McGuffeys Eclectic Spelling Book | Page 8

W.H. McGuffey
as in chaise; and marked thus, ch (Latin ch), it has the sound of k, as in
such speech'less child choc'o late chef ma chine' chaise chiv'al ry chasm
chem'ist chrism char'ac ter

Lesson 56.
40. G has two regular sounds: marked thus, g (g hard), it has the sound
of g in go; marked thus, g (g soft), it has the compound sound of j, as in
gear'ing gew'gaw slug gid'di ness gen'tile slug'gish crag guil'lo tine
gen'der gest'ure gibe gen'er al
41. Th has two sounds: its sharp sound, as in thing, which is unmarked,
and its soft sound, as in thine, marked th.
thin the'ist breath myth'ic al thaw the'sis theft the'o ry this gath'er thine
hith'er to than both'er breathe oth'er wise

Lesson 57.
42. X has three sounds: its regular sharp sound (unmarked) like ks, as
in expect, and its soft or flat sound like gz, as in exist, marked x;. At the
beginning of words x has the sound of z as in xebec (ze'bec).
ex'it ex pan'sive' ex tra'ne ous ex cel' ex'pi ate ex te'ri or ex alt' ex
am'ple ex ec'u tive' ex empt' ex ult'ant ex or'di um
43. Q is followed in all cases by u, and has usually the sound of kw, as
in queen; but in a few words derived from the French, qu is sounded
like k, as in coquette.
quack queer'ly quoit qui e'tus queen quo'rum quote quo ta'tion plaque
piqu'ant bisque co quet'tish clique' co quet' torque piqu'an cy

Lesson 58.
cas cade' a base' in clude' a larm' ex change' a maze' ad jure' a far' in
flame' a brade' de pute' re mark' ob late' cru sade' re fuse' de bark' par
take' de base' ma nure' em bark' ad dress' re gret' in ject' ac quit' re flex'
ex cept' in vent' a drift' ar rest' ex pect' mo lest' re miss' con test' ex
pend' op press' be fit' de press' ex press' re dress' per sist'

Lesson 59.
NOTE.--These exercises on words of similar sound, instead of being
gathered into a single department, are interspersed throughout the book.
raised, lifted up. plait, a fold. razed, destroyed. plate, flattened metal.
pries, inspects closely. plumb, perpendicular. prize, to value. plum, a
fruit. pray, to supplicate. place, site; spot. prey, a spoil. plaice, a fish.
pore, a small opening. please, to gratify. pour, to cause to flow. pleas,
excuses. poll, the head. bell, a sounding vessel. pole, a rod; a perch.
belle, a fine young lady.

Lesson 60.
bight, a bay. piece, a part. bite, to seize with the teeth. peace, quietness.
bloat, to swell. new, not old. blote, to dry and smoke. knew, did know.
board, a plank. gnu, a quadruped. bored, did bore. limb, a branch. bread,
food. limn, to draw or paint. bred, reared. arc, part of a circle. blue, a
color. ark, a vessel. blew, did blow. prays, supplicates. boar, the male
swine. praise, honor. bore, to pierce. preys, spoils.

Lesson 61.
Words accented on the last Syllable.
ab rupt' dis cuss' a cross' a gree' an nul' de duct' a dopt' a sleep' con
struct' in duct' a loft' es teem' in struct' re but' a non' de cree' in trust' re
sult' be long' de gree' at tire' in vite' com port' dis close' en tice' o blige'
re port' dis pose' en tire' per spire' con sole' re store' in cline' sub lime' re
pose' en throne' in cite' sur vive' con voke' ex plode'

Lesson 62.
Dost consider that dust thou art? He paid the servant his hire, and the
wages were higher than last year. With whoop and hurra they tore the
hoop from the barrel. The mower will cut more grass to-morrow. The
foreign consul took counsel with the enemy, and called a council of war.
English consols are high. Kings are sometimes guilty of flagrant

wrongs. Many a fragrant flower blooms unseen. He tore his clothes in a
struggle to close the door. His course toward that coarse lad was wrong.

Lesson 63.
Words accented on the first Syllable.
con'tact nos'tril cur'ry pun'gent for'est prod'uct ful'crum rus'tic hob'by
prob'lem hud'dle rub'bish loft'y ros'ter pub'lic sulk'y log'ic tor'rent
pub'lish sul'try af'flux bank'rupt kin'dred scrib'ble am'bush cam'phor
pick'et trip'let an'them hav'oc tick'et trick'le an'nals hag'gard wick'et
liz'ard as'pect hatch'et in'voice vil'la

Lesson 64.
cam'bric de'ist cy'press trib'al ca'dence e'qual Fri'day cri'sis da'tive
free'dom ice'berg hy'drant na'tive need'ful li'bel sci'ence pave'ment
meet'ing mi'grate si'lent duke'dom boun'ty pow'der boy'hood dur'ance
coun'ty prow'ess clois'ter cu'beb cow'ard sound'ings joy'ous pu'trid
drow'sy tow'el loi'ter pur'ist fount'ain tow'er loy'al

Lesson 65.
beard build palm verse witch crease built calf search script eaves squint
half fern
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