Personal Experiences of S.O. Susag | Page 9

S.O. Susag
On taking the pulpit I promptly explained just how it was we happened
to be there at that particular time and proceeded to preach the sermon
the Lord had given me to preach. I announced our services and

everybody seemed to be well pleased with the sermon. I was not
acquainted with any person in the audience, nor did any one know me
as far as I knew. A little later a number of them attended our services
and eight of them were saved and took their stand for the truth.
* * * * *
At one time I received a series of letters from a leader in a certain
Church of God congregation in which the writer earnestly pleaded that
I come and hold a meeting for him.
He said that the Lord had revealed to him that I could be a great
blessing to him and his congregation. I had never been to the place nor
did I know anyone in the congregation that I was aware of. After giving
the matter due consideration I felt that I should go, and wrote the pastor
to that effect. On the day I was planning to leave I received a letter
from the brother, upon the reading of which I began to tremble like a
leaf--something I had never experienced before. I was standing on the
floor reading the letter. Wife ran up to me and asked me if I was sick or
whether there was anything wrong. She took the letter and read it, and
said, "There is nothing wrong with that letter." "No," I said, "but I have
a feeling that if I go I will meet something I have never met before."
Wife answered, "Don't let the devil scare you now; you go, and I will
pray for you."
On arriving in the city, as I stepped off the train, a man came up to me
and said, "Are you Brother Susag? I am Brother X--; I have come to
meet you. We certainly are glad that you have come, but I am sorry to
have to tell you that our group is split into two congregations." I
quickly reached to take my suitcase out of his hand, and said to him,
"I'm going right back home; I'm too small a man to attempt to tackle
anything like that." But he said, "No, you cannot go, for we have been
praying for you to come and the Lord has shown us that you are the
man to help us out." "All right," I said, "on one condition I'll stay. Take
me to a hotel, and you inform both parties that I will only stay on
condition that all meet together in one chapel and that no one tell me
anything about the trouble, for if the Word of God will not make you
one, I surely cannot do so." "But," said he, "you surely need to know
something about how matters stand." "No," I replied, "the Lord knows
it all and He also knows what messages to give me from time to time."
"Very well," he said, "I'll take you out in the country three miles to an

old couple who knows nothing of the trouble."
Three days later at three o'clock in the afternoon, the brother came to
see me and informed me that my proposition had been accepted; the
group had agreed to the conditions. I preached for eleven days and let
them do their own altar work and the eleventh night there was but one
congregation and all was peace and harmony. For the first eleven days
of the meeting there was not one outsider in any of the services but on
the very next night the chapel was filled, and there were seven
ministers of the city present in the audience.
* * * * *
An Assembly meeting was being planned, soon to be held in Chicago,
at the 74th Street Church of God and the brethren in charge wrote to the
ministers of the Scandinavian Publishing work in St. Paul Park,
Minnesota, requesting them to provide an evangelist who should preach
in the Scandinavian languages--either Thomas Nelson, Emil Krutz or S.
O. Susag. Brother Krutz and I were holding a meeting at Hereford,
Minn. at the time. We received a letter from St. Paul Park asking us to
pray to find out which one of the three of us was to go. Then Brother
Krutz said to me, "I know you know who is to go; tell me who it is."
But I answered him, that he should go find out from the same source
from which I had found out. He left me and after two hours returned
and said, "It was a little hard for me to find out
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