Showing cells and bunches, in
which form they are secreted or made by the testicles.}
And is it surprising that the continual losses do drain away strength and
vitality? This fluid is the only one charged with life--actual life; capable
of producing life--of creating offspring--of impregnating and
developing into perfect being, with thinking and reasoning brain and
mind, pulsating heart, expanding lungs, sentient nerves, motive muscle,
and all that beautiful, minute and co-ordinate mechanism that forms a
perfect human being--the only secretion in the body capable of
propagating species--carrying life within life.
Surely this was not meant for waste. Surely the influence of its loss
upon the system, especially of a boy or young man (growing and not
fully developed), must be great, and it is. Many and many a young man
thus wastes away before the eyes of his friends from no other cause.
Many a one loses health and strength from this cause alone, yet does
not know it. How much better if all this false modesty, social hypocrisy,
and blundering medical dosing and drugging, without thorough
examination and full understanding, were wholly done away with, and
the young men, and old men too, were brought to understand two
cardinal facts:
(a) The immense devitalizing effects of even small continued losses of
vital fluid, and,
(b) The fact that many apparently strong and healthy, as well as weak
and nerveless, men who find their sexual powers gradually or suddenly
failing them, can, in nine cases out of ten, trace it directly to losses of
vital fluid in the urine or otherwise, that have been going on--perhaps
wholly unknown to them--for months or years past.
(See also chapter on "Hidden Spermatorrhoea")
At the first symptom of Sexual Decay or Nervous Exhaustion, the
person thus affected should have his urine carefully and thoroughly
analyzed by some competent person. In saying "competent person," we
speak advisedly, for but few chemists and fewer physicians are
competent to make such an examination and draw correct deductions
from what is to be found there. Any person can, with the proper
reagents, test his urine for the presence or absence of semen, but he
cannot make the thorough, scientific, chemical and microscopical
analysis that is sometimes needed in order to arrive at a full and perfect
diagnosis and successful treatment.
SPERMATORRHOEA. 1. Epithelial Scales from the Prostate Gland. 2.
Scales from the Kidney Tubes. 3, 4. Scales from the Kidney Tubes
swollen and degenerated. 5. Spermatazoa, wasted, shriveled, imperfect
and dead. (In this case the Varicocele had extended up the cord.)}
If losses of semen are taking place in the urine, it would be well to
forward a sample of it at once, for a full and extended analysis, which
will be made for the nominal fee of $2, merely to cover the cost of
Our Chemical Laboratory is under the supervision of Mr. G. H. E. Du
Bell, Ph.D., a thoroughly competent quantitative and qualitative
analytical chemist, a graduate of the French and German Universities
and also a licentiate in this country, who, with his able corps of
assistants, makes all examinations and reports in full upon them to the
Medical Chief of Staff, who in turn submits them with the histories of
each to the full Consulting Board or Staff.
Masturbation, Spermatorrhoea, Nervous Exhaustion and Spinal
In no disease known to us are the symptoms precisely the same in
every case. They vary with the constitutional peculiarities of the
individual. Yet in nearly every case there are certain prominent or
leading symptoms (signs) that are rarely absent at some stage of the
disease. We give here the more noticeable ones at first laid down by
+Lallemand+, the great French physician, who first gave us the name
"Spermatorrhoea," who first wrote upon this disease, who was the first
to discover the connection between the losses of semen and certain
symptoms here given, and who, too, was the great originator of that
treatment so successfully perfected by his successor, +Prof. Civiale+,
and which is now the standard treatment, recognized and adopted in all
the French hospitals.
First, as to the appearance and actions of the +Masturbator+--he who is
constantly and recklessly drawing drafts of exhaustion and decay on the
nervous energy and strength of his coming manhood, and which are
sure to bankrupt the most robust health.
If there is a man to be pitied on this earth, it is he who is walking about
from day to day conscious of being guilty of ever having practiced this
vice. Mark the man who is addicted to it in no matter how light a form;
his face tells the

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