James Nasmyth: Engineer | Page 5

James Nasmyth
Tom Smith and
chemical experiments Kid gloves and technical knowledge
Mechanical Beginnings Study arithmetic and geometry Practise art of
drawing Its important uses Make tools and blowpipe Walks round
Edinburgh Volcanic origin of the neighbourhood George the Fourth's
visit The Radical Road Destructive fires Journey to Stirling The Devon
Ironworks Robert Bald Carron Ironworks Coats of mail found at
Bannockburn Models of condensing steam-engine Professor Leslie
Edinburgh School of Arts Attend University classes Brass-casting in
the bedroom George Douglass Make a working steam-engine
Sympathy of activity The Expansometer Make a road steam-carriage
Desire to enter Maudslay's factory
Henry Maudslay, London Voyage to London with specimens of
workmanship First walk through London Visit to Henry Maudslay The
interview Exhibit my specimens Taken on as assistant The private
workshop Maudslay's constructive excellence His maxims Uniformity
of screws Meeting with Henry Brougham David Wilkie Visit to the
Admiralty Museum The Block machinery The Royal Mint Steam yacht
trip to Richmond Lodgings taken "A clean crossing"
Maudslay's Private Assistant Enter Maudslay's service Rudimentary
screw generator The guide screw Interview with Faraday Rate of wages

Economical living My cooking stove Make model of marine
steam-engine My collar-nut cutting machine Maudslay's elements of
high-class workmanship Flat filing Standard planes Maudslay's "Lord
Chancellor" Maudslay's Visitors General Bentham, Barton, Donkin and
Chantrey The Cundell brothers Walks round London Norman
Holiday in the Manufacturing Districts Coaching trip to Liverpool
Coventry English scenery 'The Rocket' The two Stephensons Opening
of the railway William Fawcett Birkenhead Walk back to London
Patricroft Manchester Edward Tootal Sharp, Roberts and Co.
Manchester industry Coalbrookdale The Black Country Dudley Castle
Wren's Nest Hill Birmingham Boulton and Watt William Murdoch
John Drain Kenilworth--Warwick--Oxford--Windsor--London
Begin Business at Manchester Stamping machine improved
Astronomical instruments A reflecting telescope proposed Death of
Maudslay Joshua Field 'Talking books' Leave Maudslay and Field Take
temporary workshop in Edinburgh Archie Torry Construct a rotary
steam-engine Prepare a stock of machine tools Visit to Liverpool John
Cragg Visit to Manchester John Kennedy Grant Brothers Take a
workshop Tools removed to Manchester A prosperous business begun
Story of the brothers Grant Trip to Elgin and Castle Grant The brothers
Cowper The printing machine Edward Cowper
Bridgewater Foundry--Partnership Demand for skilled labour Machine
tools in request My flat overloaded A crash among the decanters The
land at Patricroft Lease from Squire Trafford Bridgewater Foundary
begun Trip to Londonderry The Giant's Causeway Cottage at Barton
The Bridgewater canal Lord Francis Egerton Safety foundry ladle
Holbrook Gaskell taken as partner His eventual retirement

Free Trade in Ability--The Strike--Death of my Father Hugo de Lupus
The Peter Stubb's files Worsley labourers Promotion from the ranks
Free trade in ability Foreman lieutenants, Archie Torry James Hutton
John Clarke Thomas Crewdson Trades' Union interference A strike
ordered Workman advertised for A reinforcement of Scotch mechanics
The strike scotched Millwrights and engineers Indenture-bound
apprentices Visits of my father Enthusiastic reception His last work His
death Testimony of Sir David Wilkie
My Marriage--The Steam Hammer Preparations for a home Influence
of chance occurrences Visit to Mr. Hartop's near Barnsley Important
interview Eventual marriage Great Western Railway locomotives Mr.
Humphries and 'Great Western' steamship Forging of paddle-shaft
Want of range of existing hammers The first steam hammer sketched
Its arrangement The paddle shaft abandoned My sketch copied and
adopted My visit to Creuzot Find steam hammer in operation A patent
taken out First steam hammer made in England Its general adoption
Patent secured for United States
Travels in France and Italy The French Minister of Marine at Paris
Rouen--Bayeux--Cherbourg--Brest--Rochefort--Indret M. Rosine
Architecture of Nismes Marseilles--Toulon--Voyage to
Naples--Genoa--Pisa Bay of Naples The National Museum Visit to
Vesuvius The edge of the crater Volcanic commotion Overflows of
burning lava Wine-shop at Rosina Return ride to Naples
Steam Hammer Pile-driver The Royal Dockyards Steam hammer for
Devonport Scene at the first stroke My Lords of the Admiralty Steam
hammer pile-driver required The new docks at Devonport The

pile-driver delivered Its description Trail against the old method Its
general adoption Happy thoughts Testing of chain cables and anchors
Causes of failure Punctilliousness of officials at royal dockyards
Egyptian workman employed Affiffi Lalli Letter from Faraday
Nuremberg--St. Petersburg--Dannemora. Visit to Nuremberg Albert
Durer Adam Krafft Visit to St. Petersburg General Wilson General
Greg Struve the astronomer Palaces and shops Ivy ornamentation The
Emperor Nicholas a royal salute Francis Baird Work of Russian serfs
The Izak Church Voyage to Stokholm Visit to Upsala The iron mines
of Dannemora To Gottenburg by steamer Motala Trollhatten Falls
Sweedish people Copenhagen Tycho Brahe; Zeland and Holstein
Holland, and return
More about Bridgewater Foundry--Woolwich Arsenal Increased
demand for self-acting tools Promotions of lads The Trades' Union
again Strike against Platt Brothers Edward
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