year old into an
effective, efficient, and productive employee. One to three items
go in this bag; four to six items go in the next size bag; here are
the napkins you use; here's where you get them from; here's what
day of the week you order them; and here's when they'll be

You see the same thing in the military. Eighteen-year old kids are
flying fighter jets that cost more than the gross national product
of developing countries. But there's a pre-flight checklist, an
in-flight checklist, a post-flight checklist, and probably a
checklist just for the checklists.

Having this kind of system to follow created a quantum leap in the
success ratios of start-up businesses. Franchises with
comprehensive systems have a dramatically higher level of success
than independent businesses.

So how does that apply to your Network Marketing business?

Most people, even the moderately successful ones in Network
Marketing, don't have a system. It's because they built a network
based upon their sales talents, or because they give great
meetings, or simply their sheer strength of personality. They call
all their key people five times a day; they hold rah-rah rallies
all the time; or they are 24-hour-a-day sponsoring machines.

I know a person who prospects 30 people a day. These kinds of
people sponsor dozens and dozens of distributors a year - which
they need to do, to replace the dozens and dozens who drop out.
They walk across the stage at their company conventions; they make
lots of money; they live in nice houses; and they drive nice cars.
But they certainly aren't living the lifestyle of freedom and
controlling their own destiny. They've traded enslavement to a
boss for enslavement to a business. They are the MLM grinders.

What these people do works. It just doesn't duplicate. They work
hard and mean well, but the average person cannot duplicate what
they are doing to build their business. Now granted, they're
probably making a lot more money in their networking enslavement
than they were making in their job - but they're still enslaved.
They can't really show other people how to escape the rat race,
because they're still trapped in it.

A system gives you security, it helps you build depth faster, and
most importantly, it allows you to leverage your time and talents
for maximum effect. It gives you the opportunity to bring in
people who can replace you quickly, which allows you to accomplish
a very important job. You see...

Your job is to work yourself out of a job.

As quickly as possible. The true success of your business comes
from training other people to replace yourself. And then teach
them how to teach their people the same thing. This is when you
can get some tremendous exponential growth taking place.

You move up from linear income, such as you get marketing your
products, and get the leveraged income, by creating a large,
growing organization, which is also marketing those products.

The secret of a system is that every stage of the business building
process is spelled out. So anyone who joins the network can follow
the same successful process that brought him or her in, instead of
having to go through a trial and error scenario.

This also makes the business work for people who are not natural
sales types, and have fear of rejection. In other words, it is
more duplicable for more people.

Your system should completely delineate and spell out the entire
process that a distributor will follow from where to find
prospects, how to approach them, how to sponsor them, and how to
train them to reach the higher advancement ranks. Each stage in
this process should be written down somewhere, and taught to the
distributor at the appropriate time.

Here's a breakdown of the six key elements that
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