Progressions | Page 5

Walter D. Petrovic
Stars and Earth?Until days pass, that leave no scars?From that timely, resurrected birth.
Low lights glitter at the edge?As the mist grows to its fullest.?All eyes look to the west,?Where the sun sets once again.
Hands are stretched-out to you,?You take them for your own,?And calling yourself the Neapolitan?Wherever in the world you go.
You see many places?No other man has ever seen?But in the end you'll finally go?To the place where all roads end.
The place, the world after death.?Whether a man, rich or poor,?A man, powerful or meek,?Any man of character and status,?Finally finds his times for rest.
His hour of eternal contentment.
The rooster lifted his head,?And began to shake it rhythmically?Till several small hens gathered 'round.
Later, in the afternoon, the farmer came,
With a man dressed in a blue suit.?Then picking up the rooster, gently,?He began to speak, softly.?The farmer looked at the man.?He inquired if his cock was,?In the top form and condition?(If it was ready for the event)?Which would class it above all others.
The man who wore the blue suit?Put forth his hand and got it pecked,?Then pulling it away quickly, he spoke.?He said that, "all is well with the bird."
Then looking at his watch, he felt?The time was near, so no more tea and talk,?For now they must strive, to sock this cock?- Then looked around for his goose.
Flew from the cusp?It did.?"So where'd it go?"?I asked.?But no one answered.
I reckoned,?Because, I'm deaf.
I can't find my way?When dark.?The light isn't there.?So what??My eyes aren't infrared,?I suppose.
But there's no reason?To leave,?This world, so cruel?To all.
This world, might change?Thank God,?Before we all fly-off?The handle.
You know of rabid men?Who cannot be held down.?Their strength of brutal force?Out-matching those who try?But who never succeed,?In keeping them down, for long.
Then, there are the fairer creatures?That God had made for the men.?These creatures cannot be caged?They are too free.?Their glowing faces and flowing hair,?Help to raise men's souls,?From the despair of their hate.?Their shining smiles cleave to them?Their crystalline eyes show love,?Their hearts are bound like chains.
You know of rabid men?Who cannot be held down.?Yet, they cannot move?From the weight of warmth, within them,?That they perish from-it-all.?Frothing from their souls' mouths,?Bleeding, painfully from within?And fighting from within?And fighting the torture of calm.?Rabid men, overcome by gentle love.
We all reach a time?In our lives, so seemingly brief?When failing eyes turn inward?To a newly-found rhyme.?The poem that is written?From your birth, until your death.?Introducing your being to you?-An acquaintance quite worth knowing?For it is about, when you are in need.
Troubled, in a dreamless sleep
Confused in where to turn, or go,?You look to all for answers?But disregard your Self.?The person within you knows.?His answers are clear and true.?Lend to it an ear, for a time,?And the troubles shall disappear.?"You are my friend so dear?"We are best friends, so near"?Holding close our thoughts of sight?Failing in its ever-fading light.?Till knowledge as bright as stars?Fill the children's hearts and eyes.?A hand is held-out from you?Rewards of love and obedience you seek,?But woe, no one can see?And, also, no one does care.?Hitherto you see it yourself.
Alas,?My heart has seen?The woe of woes.?My soul has felt?A most intolerable pain.?I look, in retrospect,?At my love and I find
Deceits and frozen flesh.
The fantasies cooing in my ears?No words spoken in reality.?No hand to reach-out for mine.?No one to accept my arms,?To hold them tightly in comfort.
And it rains upon my party.
When the slightest of clouds appear,?Blocking the sun and never moving?And what to do but to wait??I wait, as the days pass-away.
I wait, as the nights stay along,?And as stars painfully expire.?My heart explodes its love,?As the super novae light their space.?And if their light can last?Then why can't my love?
My heart has seen?The woe of woes.
A timeless haunting?Sets in on the world.?We are alone here?But we are not by ourselves.
People, open your eyes.?Take in your rightful light.?The Universe is yours?Take loving care of it.
Look into your hearts,?See all your pasts?And understand its music,?For now a new symphony begins.
Give your hand in help,?To all those in need?For there are many people,?Those not aware.
The words are written.?Heed them and believe.?The time is very near?And fear not yourselves.
"Fear not, for I bring you?Great tidings?Of good joy?To all . . ."
We are the men who search.?We search for that which is.?We search for the light,?Ever consumed by darkness.?We search for the good,
Ever consumed by the evil.?We search for the love,?Forbidden to us, by hate.?We search for peace?Hindered by warring ways.?We are the men who search,?For the path to lead us?To the light of righteousness.?We are those who hope?We are the men?That may be.
Light-on to yourself, the way to yourself?You are the glow, we are the spark?All are the fire, good of the light?Shining-on for ever?In reflectance of His Being?In the shadow of His love.
The leaves on the willow
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