Pitmans Commercial Spanish Grammar | Page 5

C. A. Toledano
Que hermosa vista: What a fine view!
3. Before "hundred" and "thousand": 100--ciento, 1,000--mil.
[Footnote 13: Except when vocative, viz., calling a person or as an exclamation.]
[Footnote 14: The 's = possessive does not exist in Spanish. "My son's house" must always be translated as "the house of my son."]
[Footnote 15: Except when vocative, viz., calling a person or as an exclamation.]
[Footnote 16: Except, of course, when we particularize, as--Es un capitan que conoci en Paris: He is a captain I knew in Paris.]
_Imperfect Tense,[17] Indicative Mood_.
| =Hablar=. | =Temer=. | =Partir=. |
|Yo hablaba | Yo temia | Yo partia | | (I spoke), etc. | (I feared), etc. | (I departed),etc. | |Tu hablabas | Tu temias | Tu partias | |El or Ella | El or Ella | El or Ella | | hablaba | temia | partia | |Nosotros) hablabamos | Nosotros) temiamos | Nosotros) partiamos | |Nosotras) | Nosotras) | Nosotras) | |Vosotros) hablabais | Vosotros) temiais | Vosotros) partiais | |Vosotras) | Vosotras) | Vosotras) | |Ellos) hablaban | Ellos) temian | Ellos) partian | |Ellas) | Ellas) | Ellas) | |V. hablaba (you | V. temia (you | V. partia (you | | (s.) spoke) | (s.) feared) | (s.) parted) | |Vs. hablaban (you | Vs. temian (you | Vs. partian (you |
| (_pl._) spoke) | (_pl._) feared) | (_pl._) parted) |
_Past Definite,[17] Indicative Mood_.
| =Hablar=. | =Temer=. | =Partir=. |
|Hable[18] | Temi[18] | Parti[18] | | (I spoke), etc. | (I feared), etc. | (I departed), etc.|
|Hablaste | Temiste | Partiste |
|Hablo | Temio | Partio |
|Hablamos | Temimos | Partimos |
|Hablasteis | Temisteis | Partisteis |
|Hablaron | Temieron | Partieron |
| | | |
|V. hablo | V. temio | V. partio |

|Vs. hablaron | Vs. temieron | Vs. partieron |
[Footnote 17: The Imperfect tense describes a past action or state _in progress_; the Past Definite narrates an event. Ex.: I met (past def.)] Charles, who wore (imp.) a black hat: Encontre a Carlos quien llevaba sombrero negro.]
[Footnote 18: The Subject-Pronoun may be left understood, and is generally omitted unless special stress is laid upon it.]
=aleman=[19], German?=beber=, to drink?=bien=, well?=cafe=, coffee?=cerveza=, beer?=clavel=, carnation?=cliente=, client, customer?=comer=, to eat?=escribir=[20], to write?=estudiar=, to study?=exportar=, to export?=extranjero=, foreigner?=ferreteria=, ironware?=grande= (pl. =grandes=), large?=hijo=, son?=hija=, daughter?=italiano=, Italian?=jardinero=, gardener?=leer=, to read?=manana=, morning, to-morrow?=manzana=, apple?=maquina=, machine?=mesa=, table?=mi=, my?=mucho= (m.), much?=mucha= (f.), much?=muy=, very?=pera=, pear?=pero=, but?=pobre=, poor?=?que?= what??=que=, that, who, which?=rosa=, rose?=su=, his, her, their?=su ... de V=., your?=te=, tea?=el ... de V=., your?=vino=, wine?=violeta=, violet
[Footnote 19: Adjectives of nationality are written with small letters.]
[Footnote 20: Past Participle is "Escrito," otherwise regular.]
Translate into English--
1. Mi hermano habla espanol (or castellano).
2. V. no habla frances.
3. ?Habla bien el aleman el primo de su amigo de V. (your friend)?
4. No, Senor, el primo de mi amigo no habla bien el aleman pero habla muy bien el ingles.
5. ?Como esta (how is) su hermana de V.?
6. Esta muy bien, gracias (thank you).
7. ?Compra V. papel y tinta?
8. Si, Senor, y compro lapices
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