Progressions | Page 4

Walter D. Petrovic
I seem to think,?Of thoughts, in pink,?While the moods of my friends, are blue.
Amidst the piles of the goo,?I know that it's just a dream.
There, milkmaids blend their milk, to cream,?And a Giant, sits on a daisy.
Starlight seems to purify?Thoughts I possess for you.?Love, Hate, or Passion?You know my heart can sigh.
Those times my heart did see?The radiance of your beauty?Were times holding you, in my love,?And I knew our souls were free.
My life's blood slowly dripped away?From the gash within my heart?That was caused by your lack of love.?My life now, is torn apart.?All my days are darkened, too.?Without your love to sustain me?And my days are growing shorter,?Since I'm famished for your love.?You may have thoughts, of staying?By me, for a little while longer?But you changed your witty mind?For now, I'm weak and dryly withered?And now, my life has ended.
I can remember how you laughed at me?When I slipped upon the ice,?But you said that you were sorry.?I thought that you were very nice.?I stretched out my hand for you to take?So you would help me to get up.?And when you took it I pulled you down,?Now we're together on the ground.?We laughed together for some time,?And looked into each other's eyes,?Then we knew that the time had come?That we'd be standing forever.
Close your eyes and sleep, my love,?Till I wake thee, with a kiss, my love.?When, in the evening of our embrace, my love,?We'll walk slowly through the woods, my love.?We'll gently take each other's hand, my love.?And hold them close to our hearts, my love.?Then pledge our selves to ourselves, my love,?United we'll be, as we should be, my love.?Our eyes sparkle with love, by the moon, my love.?As our auras spread love throughout the stars, my love,?Happiness is our togetherness, my love.?Be it in the hot or in the cold, my love,?We'll smile at each other with delight, my love.?Till past the day that we're forever united, my love.
One day soon,?(And that day is near)?The Man will return,?To establish His right?As King of this planet Earth.?With conflicts that are there,?By different races and thoughts,?Who oppose his Holy Name.?The people will not listen.?This Man will be saddened,?For He knows, He must rain Fire,?On this sacrilegious Earth,?Cleansing it, in that way,?To all before Him, He'll say:?"Now you'll do it, my way!"
Raise your glasses?And be merry, gentlemen!?The day has died?But the night is born.
Wear inside of you?The elegance of joy,?For as the years proceed?We all grow old.
The day will come,?When we all remember?Those joyous days of old?When we were merry together.
And time passes by:
Hiding in the night,?You let your passions flow,?Out of your heart and pitcher?Till all your words distort.
Take into yourself, the herb,?Which bends your sense, entire.?You begin in the mist of dreams,?Till you escape all reality.
Too far, you've reached?Into animated dreams,?You did not dream yourself.?And now you wonder why??And now you lay and stare,?You do not move, or care.?Now you do not think,?And now, no one even cares!
Man paves the way?For the unending words?And wanders in circles?Till he arrives at the end of that ring,?Which is silent in its infinity.
He puts the grip upon himself?Refusing to let go, of how he feels?He is saddened by the thought,?"We begin to die and whither,?From the day that we are born."
Many days he has spent with you?Cuddled close, in a dark silence.?The crackle of fire?His hand stroking your hair,
Though, all this, for nothing.
Revel in the sight,?Young lovers' embrace.?Kissing the winter tension away?And holding the thought of spring?That warms the love-needy heart,?And which slowly prepares your fate.
Destiny is writing your book,?Where you play the major role.?With complications, crisis and climax?Until the day of your epilogue,?When Fate lowers the curtain -- your story.
All this time, living for nothing,?Since you cannot alter it.?Any way that you try to change it?It was written for you to do it so,?Even if you live your life as immortal.
Alas, the final days come?When all we plebes must go.?Whether strong or weak, at heart,?Or if we're rich or poor, in garb?We all still die and then are forgotten.
As the fire of the flame burns?I cannot stop but think, in shame,?How wronged you have been, those times,?By the manners of myself, and friends.?But know; towards you, a child-like love?I have had in my contemplation's.
Only one flame burns for warmth and light.?It glows, from a cold stick of melting wax,?Which I feel, in many ways, is our love.
We should have known, long ago,?Who and what we are, or may have been,?Amongst those very few, unfortunate?Lost in their sincerity, their hopeless sensibility,?Giving-out their affections, aimlessly and blind,
To anyone willing to its reception.?Yet never, to their knowing, its needed return,?Those crying, in their vaulted love,?Missing in tranquillity and drowned in remorse.
Exchange our love, and strengthen bonds?And cleave between the
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