Manhood Perfectly Restored | Page 5

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the other. Twisting or Curving is one of
the most positive signs of previous inflammation, stricture and twisting
or distortion of the seminal ducts, and hence sterility or barrenness. In
such especially are the remarkable effects of the +Civiale Treatment+
the most noticeable. We can say with positiveness, and prove it by case
after case, that by no other method can such rapid and perfect
restoration of the organs to a natural and healthy state be obtained as by
this. Some of the very worst and apparently most hopeless cases that

we have had--cases that have gone from one physician to another
without the slightest improvement--have yielded effectually to the
+Civiale Remedies+. In some of them the persons thus afflicted would
have been totally unfitted for marriage had they failed to find relief.
Their children--healthy, happy and finely developed--speak volumes
for what our treatment has done for them. (For Treatment refer to page
+42+ of this book.)
We have thus far given briefly the most common causes of Seminal
Disease. There are a few that we have not mentioned: Blows on the
Head, Loins (Small of the Back), Testicles, &c.; Weakness caused by
prolonged illness, fevers, &c.; Malaria, Consumption, &c.; the abuse of
Tobacco, Opium, Alcohol and Chloral, &c., &c.; but these are less
common and less important. There is one condition, however, that we
have only referred to incidentally, and that is the failure of Sexual
Power in men past middle age. No man (if he is reasonably careful and
does not abuse himself) should find his powers decaying before he is
seventy or eighty years of age. Mind, we do not say "no man does," but
no man "should," provided he is reasonably careful.
But here comes the fact. Most men are not careful, and most men have
abused themselves at some period. Many believe and stoutly maintain
that they "never had emissions or seminal disease, and it didn't hurt
them." But it did, and it is just now that they begin to feel it. It is true
they escaped the more acute and direful effects, but it told on them in
after years. There are many thousands to-day who are just now feeling
the effects of early vices, now almost forgotten. They can be restored to
natural power by proper treatment, but they rarely are, because but few
of them believe that early self-abuse or later Onanism has anything to
do with it. So they spend a fortune almost--and uselessly too--on
Stimulants, Nervines, Tonic and the like, but still remain partly or
wholly Impotent. Foolish men!

What it Is, What it Does, and How it is allowed to Drain Away,
Weakening, Emasculating and Dementing the Vicious and the Careless.
Diurnal (daily) Emissions. Nocturnal (nightly) Emissions. Impalpable
Oozings. Losses in the Urine. Losses while at Stool. Mistaken Gleet.
There are thousands of weak, nerveless men, who do not know what
ails them; thousands of invalids whose physicians are puzzled and
perplexed by their symptoms, and cannot account for the rapid waste of
strength, energy and vitality, much less check it; and thousands of
others, on the street, in the pulpit, on the bench, in the counting room,
whose troubles, illness and misery are due to losses of vital fluid. Some
know it, many more do not. Some are being properly or improperly
treated for it; many are being dosed and drugged for Malaria,
Neurasthenia, Consumption, Overwork, Brain Troubles, Paralysis and
many equally as foolish and irrational complaints. They sicken, die,
destroy themselves in hopeless despair of ever getting well and strong
again, verge into hopeless idiocy or go raving mad, simply because
their trouble is not understood; because day by day and hour by hour
there is draining from them in their urine, at stool and otherwise, that
precious vital fluid that represents life, health and energy to them.
{Illustration: Fig. 1. A HUMAN TESTICLE. Perfectly Healthy. [From
Gray's Anatomy.] Each lobule may be seen (carefully guarded from
pressure or injury) in its cell, with a strong fibrous partition on each
side. All these lobules empty into small ducts which converging form
the _Globus Major, Epididymis and Globus Minor_, which finally end
in the Vas Deferens, Cord, Duct, or Tube that conveys the fluid to the
Seminal Vesicles at the back of the bladder. (See Figs. 5, 6.) As the
veins of a Varicocele surround these delicate lobules as well as fine
tubing, it can readily be seen how easily such pressure, weight and
crowding may do very serious injury and make the flow of semen
irregular, or shut it off altogether.}
{Illustration: Fig. 2. HUMAN SPERMATAZOA. [From Gray's

Anatomy.] A. Healthy, well developed and active zoa-sperms from the
_Vital Fluid_ of a strong, robust man. B.
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