Personal Experiences of S.O. Susag | Page 8

S.O. Susag
He said, "Why, Brother Susag, have you undressed?
The chapel is full of people who are waiting for you to come and
preach." I told him I had understood him to say that there would be no
afternoon service, that he should go back and that I would follow as
quickly as possible.
I had no message. I opened my Bible and from Genesis to Revelation
the Scriptures did not seem to mean anything to me. I prayed and still
no message. Then coming down stairs I met Sister Anna Hanson who
was just starting for the service. I said to her, "Please give me a text to
preach on." She said, "O you will have a text." I told her I was in
earnest, that I could not think of a single text in the whole Bible that
meant anything to me, that I was too worn out to think. Sister Hanson
then said, "I have often wished I might hear you preach on the first text
I ever heard you preach on and that was in Chicago. The text was, 'The
Lord weigheth the spirits.'" Then the Lord opened my understanding
and I had a text. At the close of the service Sister Hanson walked ahead
of me to the parsonage and into the kitchen where Sister Millar was.
She asked, "How was the service?" Sister Hanson answered, "The right
message for the right people at the right time." Sister Millar said, "Well,
praise the Lord!" and when Bro. Millar came in he said, "Praise the
Lord," and jumped and shouted and said that every stump had been
pulled--twenty-two of them!
While this meeting was in progress Brother Tiffany Flint from
Milwaukee came down and asked me to come and hold a two weeks'
meeting for him, but I had no open dates. In those days I was, at times,
booked ahead as many as forty-two meetings, so I had to refuse him.
But he urged, "Won't you come just a few days?" So I promised to go
for three nights. When I arrived he said, "I have something to tell you: I

have three persons here needing spiritual help." I replied, "Tell me
nothing, on the train the Lord gave me three texts, one for each night,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, which I am going to preach on." It
happened that each text fitted each one of the three mentioned persons
and each one came to service on the very night his particular text was
preached on, and received his special benefit.
I am relating all these incidents because I have always believed in the
leadership of the Holy Spirit; and now, after these fifty years of work in
the ministry I am more firmly grounded in that belief than ever.
Some time later I held another meeting for Brother Millar. One
afternoon, as I sat studying, the Lord said to me, "Here is your text; you
go down to street so and so, such and such a number and preach at 2:30
this afternoon." After lunch I said to Brother Millar, "Let us take a
walk." On coming out I said, "Is there a street in the city of such a
name," stating the name the Lord had given me? He said, "I think so;
what of it?" I told him that the Lord had given me a text to go down
there and preach at 2:30. Bro. Millar then said, "We will take a street
car and go down there and see, but I will tell you that if there is a
chapel at that number you will not get an opporunity to preach there."
We boarded the street car and the motor-man directed us to the street,
and as we approached the given number we found a chapel and a
meeting in progress. We went in and sat in the back seat. The singing
had just stopped and the evangelist took his Bible and went to the
pulpit. Bro. Millar smiled and hung his head, looking at me out of the
corner of his eye, as much as to say, "I thought so." But I was pretty
sober. I took my watch out of my pocket and held it in my hand and
after the evangelist had given out his text and had spoken just seven
minutes, he closed his Bible and said, "This is queer; I cannot speak
this afternoon," and turning to the pastor, asked him whether he had the
message. The pastor replied, "Why no, I haven't even my Bible with
me." Then, looking over the audience, the evangelist said, "There must
be someone here who has the message." Pointing to me, he said,
"Haven't you got the message?" I answered, "Yes." "Then come on up
here," he rejoined, "and take the
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