McGuffeys Eclectic Spelling Book | Page 9

W.H. McGuffey
guess heave live talk kern start leap stick walk sperm wrath
knee cliff chalk serve floor spleen writ lawn were czar have bronze
daub herb haunch frank buzz fault strength flaunt slake snatch spawn
sneak haunt smack dredge drift purse sharp clamp church fund clutch

Lesson 66.
en no'ble, in duce'ment a bu'sive, e lope'ment a cu'men pe ru'sal ex
po'nent ac cu'sant pur su'ant he ro'ic al lure'ment re fus'al pro mo'tive a
muse'ment sul phu'ric de tach'ment es tab'lish at tend'ant dog mat'ic fa
nat'ic as sem'blage dra mat'ic fan tas'tic ap pend'ant ec stat'ic gi gan'tic
in tes'tate e las'tic in hab'it com'pen sate
Lesson 67.
cit, a citizen. wreak, to revenge. sit, to rest on a seat. reek, vapor. duct,
a channel. bier, a carriage for the dead. ducked, plunged under. beer,

fermented liquor. chuff, a clown. rest, quietness; ease. chough (chuf), a
bird. wrest, to turn; to twist. coin, metal stamped. ring, a circle. coigne,
a corner. wring, to twist. cole, a kind of cabbage. rote, repetition. coal,
carbon. wrote, did write. find, to discover. strait, a narrow channel.
fined, did fine; mulcted. straight, not crooked. prints, calicoes. wave, an
undulation. prince, a king's son. waive, to refuse.

Lesson 68.
bole, the body of a tree. hist, hush! bowl, a vessel. hissed, did hiss. boll,
a pod. paws, the feet of beasts. nose, part of the face. pause, a stop.
knows, does know. faun, a sylvan god. mote, a particle. fawn, a young
deer. moat, a ditch. pride, vanity. toled, allured. pried, did pry. told, did
tell. wain, a wagon. tolled, did toll. wane, to decrease. rein, part of a
bridle. see, to behold. rain, falling water. sea, a body of water. reign, to
rule. si, a term in music.
Lesson 69.
a float' post pone' di lute' de mure' be low' pro rogue' a new' de plume'
be moan' dis course' dis use' re cruit' be stow' de port' en sue' re cluse'
de plore' re mote' im bue' re fute' a breast' at tempt' a bridge' e clipse' a
head' dis tress' dis miss' e vince' be friend' con nect' a midst' ex tinct' be
held' bur lesque' be twixt' for give' in flect' de flect' be witch' in flict'

Lesson 70.
Long Sounds of Vowels.
au stere' de crease' ap peal' dis creet' be queath' in crease' ap pear' en
treat' re vere' de mean' ap pease' ex treme' be seech' fu see' ar rear' gran
dee' bo hea' re peal' blas pheme' im peach' a light' de scribe' ac quire' dis
guise' a wry' de spise' at trite' es quire' be guile' pre scribe' as sign' ig
nite' be lie' de cline' de mise' in quire' de prive' re quite' com prise' ma

Lesson 71.
Words accented on the Penult.
a mend'ed con tent'ed di lem'ma an gel'ic re flect'ive dis tem'per ap
pen'dix de crep'it do mes'tic as sem'bly de fend'ant em bel'lish as
sess'ment de mer'it em bez'zle pa rent'al re fresh'ing re dun'dant po et'ic

re plen'ish a sun'der pre sent'ed re sent'ment con cur'rent pu tres'cent re
splen'dent ef ful'gent pre vent'ive sur ren'der en cum'ber

Lesson 72.
Trisyllables with the short Sounds of the Vowels.
ac quit'tal de liv'er in sip'id be nig'nant di min'ish in trin'sic be wil'der
con sist'ent ma lig'nant com mit'ment con tin'gent pa cif'ic con sid'er e
nig'ma pro hib'it a bol'ish car bon'ic em bod'y ab hor'rent co los'sus har
mon'ic ad com'plish de mol'ish im pos'tor ad mon'ish a pos'tate la con'ic
al lot'ment des pot'ic ma son'ic

Lesson 73.
hart, the male deer. hour, sixty minutes. heart, the seat of life. our,
belonging to us. hear, to perceive by the ear in, within. inn, a hotel. here,
in this place. key, a fastener. heard, did hear. quay (ke), a wharf. herd, a
drove. rhyme, poetry. hie, to hasten. rime, white frost. high, lofty. knot,
a fastening of cord. him, objective case of he. hymn, a song of praise.
not, negation. hole, an opening. know, to understand. whole, all; entire.
no, not so.

Lesson 74.
The Vowel in the last Syllable silent.
ba'con sweet'en dam'son bit'ten to'ken trea'son fat'ten driv'en bra'zen
weak'en flax'en kit'ten ha'ven wea'sel glad'den pris'on ha'zel height'en
hap'pen quick'en maid'en light'en mad'den ris'en ma'son lik'en rav'el
smit'ten ra'ven rip'en sad'den stiff'en shak'en tight'en red'den swiv'el
wea'zen wid'en fresh'en writ'ten tak'en bro'ken o'pen fast'en wak'en
clo'ven leav'en glis'ten spok'en froz'en length'en drunk'en dea'con
gold'en reck'on mut'ton

Lesson 75.
The Vowel in the last Syllable not silent.
cray'on asp'en tal'on glu'ten de'mon cab'in wag'on cit'ron ci'on drag'on
sud'den kitch'en si'phon flag'on fel'on mit'ten co'lon lin'den lem'on
pis'ton o'men grav'el mel'on her'on bar'rel bev'el chan'nel flan'nel

par'cel plat'en chick'en slov'en

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