James Nasmyth: Engineer | Page 4

James Nasmyth
popular education; not only as regards economical use of time,
careful observation, close attention to details, but as respects the uses of
Drawing. The observations which he makes as to the accurate
knowledge of this art are very important. In this matter he concurs with
Mr. Herbert Spencer in his work on Education. "It is very strange," Mr.
Nasmyth said some years ago, "that amidst all our vaunted
improvements in education, the faculty of comparison by sight, or what
may be commonly called the correctness of eye, has been so little
attended to" He accordingly urges the teaching of rudimentary drawing
in all public schools. "Drawing is," he says, "the Education of the Eye.
It is more interesting than words. It is graphic language."
The illustrations given in the course of the following book will serve to
show his own mastery of drawing whether as respects Mechanical
details, the Moon's surface, or the fairyland of Landscape. It is perhaps
not saying too much to aver that had he not devoted his business life to
Mechanics, he would, like his father, his brother Patrick, and his sisters,
have taken a high position as an artist. In the following Memoir we
have only been able to introduce a few specimens of his drawings; but
"The Fairies," "The Antiquary," and others, will give the reader a good
idea of Mr. Nasmyth's artistic ability. Since his retirement from

business life, at the age of forty-eight, Mr. Nasmyth's principal pursuit
has been Astronomy. His Monograph on "The Moon," published in
1874, exhibits his ardent and philosophic love for science in one of its
sublimest aspects. His splendid astronomical instruments, for the most
part made entirely by his own hands, have enabled him to detect the
"willow leaf-shaped" objects which form the structural element of the
Sun's luminous surface. The discovery was shortly after verified by Sir
John Herschel and other astronomers, and is now a received fact in
astronomical science.
A Chronological List of some of Mr. Nasmyth's contrivances and
inventions is given at the end of the volume, which shows, so far, what
he has been enabled to accomplish during his mechanical career. These
begin at a very early age, and were continued for about thirty years of a
busy and active life. Very few of them were patented; many of them,
though widely adopted, are unacknowledged as his invention. They,
nevertheless, did much to advance the mechanical arts, and still
continue to do excellent service in the engineering world.
The chapter relating to the origin of the Cuneiform Character, and of
the Pyramid or Sun-worship in its relation to Egyptian Architecture, is
placed at the end, so as not to interrupt the personal narrative. That
chapter, it is believed, will be found very interesting, illustrated, as it is,
by Mr. Nasmyth's drawings.
LONDON, October 1885.
List of Illustrations [omitted in this Etext]
My Ancestry Sentiment of Ancestry Origin of the name of Naesmyth

Naesmyth of Posso Naesmyth of Netherton Battle of Bothwell Brig
Estate confiscated Elspeth Naesmyth Michael Naesmyth builder and
architect Fort at Inversnaid Naesmyth family tomb Former masters and
men Michael Naesmyth's son New Edinburgh Grandmother Naesmyth
Uncle Michael
Alexander Nasmyth Born 1758--Grassmarket Edinburgh--Education
The Bibler's Seat The brothers Erskine Apprenticed to a coachbuilder
The Trustees' Academy Huguenot artisans Alexander Runciman Copy
of "The Laocoon" Assistant to Allan Ramsay Faculty of
resourcefulness Begins as portrait painter Friendship with Miller of
Dalswinton Miller and the first steamboat Visit to Italy Marriage to
Barbara Foulis Burns the poet Edinburgh clubs Landscape beauty
Abandons portrait for landscape painting David Roberts, R.A. Dean
Bridge St. Bernard's Well Nelson's Monument Bow-and-string bridges
Sunday rivet
An Artist's Family Sir James Hall Geology of Edinburgh Friends of the
family Henry Raeburn Evenings at home Society of artists "Caller
Aon" Management of the household The family Education of six sisters
The Nasmyth classes Pencil drawing Excursions round Edinburgh
Graphic memoranda Patrick Nasmyth, sketch of his life Removes to
London Visit to Hampshire Original prices of his works His friends His
My Early Years Born 1808 Mary Peterkin The brilliant red poppies
Left-handed Patrick's birthday Vocal performance A wonderful escape
Events of the war The French prisoners Entry of the 42d into
Edinburgh Bleaching "claes" on the Calton The Greenside workshops
The chimes of St. Giles' The Edinburgh Market The caddies The
fishwives The "floore" Traditional fondness for cats A Nasmyth prayer

My School-days My first schoolmaster "Preter pluperfect tense" The
"penny pig" Country picnics Pupil at the High School Dislike of Latin
Love of old buildings Their masonry Sir Walter Scott "The Heart of
Midlothian" John Linnell The collecting period James Watt My father's
workshop Make peeries, cannon, and "steels" School friendships
Paterson's ironfoundry His foremen Johnie Syme
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