My Trip to Mars | Page 5

William Ferguson
it for the differing purposes for which the instruments were designed.
As soon as the proper instruments are developed for utilizing the power of expanded hydrogen atoms, we will use this most natural and wonderful power on the planet Earth, as it is now used on Mars. It has been used for the past nine years on Earth as a healing power, its use in that field has been beyond all expectations.
In the two hours Earth time that I was on Mars I had an enlightenment given to me that would equal four years of intensive study on the planet Earth, because I was functioning in four dimensions. After I had arrived on Mars, then I was given the answers to so many things I wanted to know concerning myself.
The Martians taught me so many things in the two hours that I was there, but in particular, the one who guided me about; his name was, and is, Khauga. Khauga is, as I have said, a Celestial Being, he is the one who engineered my teleportation, he is the one who helped the Martians to accomplish what they started to do. He is, and with reference to terms, I will use the terminology that is best suited to the understanding of the people of Earth, he is what is known as the Chief Uniphysicist of our Solar System. The scientists on Mars are known as uniphysicists, they have to do, and they have an understanding of the physics of the whole universe. I am speaking of our universe; of which our galaxy, just one of the many galaxies, is one part. There are 24 created universes, and each universe is composed of many many galaxies.
The Martians who greeted me were leaders and teachers, they are ones who have progressed, and the Martians have progressed according to the Cosmic Law that governs our particular Solar System, the same law that governs all Solar Systems. They are very outstanding people, a kindly people, with great understanding. Their phase of progression now is immortal life in the fourth dimension of existence. They no longer need to go out into three dimensional life projection and repeatedly go through the transition we call "death." They are now existing in eternal progression. As a matter of fact, if it were possible for a three dimensional Earth person to reach Mars he would not see the Reality, because his vibratory frequency in a three dimensional state of existence is not capable of seeing the Reality.
I shall never forget the one outstanding question that was asked of me by one of the Uniphysicists, who stepped up to me, and very directly said, "Is it true, as we have observed, that people on your planet go out and kill one another in battle?" I said, "Yes, it is true, as you have observed." This radiant being said, "The very thought of such a thing to us is abhorrent."
Now I will tell you how they took me. I will give you the techniques of it. First they took the matter of me, my body, and raised it into a four dimensional state. That is the state in vibratory rate which is the state of the next evolutionary step of man. All peoples of the Earth are going to reach that kind of an existence, that is our next evolutionary step. Now after one has been raised to four dimensions, after the matter has been raised to four dimensions, you change matter into energy.
I am going to tell you in our language, most people are not familiar with this terminology, the thing that actually took place with me in getting to Mars was teleportation through space. Our scientists today are changing energy into matter three dimensionally; but in the particular instance of which I was a part, this matter (my projection) had been raised into a four dimensional frequency, then it had been teleported to Mars at the speed of consciousness.
Some people ask, "How long did it take you to get to Mars?" Now the speed of consciousness is five million miles a second, and assuming that Mars was, at that time, approximately 50 million miles away from the planet Earth, it took me ten seconds to get there.
Here is something else that fits with that. You must understand that time is consciousness. Time in four dimensions ceases to exist as we know it here, but time is consciousness. Space is the movement of consciousness. Now I am giving you information concerning things that Earth scientists have thought about and deliberated upon, and formed theories, and hypothesis for many many years, and the more they think about it the more puzzled they become. But many are gradually getting close to the answer.
Upon my return to the planet Earth and into my home,
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