Queen Victoria | Page 5

Grace Greenwood
as a great treat.
The Queen herself said: "I was brought up very simply--never had a
room to myself till I was nearly grown up--always slept in my mother's
room till I came to the throne."
Sir Walter Scott wrote of her at this period of her life: "This little lady
is educated with much care, and watched so closely that no busy maid
has a moment to whisper, 'You are heir of England.' I suspect if we
could dissect the little heart, we should find some pigeon or other bird
of the air had carried the matter."
In 1830 her uncle, George the Fourth, died, and his brother, William
the Fourth, came to the throne. The young Princess was now the next in
succession. Her governess thought that her pupil should be told of this
fact, and as the Duchess of Kent agreed, the table of genealogy was
placed inside Victoria's history book, where by and by she found it.
The story goes that she then said, "I see, I am nearer the throne than I

thought," and giving her hand to her governess added: "I will be good. I
understand now, why you urged me so much to learn, even Latin. My
cousins Augusta and Mary never did, but you told me that Latin was
the foundation of English grammar, and of all the elegant expressions,
and I learned it as you wished. But I understand it all better now." In
later years the Queen recollected crying very much when she heard of it,
but could not recall exactly what had happened.
It is interesting to note what those who knew little Victoria at this time
say about her. She was, we are told, exceedingly affectionate, very full
of high spirits, fond of life in the open air, and already possessed a
strong sense of duty and religion.
She had been taught by her devoted uncle Leopold, with whom she
corresponded regularly, how necessary it was for her to understand
thoroughly the duties which fall to the share of a ruler. During the years
which followed she went more into society and paid visits to the most
interesting places in the kingdom. Everywhere she went she was
received with the greatest enthusiasm.
In 1830 the Duke of Coburg, with his two sons, Ernest and Albert,
arrived at Kensington Palace on a visit, and thus the Princess met for
the first time her future husband. Her uncle Leopold had long desired to
carry out the cherished wish of his mother, the Dowager Duchess of
Coburg, that the two cousins should be united in marriage. During
William the Fourth's lifetime all mention of such a marriage had to be
kept secret, as the King much disliked the Coburg family, and had more
than once been very rude to the Duchess of Kent.
Victoria wrote to her uncle saying how much she liked Albert in every
way, and that he possessed every quality that could be desired to render
her perfectly happy. She was very anxious that her uncle should take
her cousin under his special protection.
On May 24, 1837, Victoria attained her majority. She received numbers
of magnificent presents, congratulations from public bodies, and in the
evening a State Ball was given at St James's Palace.

On Tuesday, June 20 of that year, at twelve minutes past two, King
William the Fourth died. The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord
Chamberlain set out at once for Kensington to convey the sad news.
They arrived at five in the morning, and were told that the Princess was
asleep. They replied that they were on important business of State to
the Queen, and even her sleep must give way to that. Our illustration
depicts the scene which then ensued.
[Illustration: The Announcement of the Queen's Accession by the
Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Chancellor H.T. Wells, R.A.
Photo W.A. Mansell & Co.]
Even during the first days of her reign, the Queen's dignity, calm, and
knowledge of State affairs astonished her ministers, and were complete
proof of the careful training she had received during her girlhood days.
Greville, Clerk to the Council, wrote: "She presided with as much ease
as if she had been doing nothing else all her life. . . . The gracefulness
of her manner and the good expression of her countenance give her on
the whole a very agreeable appearance, and with her youth inspire an
excessive interest in all who approach her, and which I can't help
feeling myself."
In July the Queen and her mother left their home to take up their
residence in Buckingham Palace, formerly known as the Queen's House.
The present palace occupies the site of Buckingham House, which was
erected by John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, in 1703. It was bought
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