My Trip to Mars | Page 4

William Ferguson
to express them in ordinary words.
We swooped down and landed like a feather in the most beautiful city square I have ever seen, it was a combination boulevard, park, and flower 'and shrub conservatory. There were fountains and sculptured designs and statues arranged in such a way as to symbolize all the things and people into a harmonious effect.
Khauga said to me, "This is a great event on Mars because you are the first Earth man, the first Earth creature that we have ever been able to bring to our Planet."
If you want to know the original planet, or home planet of red heads, go to Mars. Because of Khauga's helmet, I had not noticed in particular the color of his hair, nor had I observed closely the people on the street outside the place of arrival, but when we came upon the Central Boulevard I soon observed that all the people were redheads.
Their stature, or height, is approximately one foot shorter, the average height, than the people of the Earth. They are people who have broad features, not sharp pointed features. Their complexions are of a red tone also. These Uniphysicists were clothed in cream colored robes trimmed with gold. They all wore their hair at shoulder length.
As we approached the committee of about 30 persons, I looked into the faces of a people of such intelligence, kindness and understanding, that I knew with absolute confidence, here was a people who would never violate anything good or natural, wherever or whatever it might be.
Here was a whole group of very radiant people, they were all enthused, they were all smiling, they were all happy, and as this being who was escorting me said (which I could see myself),' "There is great rejoicing on Mars tonight."
Khauga conducted me to the center of the assemblage and introduced me as the first Earth man to visit Mars in the expanded state of being, having full consciousness. He also told them of his reasons for the experiment. He told them how for years the Uniphysicists of Mars had tried to increase the vibratory rate of matter with an Earth man to the point where the expanded atoms of the body could be transported to Mars, and thereby establish communication with the Earth. He told them how, for nine years, I had been his protege, and by unconsciously inducing me to work with the expansion theory, he had caused me to apply the principle consciously to my own body, and finally success was achieved. His statements were greeted with great applause, and there was great rejoicing on Mars that night.
The thing that had taken place was that they had eventually been able to take a human being from the Planet Earth and transport him "lock, stock and barrel" to their planet, without any loss of consciousness, and of course then eventually to transport him back, and send him back with a message that he was supposed to tell at a certain time.
Now I will give a description of the wonderful power system used on Mars. Khauga conducted me through part of the power system, showing and explaining as we moved along. There is a material resembling sawdust that is processed from wood and is called "capra," which is saturated with water in huge vats. The Hydrogen in the water is expanded when it has been in contact with the "capra" for seventy two hours. This expansion gives off a gas that is released into turbines that convert the gas into an energy similar to a radio wave, and yet atomic or creative in its action. By the use of different instruments for its dispensing or application, heat, light, cold, or power for broadcast, are produced.
All of the generators are made of a material much stronger and more durable than steel. No wires are used for conductance. This form of atomic energy, or true atomic energy is conducted by what the Earth scientists call the "Meson." Through expansion of the nucleus of the Hydrogen Atom, a natural conductor of the energy given off is produced.
As the energy is broadcast, its field varies according to the expansion of the fields of power and force.
All aeroforms tune into the field of power according to their designated expansion field. The energy enters the power induction field where it is utilized by the internal controls and passes out the discharge force field. The action of the two fields forms a cone shaped field, the size of which, at the point of correct tuning, is the same as the aeroform to which it is tuned. Fitting a cone over a saucer will give you a good illustration of the principle involved.
For heating, lighting, temperature and weather control, the energy is piped underground to the various kinds of instruments that utilize
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