Poems and Songs | Page 5

Bjornstjerne M. Bjornson
subjects are simple, large, weighty; the form is compact, strong, suggestive. Bj?rnson is distinctly not subjectively lyrical, but has a place in the first rank "as a choral lyric poet and as an epic lyric poet." (Collin.) Georg Brandes wrote of him many years ago: "In few [fields] has he put forth anything so individual, unforgettable, imperishable, as in the lyric field."
Have thanks for all from our childhood's day,?Our play together in woodland roaming.?I thought that play would go on for aye,?Though life should pass to its gloaming.
I thought that play would go on for aye,?From bowers leading of leafy birches?To where the Solbakke houses lay,?And where the red-painted church is.
I sat and waited through evenings long?And scanned the ridge with the spruces yonder;?But darkening mountains made shadows throng,?And you the way did not wander.
I sat and waited with scarce a doubt:?He'll dare the way when the sun's descended.?The light shone fainter, was nearly out,?The day in darkness had ended.
My weary eye is so wont to gaze,?To turn its look it is slow in learning;?No other landmark it seeks, nor strays,?Beneath the brow sorely burning.
They name a place where I help may find,?And fain to Fagerli church would guide me;?But try not thither to move my mind;?He sits there ever beside me.
--But good it is, that full well I know,?Who placed the houses both here and yonder,?Then cut a way through the woods so low?And let my eye on it wander.
But good it is that full well I know,?Who built the church and to pray invited,?And made them meeting in pairs to go?Before the altar united.
The fox lay still by the birch-tree's root
In the heather.?The hare was running with nimble foot
O'er the heather.?Was ever brighter a sunshine-day,?Before, behind me, and every way,
O'er the heather!
The fox laughed low by the birch-tree's root
In the heather.?The hare was running with daring foot
O'er the heather.
I am so happy for everything!?Hallo! Why go you with mighty spring
O'er the heather?
The fox lay hid by the birch-tree's root
In the heather.?The hare dashed to him with reckless foot
O'er the heather.?May God have mercy, but this is queer! --?Good gracious, how dare you dance so here
O'er the heather?
Now little Nils Finn had away to go;?The skis were too loose at both heel and toe.?--"That's too bad!" rumbled yonder.
Then little Nils Finn in the snow set his feet:?"You ugliest troll, you shall never me cheat!"?--"Hee-ho-ha!" rumbled yonder.
Nils Finn with his staff beat the snow till it blew?"Your trollship, now saw you how hapless it flew?"?--"Hit-li-hu!" rumbled yonder.
Nils Finn pushed one ski farther forward with might;?The other held fast,--he reeled left and right.?--"Pull it up!" rumbled yonder.
Nils' tears wet the snow, while he kicked and he struck;?The more that he kicked there, the deeper he stuck.?--"That was good!" rumbled yonder.
The birch-trees, they danced, and the pine-trees said "Hoo!" They more were than one,--were a hundred and two.?--"Know your way?" rumbled yonder.
A laugh shook the ridge till it made the snow fly;?But Nils clenched his fists and he swore 't was a lie.?--"Now beware!" rumbled yonder.
The snow-field yawned wide, and the heavens came low;?Nils thought 't was now time for him also to go.?--"Is he gone?" rumbled yonder.--
Two skis in the snow looked about everywhere,?But saw nothing much; for there was nothing there.?--"Where is Nils?" rumbled yonder.
Good-morning, sun, 'mid the leaves so green --?Mind of youth in the dales' deep reaches,?Smile that brightens their somber speeches,?Heaven's gold on our earth-dust seen!
Good-morning, sun, o'er the royal tower!?Kindly thou beckonest forth each maiden;?Kindle each heart as a star light-laden,?Twinkling so clear, though a sad night lower!
Good-morning, sun, o'er the mountain-side!?Light the land that still sleep disguises?Till it awakens and fresh arises?For yonder day in thy warmth's full tide!
I saw a dove fear-daunted,?By howling storm-blast driven;?Where waves their power vaunted,?From land it had been riven.?No cry nor moan it uttered,?I heard no plaint repeated;?In vain its pinions fluttered --?It had to sink, defeated.
Lord! Oh, hold in Thy hand my child,?Guard by the river its playing!?Send Thou Thy Spirit as comrade mild,?Lest it be lost in its straying!?Deep is the water and false the ground.?Lord, if His arms shall the child surround,?Drowned it shall not be, but living,?Till Thou salvation art giving.
Mother, whom loneliness befalls,?Knowing not where it is faring,?Goes to the door, and its name there calls;?Breezes no answer are bearing.?This is her thought, that everywhere?He and Thou for it always care;?Jesus, its little brother,?Follows it home to mother.
Kille, kille, lambkin mine,?Though it often be hard to climb?Over the rocks upswinging,?Follow thy bell's sweet ringing!
Kille, kille, lambkin mine,?Take good care of that fleece-coat thine!?Sewed to one and another,?Warm it shall keep my mother.
Kille, kille, lambkin mine,?Feed
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