Queen Victoria | Page 6

Grace Greenwood
George the Third for his wife in 1761, remodelled by George the
Fourth, and completed by William the Fourth, who, however, had never
lived there.
Four days later the Queen went in State to dissolve Parliament, and
soon afterward removed to Windsor Castle, where she was joined for a
time by her uncle and his wife.
Prince Albert wrote her a warm letter of congratulation. "You are now,"
he said, "Queen of the mightiest land in Europe. In your hands lie the
happiness of millions. May Heaven assist and strengthen you with its
strength in that high but difficult task! I hope that your reign may be

long, happy, and glorious, and that your efforts may be rewarded by the
thankfulness and love of your subjects."
On Thursday, June 28, 1838, the coronation ceremony took place in
Westminster Abbey. Afterward the Queen made a royal progress and
was greeted by immense crowds of her people with the utmost loyalty
and enthusiasm. In her journal she described it as the proudest day of
her life. Mrs Jamieson, an onlooker, wrote of her as follows:
"When she returned, looking pale and tremulous, crowned and holding
her sceptre in a manner and attitude which said, 'I have it, and none
shall wrest it from me,' even Carlyle, who was standing near me,
uttered with emotion, 'A blessing on her head!'"
As a small instance of the Queen's consideration for others, one of her
first thoughts after the ceremony was for the school-children. She wrote
to her minister, Lord Melbourne, asking if it was not usual to give a
week's additional holiday to the schools on such an occasion as this.
Lord Melbourne was from the moment of her accession the Queen's
chief adviser, and from the many letters which passed between them it
is extremely interesting to see with what affection the young and
inexperienced girl regarded him. "He is not only a clever statesman and
an honest man," she wrote to her uncle, Leopold, "but a good and a
kind-hearted man, whose aim is to do his duty for his country and not
for a party."
Lord Melbourne was almost a second father to her, and there is no
doubt that it was largely due to his excellent and homely advice that the
Queen was able during the early years of her reign to develop in such
an astonishing manner and yet at the same time to retain such a sweet
and womanly character. Of her regularity of life and careful attention to
detail we learn from Greville's diary. She rose soon after eight o'clock,
and after breakfast was occupied with business the whole morning.
During this time Lord Melbourne visited her regularly. At two o'clock
she rode out, attended by her suite, and amused herself afterward for
the rest of the afternoon with music, singing, or romps with children.
Dinner was served at eight o'clock to the whole household, and the

Queen usually retired soon after eleven. "She orders and regulates
every detail herself; she knows where everybody is lodged in the Castle,
settles about the riding or driving, and enters into every particular with
minute attention." She never signed a single document of any
importance until she had thoroughly mastered its contents.
In October, 1839, her cousins Ernest and Albert paid her a visit,
bringing with them a letter from their uncle Leopold, in which he
recommended them to her care. They were at once upon intimate terms,
and the Queen confided to her uncle that "Albert was very fascinating."
Four days after their arrival she informed Lord Melbourne that she had
made up her mind as to the question of marriage. He received the news
in a very kindly manner and said: "I think it will be very well received,
for I hear that there is an anxiety now that it should be, and I am very
glad of it. You will be much more comfortable, for a woman cannot
stand alone for any time, in whatever position she may be."
The Queen described her betrothal as follows: "At half-past twelve I
sent for Albert. He came to the closet, where I was alone, and after a
few minutes I said to him that I thought he would be aware why I
wished him to come, and that it would make me happy if he would
consent to what I wished, namely, to marry me. There was no
hesitation on his part, but the offer was received with the greatest
demonstrations of kindness and affection. . . . I told him I was quite
unworthy of him. . . . He said he would be very happy to spend his life
with me."
She wrote to her uncle: "I love him more than I can say, and I shall do
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